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Unreleased (& Rumored) NES Games
Unreleased: 'un-ri-lEsd Any mention in a publication that gave us reason to look for a specific NES game.
Thanks to a large library of NES-related magazines and hint books, I've been able to see and read a great deal about games that were never released. If you're like me, these games tend to hold a certain fascination, regardless of game quality. Over 85 hours of research (going through my NES library looking for any mention of such games) went into this list (I even made an effort to keep punctuation, grammatical, and syntax errors intact). You are free to copy and use it, but please give me credit for the work I did. It would also be nice if you could tell me what your plans are for any copies or other uses you have in mind.
What qualifies as an unreleased game?
On the surface, this may sound like a stupid question. But there's a difference between a game that was nearly released and one that was simply hinted at. Some games, such as Kung Fu II, were so close to hitting the market that the producer ran a full-page ad. Others, like California Raisins and Eon Man were featured in lengthy reviews. On the flip side, games like 10th Frame had a mere mention (at least, that's all I've been able to find). And to confuse the matter even further, writers, editors, and admen can be guilty of typos and oversights. In the July 1992 issue of GamePro, you can find this correction: "Don't go rushing to an NES shelf to find Steel Empire. Although we listed it as an NES game, it is built for Genesis." I could have included Steel Empire in this list since it was rumored for a month or so, but decided against it. The most obvious typo is Mario Andretti World GP. Compare the screenshot to the title of the review.
What's in a name?
Is it possible that a single game had several development names? Certainly. It seems Gametek was making three different Password games (regular, Super, and Talking Super). Since Gametek made four Jeopardy! games and four variations of Wheel of Fortune, it's certainly possible that Password was getting the same treatment. But since not a single version was every released, it makes you wonder. Likewise, there are seperate listings below for Buster Brothers and Super Buster Brothers, Stingray and Star Stingray. Could Grand Prix and Konami Grand Prix be the same game? Despite different listed developers, Blazebusters and Super Rescue have a screenshot in common. U*Fouria was inconsistently spelled, but I didn't count each of them as a different game. On a related note, how many times was one of the games below actually released, but under a different name? Rodan may very well be Godzilla 2. Helicopter may have become Laser Invasion. Because of all these possibilities, it's safe to say that the actual number of unreleased, "under development" games is much shorter than this list.
One source of rumors is retailer ads, such as Funco, Play It Again, and The Trading Zone. These seem rather unreliable. It would be so easy for the printer to list a game under the wrong system (such as a mixing of NES and Game Boy titles), or make an abbreviation error that might make an existing game seem new. In one ad, I saw seperate listings for Castlevania II and Simon's Quest... and at two different prices! I haven't noted every ad that mentions a certain game, as that would be overkill.
I've also included games listed in the Digital Press 5th & 6th editions. If regular periodicals are 1st-hand sources of rumors, then these have to qualify as a 2nd-hand sources. After all, the guys compiling the list had to see the title listed somewhere else first.
Apology #1: some/most of these scans are poor quality. Many came from magazines, where the original size was smaller than a postage stamp, and the print quality may have been questionable as well. Combine the limitations of the scanner with my poor cropping skills and too much beer, and you have the results below.
Apology #2 goes out to numerous people on eBay. I saved several of the scans for my own benefit, just to have them for my own personal reference. But to view them easily, it makes sense to write some html around them. Unfortunately, I didn't get permission to post these scans, and I certainly can't remember who was selling what. If any of these are yours, please email me! I will give you proper credit, remove the scans, or take other appropriate action.
Apology #3 goes out to the publishers of the magazines, which I've tried to credit. Needless to say, contents of most mags are copyrighted. Since I'm not selling any of their images or descriptions, and the issues are at least eight years old, there may not be a real problem here. Nevertheless, posting scans and text from magazines could be a legal matter they wish to resolve. If any lawyers from the cited magazines wish me to remove said scans, please email me.
Apology #4 is to you, the reader. At the very beginning of this project, I only recorded the periodical, not the page number. And in a few instances, I even forgot that. But rest assured, I didn't make any of this up. I also apologize for being so wordy.
For some of these games, especially the ones with pix, there may be published reviews and hints. See the NR section of the NES Index to find out what books or magazines to track down.
Most of the Game Players issues referenced below are the Game Players Strategy/Buyers Guide to Nintendo Games, not simply Game Players Magazine, which covered all systems of the day. If citing the multi-system mag, Game Players Magazine is written out, not abbreviated. Most of the publication abbreviations used are from the NES Index, including:
BG: Beyond Gaming - Ultimate Game Club's Official Magazine EGM: Electronic Gaming Monthly EGP: Electronic Game Player FCN: Fun Club News GP: Game Players Strategy/Buyers Guide to Nintendo GPM: Game Players Magazine Mastering 1: Mastering Nintendo Games Vol I Mastering 2: Mastering Nintendo Games Vol II NP: Nintendo Power PRO: GamePro PRO-Spts: GamePro Hot Tips: Sports Games UU1: Ultimate Unauthorized Nintendo Game Strategies VGCE: Video Games & Computer Entertainment VGQ: Video Game Quest
Color-coded titles:
Every title below constitutes a rumored game, but not every one is a genuine unreleased NES game. I've tried to separate them thusly...
Black Title: a game genuinely planned for the NES, or a good solid supported rumor.
Blue Title: a game that was eventually released under a different name (i.e. Caveman Ughlympics became Caveman Games). Blue Titles also signify games that were released for the NES, but not in the format indicated. For example, Stakk'M came out on Maxi-15, but never on a cart by itself. Camerica's Bee 52 (and others) is widely available for the NES, but not in the Aladdin format that was planned. The bottom line is that one way or another, we can play blue-titled games on the NES. European (PAL format) releases are black rather than blue, as they may not be playble on US NTSC consoles.
Purple Title: a probable publishing error or misunderstanding. This is obviously a huge judgement call on my part, as I'm not a magazine writer/editor nor a game developer. For awhile, Nintendo and NES were synonymous, but that no longer held true when the Game Boy came out. In 1986, saying a game was slated for Nintendo meant NES. Just a few years later, it could have meant NES, Game Boy, or even the Super Nintendo (SNES). "A Boy and His Blob 2" is an example of a game that was probably never planned for the NES, but left us wondering anyway. Purple titles can probably be played on another system.
Some of these games had been released for the Famicom and just never got ported to the NES. However, you may be able to find emu versions thanks to the hard work of computer-literate and Japanese-knowledgeable NES diehards. For example, here's a review and emu directions for Sweet Home.
Consider... if a screenshot exists, the cart probably existed at one time. What happened to these carts? Were they returned to the maufacturer? Were they destroyed? Are they gathering dust in a desk drawer? If you know of any, please email me!
Unreleased NES Stuff (by Skrybe) An absolutely terrific site, full of ROMs of the games listed below, along with reviews and additional screenshots. Check it out!
nr.txt - a simple text file listing of the game titles and manufacturers only. It includes everything from this list, including games that were released under another name (i.e. Caveman Ughlympics), and typos such as Mario Andretti World GP (Michael Andretti).
- A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
10th Frame (?)
NES Planner "Future" - NP08 (pg 89).
A Boy and His Blob 2 (Absolute Entertainment)
In GamePro's Pronews Report of Sept. 90 (pg 34): "Absolute Entertainment is readying a follow-up to A Boy and His Blob that features a very different look." --- The Rescue of Princess Blobbette was released for game Boy, but this mention didn't specify a system.
Ace Harding: Lost in Las Vegas (Kemco)
"Now Ace is in Vegas, in a bathroom (where else) but he doesn't know how he got there, and you can bet he is up to his neck in it once again. Kemco went all out in this latest mystery to capture the gritty feel of a Sam Spade yarn. Both the text and graphics add to the atmosphere, especially the text, which was rewritten here in the U.S. There's also a lot of humor and more interaction with more characters. ... this game may be out by summer." - NP45 Pak Watch (pg 110). "...you're the notrious Ace Harding, a gambling gumshoe who's playing for his life in the diciest RPG game in town. You only have 24 hours left before a mob of gorillas cash you in. The chips are down, but the Ace's wild." - GamePro Sep 92. "Kemco-Sieka is pulling out all of the stops and releasing six new ICOM Simulations adventures between now and Fourth Quarter '91. Deja Vu II: Lost in Las Vegas and Beyond Shadowgate should be in the stores by Spring, and a third Shadowgate adventure should be ready by Summer." - GamePro Oct 90. "The news from Kemco is that Ace Harding: Lost in Las Vegas for the NES will be delayed at least until Spring while the English translation gets some professional polish." - NP44 Pak Watch Update (pg 113). "And, for the NES, look for the RPG White Lion and the action mystery Lost in Las Vegas." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #4 (pg 20). (White Lion became Ghost Lion). "NES titles include... Ace Harding - Lost in Las Vegas, a tough detective adventure." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #8 review of the June 1992 CES (pg 20). "8-bit releases include Ghost Lion and Ace Harding Lost in Las Vegas." - Game Informer Summer 1992 (pg 38). "Below is a brief overview of what's in store from your favorite game companies early in 1993... Kemco: Ace Harding: Lost in Las Vegas. June 93." - Game Informer Mar/Apr 1993 (pg 31). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP38 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP39 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP40 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP41 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP43 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP44 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES (Summer '93) - NP45 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES (Summer '93) - NP48 (pg 113). --- Released for Game Boy Color in 1999. Thanks Linque! Pix: All ... 1... 2... 3... 4
Action Fighter (?)
(hint) "Enter the code SPECIAL to begin your game powered-up." - Beyond the Nintendo Masters (pg 137). --- This could be a misprint, as Sega made an Action Fighter for the Master System. But then why would it be in a Nintendo book?
Addams Family 2 (Ocean)
"Ocean's other hot movie license is Addams Family 2. The movie will be released in late '93, and stars the original cast from the first flick. Look for NES, Game Boy, and SNES versions of Addams Family 2 in late '93 or early '94." - GamePro June 1993.
Addams Family Animation (Ocean)
Next Wave Directory - EGM41 (pg 138). Next Wave Directory - EGM45 (pg 101). Next Wave Directory - EGM46 (pg 98). Next Wave Directory - EGM47 (pg 108). Next Wave Directory - EGM48 (pg 104). --- Likely became Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt.
Adventure of the Trolls (American Softworks)
"American Softworks also announced NES and Game Boy versions of the action title, Adventure of the Trolls, for this fall." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #8 review of the June 1992 CES (pg 13).
Adventure Quest (Codemasters/Camerica)
Digital Press 5th Ed. (pg 194). Digital Press 6th Ed. (pg 252). --- Super Adventure Quests is known as Quattro Adventure in the UK. - Thanks Kenneth Green!
Aigina's Prophecy (Vic Tokai)
"Coming Soon... Nintendo Entertainment System. May... Aigina's Prophecy (Vic Tokai Inc.)" - Electronic Game Player May/June 1988 (pg 5). Play it Again ad - VGCE July 1989 (pg 92). $18 / $27: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 107).
Airball (Tengen)
"It's a new fantasy adventure game where you are turned into a pink bubble gum-like ball by an evil wizard. Find your way through 250 rooms of the mansion in search of the spellbook that can return you to human form so you can defeat the wizard!" - EGM20 (pg 94). Thanks Adam L! "Among the independent, unlicensed companies, Tengen plans RBI Baseball III for the upcoming year, as well as Airball, an action game in which your character is cursed by an evil wizard and is turned into a bubblegum bubble with a slow leak." - Game Players Magazine March 1991 (pg 32). $24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18). --- Two demo carts were discovered a few years ago, and the box pic was found in the Feb 1992 issue of GamePro. Although it wasn't released for the NES, you can find a review of the Atari 7800 version in Jul/Aug 1989 issue of GamePro. --- The box scan below is a close-up from an ad in GamePro Feb 1991. It features much of Tengen's lineup, including two other unreleased NES games. Pix: All ... ad ... box ... cart 1... cart 2... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6
Airborne Ranger (Mindscape?)
Funco ad - GamePro Nov 1993 (pg 268).
Airhawk (Romstar)
"Nintendo games planned for release in 1989... From Romstar: Air Hawk." - EGM 1 (pg 29). Game Dude ad - EGM27 (pg 190).
Aladdin (Virgin)
Digital Press 5th Ed. (pg 194). --- Released in Europe. Pix: box
Aliens vs Predator (Activision)
"Activision's Aliens vs. Predator for the NES is a monster fan's dream match. It pits 20th Century-Fox's most popular extraterrestrial house horrors against one another in a kind of Venusian death match." - VGCE Nov 1990 (pg 141). "Activision is planning on producing a NES game pitting the two famous Twentieth Century Fox creatures against each other." - NP16 Pak Watch (pg 91). "We saw, heard, and played hundreds of games at CES, and we just don't have space to get to them all this time around. Here are a few new titles to whet your gaming appetites: ... Aliens Vs. Predator..." - NP16 Pak Watch Gossip & Such Rumors (pg 95). NES Planner "Future" - NP16 (pg 95). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP21 (pg 97).
An American Tale: Fievel Goes West (Hudson Soft)
"America's mouse-size hero, Fievel, starred last year in An American Tale: Fievel Goes West, an animated children's movie that's now a classic. Now the might mouse has signed an agreement with Hudson Soft to star in an NES and SNES version of An American Tale." - GamePro April 1993. "Hudson Soft, USA has acquired the rights to produce games based on the television show Inspector Gadget and the movies An American Tale: Fievel Goes West and Beauty and the Beast. All three licenses will be used to create nonviolent games for the NES and SNES. Look for them in the second half of this year." - VGCE April 1993 (pg 20). --- Released for SNES. Thanks Linque!
Arcadia VI (?)
$7.50 / $54.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11).
Arcana (HAL America)
"New NES titles from HAL America include the NCAA Basketball action game and the role-playing game Arcana." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #4 (pg 20). --- Released on the SNES. Thanks Chris Covell!
Armadillo (IGS)
"Role out of your ball, and get ready to play the role of a pesky Armadillo. There are many lands that you must fight, and there are many great dangers that await you int his side-scrolling action game. Don't end up on the side of the road." - EGM32 supplement reviewing the 1992 Winter CES. --- Released in Japan, same as the common Super Mario Bros 4 hack. - Thanks Dave Allwein! Pix: 1 ... 2
Asterix the Gaul (Electro Brain)
"Also coming soon for the NES is Asterix from Electro Brain. This platform game introduces a popular European cartoon character, Asterix the Gaul, to an American audience. Asterix is a comical little guy who will appear on all three Nintendo systems." - NP53 Pak Watch Update (pg 113). "Barbarians are at the gates in this action game based on the popular European comic character. Our hero, Asterix, must brave the dangers of the Roman occupied lands to rescue Obelix. The cartoon Asterix, like the other gaulish villagers, drinks a potion to make him invincible. This and other power ups can be found in the game. Good play control. The graphics capture some of the comic spirit of Asterix. The game isn't particularly inventive, but it is reasonable fun to play." - NP56 Now Playing January 1994. Pak Watch Future Games for NES (Winter '94) - NP54 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES (Winter '94) - NP55 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES (Winter '94) - NP56 (pg 113). --- Released in Europe. Pix: All ... ad ... screen ... cart ... box
Atomic Robo-Kid (Trico)
"Gravitational changes are only one of many hazzards that menace the synthetic warrior hero of Atomic Robo-Kid (Trico for NES). Atomic Robo-Kid has four different weapons to aid in his quest for Eve, which takes him through 17 levels in this horizontal and vertical scroller." - VGCE April 1991 (pg 80).
Avengers (?)
$7.50 / $44.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 12).
Baby Gangster (?)
C.S.I. Gamemasters ad - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 111). Video Game Land ad ($26.95) - Game Players Magazine Nov 1990 (pg 112).
Backgammon (American Video Entertainment)
"Based on the ancient board game, this version enables one or two players to toss their tiles. Availability TBA." - GamePro April 1993 review of CES '93.
Barbarian (?)
$22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 32). --- Conan listed in same ad. Funco ad - GamePro Nov 1993 (pg 268). --- Conan listed in same ad. $7.50 / $35.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11). --- Released for the Commodore 64 and PC.
Barbie II (Hi Tech Expressions)
"NES titles include Mickey's safari in Letterland and a second Barbie game." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 6 #4 review of the Jan 1993 CES (pg 18). Digital Press 6th Ed. (pg 252) --- Lists the title as Barbie Fashion Designer.
Barcelona 92 (?)
$22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 32). --- Track & Field in Barcelona was released in Europe, and is the same game as Track & Field II. Track & Field II also listed in this ad with buy/sell prices of $6 / $16.
Baseball Pros (?)
Funco ad - GamePro Nov 1993 (pg 268). $22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 32).
Bashi Bazook Morphoid Masher (Jaleco)
"Almost 100 years ago, they showed up on Earth's Roosevelt-1 space colony. Now they're on the threshold of an attack on Earth. Bashi Bazook, a brave warrior, is sent back to 1999 to eradicate the Morphoid threat before it starts. He must find weapons and make his way through five levels, with a Morphoid queen to conquer on each level." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 2 #5 (pg 148). "Bashi Bazook: Morphoid Masher is a new action game from Jaleco." - Game Players Magazine Aug/Sep 1989 (pg 30). Video Game Land ad ($29.95) - Game Players Magazine Nov 1990 (pg 112). --- Released on the Famicom as Bio Senshi Dan. Thanks Chris Covell! Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4
Battle of Atlantis (?)
$5.00 / $39.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11).
Battle Tech (Infocom)
"There will also be a NES Battle Tech game under the Infocom label." - VGCE Feb 1991 (pg 30).
Battlefields of Napoleon (Broderbund)
"You are Napoleon, ruler of France and commander of many troups. Now you're ready to invade the rest of Europe. Twelve different attack formations are possible. Use your own strategy (or follow historic battles) to find out if you can succeed where Napoleon failed." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 1 #1 (pg 102). Repeated on pg 98 of Game Players Guide. "But one example of a new kind of Nintendo war game is Battlefields of Napoleon. This game has much of the strategy of a board game like chess. It also has more historical realism than most Nintendo games. It should hit stores very soon." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 1 #2 (pg 12). "Coming Soon... Aug. Battlefields of Napoleon (Broderbund/NES)." - Electronic Game Player July/Aug 1988 (pg 9). $15 / $28.95: buy/sell price in Play It Again ad - Game Players Magazine Nov 1989 (pg 124). $20 / $37: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 107). --- Released for Apple II and C64. NES Planner "Future Releases" - NP04 (pg 87). Pix: 1
Beauty and the Beast (Hudson Soft)
"Hudson Soft is the latest company to climb aboard the Beauty and the Beast bandwagon. Look for both NES and SNES games based on the award-winning Disney movie to hit stores just in time for Christmas." - GamePro May 1993. "Hudson Soft, USA has acquired the rights to produce games based on the television show Inspector Gadget and the movies An American Tale: Fievel Goes West and Beauty and the Beast. All three licenses will be used to create nonviolent games for the NES and SNES. Look for them in the second half of this year." - VGCE April 1993 (pg 20). "Hudson Soft, which is releasing SNES and NES adventures, follows the story most closely: Lumiere, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, Chip, and other characters band together to help Beast rescue Bell from the muscle-bound jerk Gaston. The enchanted rose is your timer - if you don't save Belle before the last petal falls, the Beast is trapped forever by the curse." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 6 #8 (pg 51). "Your Pak Watcher had a nice surprise recently with the arrival of Disney's Beauty & The Beast for the NES. Yeah, an actual new NES game for all you diehards out there. The basic game is similar to the Super NES version, but the maps are different and many of the characters behave differently or have different abilities than those in the Super NES game. Play control was good, even better than in the big brother version, although the graphics lack the 16-bit polish. There's a lesson to be learned here. You can have fun even without state-of-the-art graphics. So keep your NES Control Decks plugged in!" - NP62 Pak Watch (pg 111). "The beast has a limited time to race through his castle and find true love. Armed only with his paws and roar, he must battle unsavory trespassers like spiders, bats and rats. Fairly challenging and a good theme. The characters from the movie are integrated better in this version than in the Super NES version. The graphics look particularly dated. Play control doesn't feel solid and hit detection seems off." - NP 63 Now Playing August 1994 (pg 71). Nintendo Power 63 ran a four-page feature on the game (pgs 78-81). "Be our guest and return to all the wonder and enchantment in Disney's Beauty And The Beast from Hudson Soft for the Super NES and NES. Lumiere, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, Chip, and other lovable characters join The Beast to save Belle from the clutches of the sinister Gastron. Time is running out! Break the curse by rescuing Belle before the last rose petal falls, or be doomed to stay 'the Beast' forever!" - Bonk's Adventure manual (pg 16). --- Released in Europe and for the SNES. Pix: All ... ad ... 1 ... 2 ... 3
Bee 52 (Camerica)(Aladdin cart)
"Camerica games such as Micro Machines, the Dizzy games, Ultimate Stunt Man, Bignose the Caveman, the Quattro compilations, Firehawk, and Bee 52 will have Aladdin versions available." - VGCE Oct 1992 (pg 26). Aladdin Deck Enhancer box.
Beyond Shadowgate (Kemco-Sieka)
"Expect more games from ICOM Simulations to be part of Kemco-Seika's '90-'91 NES product line. After the blockbuster success of ICOMs first title, Shadowgate, Kemco-Sieka is pulling out all of the stops and releasing six new ICOM Simulations adventures between now and Fourth Quarter '91. Deja Vu II: Lost in Las Vegas and Beyond Shadowgate should be in the stores by Spring, and a third Shadowgate adventure should be ready by Summer." - GamePro Oct 90 (pg 120). --- Released for the Turbo Duo.
Big Mouth Bass (American Video Entertainment)
"This fishing game will try to snag you with the reel feel of fishing. Availability TBA." - GamePro April 1993, review of CES '93.
Big Nose the Caveman (Camerica)(Aladdin cart)
"Camerica games such as Micro Machines, the Dizzy games, Ultimate Stunt Man, Bignose the Caveman, the Quattro compilations, Firehawk, and Bee 52 will have Aladdin versions available." - VGCE Oct 1992 (pg 26). Aladdin Deck Enhancer box.
Big Nose Witch Dr (Camerica)
Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 32). --- Ad says it will be available in the Fall.
Bio Force Ape (Seta)
"Bio Force Ape from Seta has the fastest action ever seen on the NES. You take control of Bio Force Ape, a genetically altered super chimpanzee, as he tries to make his way through a hi-tech maze to rescue his adopted human family. ... one of the best parts of the game is when Bio Force Ape takes a wild out-of-control ride on one of the speeding platforms or coal cars (hold on tight!). Animation is humorous, especially when your ape takes a long fall and flails his arms helplessly. Bio Force Ape also has some great pro wrestling-style moves to use against his bizarre opponents. - NP27 Pak Watch (pg 92). "Look for... Bio Force Ape and Vegas for the NES..." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #4 (pg 22). Original titles include .... Bio Force Ape..." - EGM25 review of the 1991 Summer CES (pg 104). "The NES is alive and well too, as new games continue to flood onto shelves. and Bio Force Ape from Seta." - EGM28 New Soft News (pg 70). "The NES isn't being completely abandoned though. Seta has Bioforce Ape..." - EGM30 New Soft News (pg 70). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP27 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP28 (pg 95). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP29 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP30 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP31 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP32 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP33 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP34 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP35 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP36 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP37 (pg 113). "Seta has also been sitting on a wild action game, Bioforce Ape, which we covered in Pak watch last year. The development is complete, but unfortunately, it seems as if Bio Force Ape will remain sidelined for the immediate future. Apparently Seta doesn't want any monkey business right now." - NP35 Pak Watch Gossip Galore (pg 113). Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4
Black Bass II (Hot-B USA)
"Nintendo games planned for release in 1989... From Hot - B USA: Black Bass II." - EGM 1 (pg 29).
Black Tiger (Capcom)
"It's you against a tremendous blue dragon in a fight to the death. A great wise man has been captured by the sinister serpent and taken to its lair. You can save him only if you collect important weapons and defeat the goblins and warriors that block your way." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 1 #1 (pg 102). "Coming Soon... Aug. Black Tiger (Capcom/NES)." - Electronic Game Player July/Aug 1988 (pg 9). $15 / $28.95: buy/sell price in Play It Again ad - Game Players Magazine Nov 1989 (pg 124). $22 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 107). Pix: 1
Blaster Master 2 (Sunsoft?)
"... other sequels rumored to be under development include Blaster Master 2 ..." - EGM 1990 Buyer's Guide (pg 28). --- Blaster Master 2 was released for the Sega Genesis in 1993.
Blazebusters (ASCII/Nexoft/THQ)
"It's a fire-fighting rescue game. You control two fire fighters on the ground who have a trampoline while a third fire fighter bounces on the trampoline and attempts to save people from a burning building. It's incredibly basic... sort of like Pong or Alleyway with a burning building theme." - NP34 Now Playing. Also in NP34, the game is in "Your Guide to the Latest NES Releases." It's a two-player alternating comic action game, and rated a 2.9 (out of 5). "Do you smell smoke? Where there's smoke... there's fire!!! Billy Bob and his bunch of blazebusters will save lives by sailing through the air and rescuing people falling from burning buildings. 30 different scenarios in this scorcher." - EGM20 (pg 98). Thanks Adam L! "Here's your chance to be that fireman you always wanted to be. Rescue poor innocent civilians and douse flames in this interesting game for your NES." - EGM25 (pg 114). $10.00 / $39.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11). --- Released on Famicom as Flying/Fighting Hero. Thanks Chris Covell! Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5
Blockout (American Technos)
In GamePro's Pronews Report of 4/90 (pg 92): "Blockout is coming from American Technos." "Under Development: Below is a list of games that were announced at the show and are currently under development. We'll fill you in as soon as information is available ... Blockout... " - NP11 review of the 1990 Winter CES. "... it's similar to Tetris but in three dimensions with different shapes. American Technos has done a great job with the conversion, which plays almost the same as the coin-op, but with a few of the moves combined to work with the NES Control Pad. AT's NES version has graphics that are pretty close to the big machine, and the same two-player simultaneous mode that makes the arcade unit so much fun." - NP16 Pak Watch (pg 91). "This is the ultimate 3-D mind teaser. It is easy to play, difficult to master, and impossible to quit. 1 player. - Video Game Quest (pg 10.2). "American Techos Releases: Block Out.................Soon" Powerfest 1990 booklet (pg 18). "Take the popular game of Tetris, add a third dimension of depth to the puzzle game and you will end up with Block Out. Twist and rotate the 3-D pieces as they fall towards the center of the puzzle in order to make them fit together." - EGM13 (pg 74). Thanks Adam L! $26 / $42: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18). $10.00 / TBA: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11). NES Planner "Future" - NP16 (pg 95). Pix: All ... box (b&w) ... 1 ... 2
Boomer Land (Asmik)
"The NES isn't being completely abandoned though. Asmik is looking at Boomer Land..." - EGM30 New Soft News (pg 70). --- Asmik made Boomer's Adventure in Asmik World for Game Boy. Thanks DDCecil! --- "Boomer Land was released, just not in English. Look for it under the title Asmik-kun Land. Asmik-kun is the name of the character. For some reason they named him Boomer in the USA." Thanks Derrick Sobodash!
Boomerang Kid (Camerica)
Funco ad - GamePro Nov 1993 (pg 268). $7.50 / $35.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11). --- The game appears on Quattro Adventure.
The Brainies (Titus)
"...as well as The Brainies, a 100-level action-puzzle game, for both Super NES and NES." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #8 review of the June 1992 CES (pg 24). Next Wave Directory - EGM41 (pg 138). Next Wave Directory - EGM42 (pg 118). Next Wave Directory - EGM43 (pg 98). Next Wave Directory - EGM45 (pg 101). Next Wave Directory - EGM46 (pg 98). Next Wave Directory - EGM47 (pg 108). Next Wave Directory - EGM48 (pg 104). --- Released for SNES. Thanks Linque!
Bruce Lee Lives (Mindscape)
"The company's new NES games include ... Bruce Lee Lives ..." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 3 #4 (pg 124). In GamePro's Pronews Report of 4/90 (pg 92): "Other movie titles in development include ... Bruce Lee Lives from Mindscape." "Under Development: Below is a list of games that were announced at the show and are currently under development. We'll fill you in as soon as information is available ... Bruce Lee Lives... " - NP11 review of the 1990 Winter CES. "Mindscape is also working on ... Bruce Lee Lives, a NES translation of the PC favorite following the tongue-in-cheek continued adventures of the martial arts legend." - NP12 Pak Watch (pg 92). "Upcoming titles include ... Bruce Lee Lives, based on the martial arts movies and the computer game by The Software Toolworks." - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 96). 1 player, under development. - Video Game Quest (pg 4.9). $10.00 / $42.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11).
Bug Buster (?)
Ultimate Game Club ad ($42.99) - Game Players Magazine Oct 1990 (pg 94). $8.00 / $44.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11). --- Probably became Pesterminator.
Buster Brothers (Hudson Soft)
"Get Poppin! The Bubbles are coming! Grab your trusty gun and blast your way into excitement. Travel the globe in search of these elusive spheres and blow them away! From Japan to Africa, they're bouncing all over the place. Use your quick reflexes and your cool nerves to rid the planet of the red menace." - Bonk's Adventure manual (pg 22). "Below is a brief overview of what's in store from your favorite game companies early in 1993... Hudson Soft: Buster Brothers. August 1993." - Game Informer Mar/Apr 1993 (pg 31). Pix: ad
Buzz & Waldog (Innovation)
Pic #2 came from an advertisment on page 99 of VGCE Aug 1993. The artwork appeared in the Sep 1993 issue of VCGE. Pix: art ... 2
California Raisins (Capcom)
"We are not surprised. These little guys are everywhere else, why not in a Game Pak from Capcom. Makes sense." - NP05 Pak Watch Gossip Galore (pg 104). "The California Raisins will make their video game debut next year. Their game, subtitled 'The Grape Escape,' will be an adventure through an old warehouse to find the kidnapped California Raisins. It sounds promising!" - NP09 Pak Watch Gossip Galore (pg 95). "We saw, heard, and played hundreds of games at CES, and we just don't have space to get to them all this time around. Here are a few new titles to whet your gaming appetites: ... California Raisins: The Grape Escape ..." - NP16 Pak Watch Gossip & Such Rumors (pg 95). "The California Raisins have been kidnapped, and it's up to you to save them. As a wrinkled raisin yourself, your only defense is your ability to hurl blobs of grape jelly as you fight your way past Sour Grapes and Bad Apples to the Sky High penthouse where the Raisins are being held. Not a very difficult game, The California Raisins should appeal to the younger players." - Game Players Magazine March 1991 (pg 82), April 1991 (pg 86). In reviewing the June 1990 CES show, GamePro (9/90) said, "As usual, Capcom had some of the strongest titles at the show. California Raisins, Street Fighter 2010, Little Nemo: The Dream Master, Lord of Lightning, the Noid Game, and best of all, Mega Man 3." "...the raisins themselves have no discernible character... and neither does their game. It's nonviolent, non-offensive arcade entertainment at its most bland." - VGCE Jan 1991 (pg 72) excerpt from a full-page review. "Tragedy has struck California's loveable singing sundried-boys. In their premier cartridge appearance, the Grape Escape, those rockin' raisins, and all their music, have been taken hostage by an envious, rival band, the Wild Bunch. Trapped high in the penthouse suite of Sky High Records, the Raisins can't get out unless someone can recover the four missing gold notes that act as keys to Sky High's mega-secure door locks. Scattered throughout four, precarious exotic places, you'll have a 'high-time on the grapevine' while trying to recover those keys. Give this hair 'raisin' adventure a try, and help get those guys to their concert on time!" - GamePro Sep 91. In NP32, the game is in "Your Guide to the Latest NES Releases." It's a one-player comic action game, and rated a 3.3 (out of 5). "...keep an eye out for these titles in the next few months: California Raisins" - Game Players Magazine June/July 1989 (pg 29). "Capcom is planning a big Nintendo year with a variety of new titles: California Raisins, based on the TV commercials; ... " - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 24). "... you're armed with a supply of grape jelly and a will to win." - Game Players Vol 4 #3, which has a nine-page review beginning on page 32. - Game Players Encyclopedia #3 has essentially the same review beginning on page 11. "There are a few decent touches - puzzles and hidden twists - that keep the game from being a total bomb, and the non-violence is nice for a change (your weapon is an endless supply of jelly blobs), and you never really die. But that's not enough to keep this game from coming up short. The graphics are void of imagination and lacking in detail. the backgrounds offer simplistic drawings and endless corridors of repeating shapes, and the tiny characters offer none of the zip and pizzaz of the original gang." - VGCE Complete Guide to Video Games (VGCE-R) (pg 64). "A graphically exciting game based on the California Raisin claymation characters. The game will be geared for younger children and all-around family play. Coming in August to the Nintendo Entertainment System." - EGM 1 (pg 27). "Nintendo games planned for release in 1989... From Capcom: California Raisins." - EGM 1 (pg 29). "Play along with the famous claymation sensations in this light fun-filled game for the whole family. You must search through an eerie warehouse at the edge of town for the missing raisins only to be transported to another dimension. There you must travel through the Grapevine, through bizarre pyramids and juice factories. Finally, battle with Alexander the Grape and other sour grapes in order to save our raisins and to get them safely back home." - EGM13 (pg 54). Thanks Adam L! "The Raisins have been nabbed by the Wild Bunch - a rival band that plays terrible music. Get ready to climb, tumble, moonwalk and lob fistfuls of jelly through 4 warehouse wonderlands from Maize Valley and Jelly Factory to the Juicery and the Grape Vine. Search a fruitful underworld while you prepare for the final confrontation with Alexander the Grape!" - Capcom poster included with Yo Noid. $26 / $44: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18). --- California Raisins was the Nintendo Game of the Month in Game Players Magazine Jan 1991. The six-page review featured dozens of screenshots. NES Planner "Future" - NP09 (pg 95). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP18 (pg 92). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP20 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP21 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP22 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP24 (pg 97). Pix: All ... box... GPM ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10 ... 11
Caracresta (?)
Play it Again ad - VGCE July 1989 (pg 92). --- Terra Cresta mentioned in same ad. $15 / $28.95: buy/sell price in Play It Again ad - Game Players Magazine Nov 1989 (pg 124). $20 / $37: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 107).
Card Sharks (Gametek)
C.S.I. Gamemasters ad - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 111).
Castle of Demons (Seta)
"Into the Flames of Darklarza is the subtitle of this side-scrolling battle action game. Ghosts and Goblins-type maps, and large end-level Bosses round out a package filled with good graphics, sound, and solid game play. A nice effort from Seta" - EGM09 (pg 69). --- Released as Castle of Dragon. Pix: 1 ... 2
Cat Runner (Seika)
The Complete NES Game Pak Directory included in NP05. A one-player password action game scheduled for a future release. (pg A-2). Ultimate Game Club ad - EGM 1 (pg 25).
Caveman Ughlympics (Data East)
"Under Development: Below is a list of games that were announced at the show and are currently under development. We'll fill you in as soon as information is available ... Caveman Ughlympics ... " - NP11 review of the 1990 Winter CES. In reviewing the Jun 1990 CES show, GamePro (9/90) reported, "Date East showed Caveman Ughlympics, with stone age track and field action. Events include a dinosaur race and a fire-starting contest." "... we no longer see such sports as Mate Tossing, Clubbing, and Dinosaur Vault. But you will be able to participate in these in Caveman Ugh-lympics, a humorous twist on the stadium events theme." - NP14 Pak Watch gossip (pg 94). "Date East Releases: Caveman Ughlimpics.................Soon" Powerfest 1990 booklet (pg 18). --- This almost certainly became Caveman Games, rather than a sequel to it. Thanks Bubblun! NES Planner "Future" - NP14 (pg 95).
Championship Power Pool (Mindscape)
Digital Press 6th Ed. (pg 253). --- Could this have been simplified to Championship Pool, or was it a sequel?
Chase HQ (Taito)
" ... Chase HQ (Taito) are also in the NES auto game race." - NP11 review of the 1990 Winter CES. In NP20, the game appears under "Your Guide to the Latest NES Releases." It's described as a one-player driving game, and rated a 2.5 (out of 5), the lowest of the 18 games capsuled that month. "One of the leading arcade drivers of 1989 is now being developed as a Nintendo game. You must locate renegade criminals who are making a quick getaway and drive them off the road. Use your driving skills and Nitro Boosters to apprehend the bad guys while avoiding the twisting turns, civilian traffic, and other hazards that are constantly appearing through the game. - EGM08 (pg 56). "Hit the streets with Special Agents in a lean mean drivin' machine in hot pursuit of America's most wanted criminals. Urgent dispatch from headquarters gives you suspect description and location. Turbo-charge your Porsche to apprehend felons. Maneuver miles of twisting roads at dangerously high speeds." 1 or 2 alternating players. - Video Game Quest pg (4.10). (hint) "To select any of the 21 missions in this game, wait until the 'Press Start Button' message appears, press and hold Buttons A, B, and Down, and then press Start. This changes your score to 11. Use Buttons A and B to change your score. The first number in the score (tens digit) is the Round number and the second number (ones digit) is the Stage number. Once you've chosen your Round and Stage hit Start to begin the game." - PRO-GT (pg 45). "Taito has plans for two other titles: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, based on last Summer's hit movie, and Chase H.Q., a high-speed race game in which you pursue criminals in high-performance cars across the U.S." - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP21 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP24 (pg 97). Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3
Chester Field (Vic Tokai)
"Rescue Princess Karen from the evil General Gemon in Chester Field." - Fun Club News #7 Vic Tokai ad (pg 23). "The king and queen of Guldred Guls I have both been killed by General Gemon and his pirates. Princess Karen has been captured, and Kane is on a quest to save her and the remnants of the kingdom. Chester Field is a role-playing game filled with knights, mazes, and battles on land, sea, and sky." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 1 #1 (pg 103). Repeated on pg 99 of Game Players Guide. "The peaceful days of sun and pleasure on Chesterfield Island have come to an end. General Gemon has turned the island into a battlefield. Your mission is to rescue Princess Karen, who was kidnapped by the cruel General Gemon, and save the kingdom. To do this, you need to find the secret treasure hidden deep in the underground maze. It's not easy!" - NP01 Pak Watch (pg 86). "Coming Soon... Nintendo Entertainment System. May... Chester Field (Vic Tokai Inc.)" - Electronic Game Player May/June 1988 (pg 5). --- Released in Japan. Thanks Urabahn! C.S.I. Gamemasters ad - Game Players Magazine Feb 1990 (pg 111). $12 / $24.95: buy/sell price in Play It Again ad - Game Players Magazine Nov 1989 (pg 124). $18 / $36: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 107). NES Planner "Future Releases" - NP03 (pg 81). NES Planner "Future Releases" - NP04 (pg 87). Pix: ad ... 1
Chip's Challenge (Bullet-Proof)
In the April 1991GamePro Pronews Report coverage of the Winter CES (pg 74): "Some other games worthy of note for the NES: ... Chip's Challenge..." "In this familiar computer title Chip the Whiz must collect the necessary computer chips to solve a series of mind-bending puzzles in more than 100 different levels. Available Fall '91" - GamePro Sept 1991 review of the Summer CES. "Commonly known to Lynx players, now NES players will have their chance at this puzzle title. All you have to do is to get finish a maze, but a variety of methods are needed." - EGM25 (pg 114). "Chip's Challenge for NES. Bullet-Proof Software is planning to release Chip's Challenge - originally an Atari Lynx game - for Nintendo. Chip's Challenge is a strategy-puzzle game in which a boy named Chip must solve a series of puzzles to earn entrance to the Bitbusters Computer Club. Bullet-Proof Software says Chip's Challenge should be available sometime this fall." - Game Players Magazine March 1991 (pg 89). $10.00 / $42.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11). Pix: 1 ... 2
CJ's Elephant Antics (Camerica)
Aladdin Deck Enhancer box. "Below is a brief overview of what's in store from your favorite game companies early in 1993... Camerica: CJ's Elephant Antics. Summer 93" - Game Informer Mar/Apr 1993 (pg 31). --- The game appears on Quattro Arcade.
Cleopatra (?)
Game Counselor ad -VGCE Sep 1991(pg 45).
Coco Run (?)
Coco Run is probably 'Cocoron,' a game which came out for the Famicom in 1991 by Takeru. - Lugnut NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP22 (pg 97).
Code Blue (Color Dreams)
"Color Dreams plans to release seven other Nintendo-compatible games this Winter... Escape from Atlantis, Code Blue, and Dragon Tale." "Code Blue puts you behind the wheel of an ambulance as you race through a city, monitoring your patient's vital signs while avoiding obstacles and finding the best route to the hospital." - Game Players Magazine Jan 1990 (pg 38). Ultimate Game Club ad - EGM06 (pg 81). $17.00 / $34.99 / $44.99: Buy Used, Sell Used, Sell New prices - Beyond Gaming #3 June 1990 (pg 7). $20 / $37: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 107).
Comic Caper (?)
Play It Again ad - EGM17 (pg 77). --- Could be a misinterpretation of various released games.
Congo's Caper (Data East)
Funco ad - EGM48 (pg 162). --- Released on the SNES.
Corvette ZR-1 Challenge (Milton Bradley)
"We saw, heard, and played hundreds of games at CES, and we just don't have space to get to them all this time around. Here are a few new titles to whet your gaming appetites: ... Corvette ZR-1 Challenge ..." - NP16 Pak Watch Gossip & Such Rumors (pg 95). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP24 (pg 97). "Climb into your bad Corvette and ride! You customize your car and then race head-to-head cross-country in search of glory. You'll love the rear view mirror. Available Fall '91" - GamePro Sept 1991 review of the Summer CES. NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP23 (pg 97). In NP24, it appears under "Your Guide to the Latest NES Releases." It's described as a two-player simultaneous driving game, and rated a 2.7 (out of 5). "Unleash the power of the fastest production car in the U.S. Race head-to-head in a cross country open road race while keeping an eye open for the opponent in the mirror." - EGM13 (pg 76). "... just for good measure, the designers of this video game have goosed the car's 32-valve DOHC V-8 engine to a top speed of more than 180 mph. Head-snapping acceleration of 0-100 mph in 11.5 seconds is standard. The game itself is another cross-country racing game. You'll start in Los Angeles and head for Denver, Dallas, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, Washington, D.C. and the finish line in New York. Each leg consists of two parts: first you'll face a flat-out drag race, and then you'll move on to the open road race. The game is unusual in its requirement that the driver/player shift the gears (there are no less than six gears in the drag racing part of the game) and in the use of two unique graphic elements: the Dynamic Trailing window and the MB Helicam. All close racers are viewed from the overhead through a 'camera' mounted in the MB Helicam. If one of the cars drops back a bit into second place, the view of the race will show the lead vehicle in the main screen and the other car in the Dynamic Trailing Screen. One or two players." - UU3 (pg 50). $10.00 / $39.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11). --- Released in Europe. --- Released in USA as Race America. Thanks Lugnut! Pix: box ... 1 (b&w)
Cosmic Epsilon (Asmik)
"Under Development: Below is a list of games that were announced at the show and are currently under development. We'll fill you in as soon as information is available ... Cosmic Epsilon ... " - NP11 review of the 1990 Winter CES. "An action and shooting game that takes you on a trip from Earth to the evil Arian battle moon. Young L.D. is Earth's last chance to stop the evil genius Bruzoon and his gang of alien criminals from destroying the world. L.D. uses his Hyperblaster fighting plane, Cyberunit bodysuit and Cyberbit weapons to take back the Earth. At every turn he's threatened by Arian terrors: alien viruses, star fighters, monsters, enemy fortresses and battle cruisers. L.D. rockets through constantly changing settings with realistic sound effects--over water, under water, outer space, cities, forests and deserts. 3 Meg ROM and 3-D capability." Due December 1990, one player. - Video Game Quest (pg 4.12). (hint)"Stage select in this galactic gambol is achieved by getting to the title screen and pushing A, B, right, left, right, left, down, up, up. Use the pad to select the stage, then press Start. There's also a continue mode to this game: when 'Game Over' arrives to taunt you, push down Select and press Start. You'll resume play at the stage on which you died." - How To Win 4 (pg 219). (hint)"Funny Password: When you enter [UP], [UP], [DOWN], [DOWN], [LEFT], [RIGHT], [LEFT], [RIGHT], [B], and then [A]. The screen will display 'I AM NOT KONAMI' (Remember, this game is similar to Konami's Space Harriar!?!)" - Video Game Secrets (pg 54). "In this Space Harrier-ish first-person fighting game, you command a flying soldier against a high-tech world of opponents. Decent game play was improved greatly with a 3-D mode that requires special glasses and produces dazzling effects!" - EGM09 (pg 59). Thanks Adam L! (the pix too) (hint 1) "Level Select - At the title screen press Button A, Button B, Right, Left, Right, Left, Down, Down, Up, then Up. Choose your level with the control pad and then hit Start to begin at that level." - EGM14 (pg 36). (hint 2) "Secret Continue - After you have lost your last life, and when the Game Over screen appears, hold Select and press Start. When the title screen appears, press Start again to continue on the level where you died." - EGM14 (pg 36). --- Okay, how did a reader submit hints for an unreleased game? $10.00 / TBA: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11). --- Released in Japan. Thanks Urabahn! Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... hint 1 ... hint 2
Cosmo Fighter (Taxan)
"Scrolling space game. If you succeed in your battles against formations of enemy spaceships and their powerful mothership, then you'll land on the starbase, exit your ship and do further battle from within your flying spacesuit." - VGCE June 1989 (pg 42).
Cosmo Tank (Asuka/Atlus)
"Asuka Technologies, in partnership with Atlus Ltd., is entering the Nintendo market. Their first release will be Cosmo Tank." - GamePro July 1990 (pg 112). --- Released for Gameboy, but the above blurb didn't specify a system. Thanks Chris Covell!
Counterstroke (Vic Tokai)
"Vic Tokai has also planned a number of action titles for '91, including Counterstroke, set on a future Earth plagued by mutant criminals; ..." - Game Players Magazine March 1991 (pg 32).
Crash 'n the Boys Ice Challenge (American Technos)
"Later this year, the second game, Ice Challenge, takes on winter sports." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #8 review of the June 1992 CES (pg 13). "The next two installments in the Crash N' the Boys NES fighting games - Ice Challenge and Soccer Challenge - are on the way." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 6 #4 review of the Jan 1993 CES (pg 16). "American Technos, the makers of Street Challenge, are working on an entire series of games starring Crash and the Boys. Ice Challenge is due this winter, with tentative plans for it to be followed by other sports titles.." - NP44 Pak Watch Update (pg 113). "Crash and the Boys from Street Challenge and River City Ransom are back for another sporting event, this time on the ice. The result is a simplified NES hockey game that is easy to master, but not very challenging. It might have been more fun if the Boys had been able to challenge Russian, Czech, or Canadian teams." - NP45 Pak Watch (pg 110). "Like all the gang acitivities, this one is steeped with violence. Eight gangs go head-to-head to prove who is the best. Five different rinks, along with special moves set this cart above most NES hockey games. One of the best NES hockey games ever!" - EGM45 (pg 148), part of a full-page review. --- Was released in Japan for the Famicom as "Ike Ike! Nekketsu Hockey Bu - Subette Koronde Dairantou", part of the KunioKun series. Thanks Richard Hoelscher! --- Box pic courtesy of Bubblun. Thanks! Next Wave Directory - EGM39 pg 110. Next Wave Directory - EGM40 pg 106. Next Wave Directory - EGM41 pg 138. Next Wave Directory - EGM42 pg 118. Next Wave Directory - EGM43 pg 98. Pix: All ... box ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5
Crash 'n the Boys Soccer Challenge (American Technos)
"The next two installments in the Crash N' the Boys NES fighting games - Ice Challenge and Soccer Challenge - are on the way." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 6 #4 review of the Jan 1993 CES (pg 14). "Technos of Japan is working on a new soccer game for the Famicom. Nintendo has obtained the rights for this simulation and they will be bringing it out over here for the NES." - EGM14 (pg 49). "Below is a brief overview of what's in store from your favorite game companies early in 1993... American Technos: Crash N' the Boys: Soccer." - Game Informer Mar/Apr 1993 (pg 31). --- The Japanese name is 'Kunio kun no Nekketsu Soccer League', and basically it is Nintendo World Cup with a VERY improved engine (weather, statistics, roster, etc). American Technos needed to seriously retool games in the Nekketsu series (which involves Kunio, who is known as Sam in Super Dodge Ball, Alex in RCR, and Crash) to fit the Crash series (they completely refaced graphics in Street Challenge). The soccer game would've been a huge undertaking for such a small San Jose-based company that was located in an apartment room. Thanks, Linque! Pix: 1
Crater Maze (Hudson)
$24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18).
Crazyland (NTVIC)
"Crazy Land, a non-violent children's adventure, will be the newest NES title from NTVIC." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #4 (pg 22). "An amusement park is supposed to be a fun, safe place to spend the day with your girlfriend. But when Dewey and his girl Dixie stop by Crazy Land, a nightmare adventure begins. Dixie is kidnapped by a huge hand, and Dewey has a hard time finding her. The clowns here don't fool around, the targets in the shooting gallery fire back, and the roller coaster would never pass a safety inspection. Dewey's difficulties in Crazy Land are a fun-filled challenge for Nintendo players of all ages. Dewey has almost no friends in the park, but he has his soccer ball and a special bicycle kick that you'll flip for." - CG:WG "... this action game from NTVIC and VAP can be a kick. Younger players, or older players like us who have had it up to our ears with cuddly bunnies and happy ducks getting away with murder in so many cartoons, comics, and video games will especially love it. Better yet are the roller coaster sequences with their loops and jumps. The graphics are big and colorful - reminiscent of coloring books and building blocks. ... if you've always suspected that clowns are inherently evil, as we have, you might like this one." - NP29 Pak Watch (pg 95). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP29 (pg 97). "Deway is trying to rescue his kidnapped girlfriend, Dixie, from Crazyland, the wackiest amusement park you'll ever see. He has to survive 11 levels, including a ride on a space age roller coaster and other amusement park rides. Deway defends himself with his feet... and his trusty soccer ball! Available Fall '91" - GamePro Sept 1991 review of the Summer CES. "But he increases his power level by taking damage! That's right, the closer Dewey is to keeling over, the more powerful he becomes." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #4, part of a full-page review (pg 71). It's repeated in Game Player's Encyclopedia #4 (pg 153). "You may remember a Pak Watch mention of an NES game called Crazy Land some time ago. American Softworks has taken that game, added some Trolls, and renamed it, The Trolls in Crazy Land, but the game is the same by any other name." - NP43 Pak Watch Gossip Galore (pg 113). "We enjoyed this pretty and relatively gentle game." Part of a 4-page hints section in UUC (page 23). "Like wild and weird lands? Then just pop in this cart and kick back. Crazy Land boasts incredibly ridiculous lands with some strangely weird beasts. A cart worth a good look at." - EGM25 (pg 114). $7.50 / $44.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11). --- Released as Doki! Doki! Yuenchi in Japan. Thanks Urabahn! The ad appeared in VGCE Dec 1991 (pg 127). Pix: All ... ad ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10 ... 11 ... 12 ... 13 ... 14
Creation (Wisdom Tree)
Digital Press 5th Ed. (pg 195).
Creatom (?)
Funco ad - GamePro Nov 1993 (pg 268).
Crossbow (AGCI)
"In Crossbow, you will use your electronic marksmanship skills against deadly magicians, man-eating mushrooms, rolling rocks and even villanous buildings. Your goal is to assist your three friends to make their way through this world by shooting anything that endangers them. Not everything needs to be shot. Some items are harmless and can be ignored, while others need to be shot in order to convert them into useful items for the adventure. One or two players. You can play with one or two light guns, one or two control pads or one of each." - UU3 (pg 100). Ad in - VGCE Nov 1990 (pg 217): "Next release!" A two-player simultaneous game with a list price of $29.95. ---A similar ad in - VGCE Jan 1991 (pg 190) labelled "Coming Soon." "...Coming Soon" - mini-poster included with Chiller. $3.00 / $29.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11). $24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18). --- The b&w screenshot matches Color Dreams' Robo Demons. Thanks TRM! Pix: b&w ... art
Crystal Passage (Vic Tokai)
"Vic Tokai has also planned a number of action titles for '91, including ... Crystal Passage, in which players in search of fabulous treasure battle mystic creatures." - Game Players Magazine March 1991 (pg 32).
Cue Stick (American Video Entertainment)
"Welcome to Cue-topia. Rack 'em up for a pool hall simulation that features classic games like Eight Ball. Available April." - GamePro April 1993 review of CES '93.
Cyberball (Tengen)
--- The box scan below is a close-up from an ad in GamePro Feb 1991. It features much of Tengen's lineup, including two other unreleased NES games. --- The legal notice is from the back of Jaleco's release of Cyberball. It would seem to indicate that at some point, Tengen turned development of Cyberball over to Jaleco. Pix: box ... ad ... legal
Cycle Shooting (?)
"Coming Soon... Nintendo Entertainment System. April... Cycle Shooting (Taito)" - Electronic Game Player May/June 1988 (pg 5). C.S.I. Gamemasters ad - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 111). Play it Again ad ($44.99) - VGCE July 1989 (pg 92). $15 / $28.95: buy/sell price in Play It Again ad - Game Players Magazine Nov 1989 (pg 124).
Daedalian Opus (Vic Tokai)
"The ancient land of Daedalus is goverened by symmetry and time. It is a land, where your progress will be severely tested by the challenge of myriad shapes and blocks. It will take the art of Daedalus and the power of your mind to solve the confounding riddles of the blocks. To be beaten is ordinary, to achieve victory is an art. 1 player. - Video Game Quest (pg 4.13). --- Released for Game Boy, so the above blurb may have been miscredited.
Daemon's Quest (Nexoft)
"... their next project may be ... a NES version of a U.K. title, Daemon's Quest." - NP22 Pak Watch Gossip Galore (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP22 (pg 97).
Daemon Wars (Nexoft)
NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP22 (pg 97).
Darc Seed (Meldac)
In reviewing the Jun 1990 CES show, GamePro (9/90) said, "Meldac previewed Samurai Conflict and Darc Seed." "In this unusual game you are a head floating in space. Your weapons which you use against the enemy are your eyeballs which pop out of your head and fireballs which come out of your mouth. Strange but true!" - EGM13 (pg 64). $24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18). --- Released as Zombie Nation. Thanks Linque! Pix: 1 ... 2
Dark Towers (?)
"...strategy/adventure games which could not find their way into the arcades (like Legend of Zelda and Dark Towers) ... are now on store shelves next to other carts from many of the leading coin-op manufacturers." - Electronic Game Player Jan/Feb 1988 (pg 19). --- Deadly Towers?
Darkwing Duck 2 (Capcom)
Digital Press 5th Ed. (pg 195). Digital Press 6th Ed. (pg 253).
Deadheat Scramble (Electro Brain)
"1 player, under development." - Video Game Quest (pg 4.13). --- Released for Gameboy. Thanks Chris Covell!
Dennis the Menace (Ocean)
"Ocean of America is set to launch two games that coincide with the release of hot summer movies, Jurassic Park and Dennis the Menace. In June, NES and Game Boy versions of both games will be released." - GamePro June 1993. "That pesky kid next door, Dennis, is out to retrieve some stolen coins. Our mischievous hero uses his favorite 'weapons,' including pea shooters, water pistols, and sling shots, to help him through various places, such as Mr. Wilson's house, the sewers, and a forest. Watch for an NES version, too. Available December." - GamePro August 1993 review of the SNES game. "Coming soon: Ocean - Dennis the Menace" - EGM44 supplement reviewing the 1993 Winter CES. Next Wave Directory - EGM45 (pg 101). Next Wave Directory - EGM46 (pg 98). Next Wave Directory - EGM47 (pg 108). Next Wave Directory - EGM48 (pg 104). Pix: 2-page ad
Dewey the Dolphin (Ocean)
"Swim through the depths of the ocean watching out for all of the hungry fish who are looking for a tasy morsel for dinner. Meet up with Neptune, the Ocean god." - EGM13 (pg 72). Thanks Adam L! Pix: 1 ... 2
Dexterity (?)
Play It Again ad - EGM17 pg 77. "SNK will introduce Dexterity: The Misadventures of Dexter Doolitttle, ..." - Game Players Magazine March 1991 (pg 30). --- This didn't mention a system, but was surrounded by talk of other NES games. --- Released for game Boy by SNK. Thanks Chris Covell!
Dino-Hockey (Sunsoft)
"OK, you know what dinosaurs are and you know what ice hockey is, but do you know what Dino-Hockey is? If you haven't already guessed it's dinosaurs playing ice hockey. Guess it was the best thing they could do once the ice age rolled around! Available '91" - GamePro Sept 1991 review of the Summer CES.
Dizzy Pinball (Camerica)
"Below is a brief overview of what's in store from your favorite game companies early in 1993... Camerica: Dizzy Pinball. Fall 93." - Game Informer Mar/Apr 1993 (pg 31).
Drac's Night Out (Parker Brothers)
"... Parker Brothers is pulling for New Kids on the Block , Drac's Night Out, and Heavy Shreddin', its first three titles for the NES." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 3 #4 (pg 124). "Drac's Night Out by Parker Brothers is the first time you can play the vampire instead of the vampire killer. It's also the first game we can remember in which you get points for sucking blood. As Dracula, you're in search of Mina, the dream-girl you've followed through the centuries. You must search for her in your Transylvania castle and in the nearby town, but angry mobs are trying to stop you. Plus, the supply of fresh blood gets scarcer as you progress. You have three secret 'weapons' at your disposal. You can turn into a bat within your castle, a wolf inside the town walls, - and you're wearing a pair of Reebok's The Pump trainers, which gives you powers all their own. As Dracula, you can use your stun-gaze on the hapless villagers, then, when they're momentarily paralyzed, suck out their blood." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 3 #5 (pg 15). GamePro's Pronews Report of 8/90 (pg 94): "...scheduled for the first quarter of '91, is an adventure title that centers around a character Drac who wears Reebok The Pump(tm) shoes. Drac can jump higher when the shoes are inflated." "We saw, heard, and played hundreds of games at CES, and we just don't have space to get to them all this time around. Here are a few new titles to whet your gaming appetites: ... Drac's Night Out ..." - NP16 Pak Watch Gossip & Such Rumors (pg 95). "What do you get when you combine everybody's favorite Count with America's hottest athletic shoe, the Reebok Pump? Why, the wackiest ghoul adventure yet for the NES. Drac's Night Out is a two-part game, with the first half taking place inside Dracula's castle. It's your job to get Dracula out of the castle as quickly as possible, so he can head to town for a snack in part two. Drac has set up elaborate traps throughout his multi-level castle. By pulling a few levers, he can stun the villagers who chase him with stakes. Reebok Pump icons are found throughout the game. Once the Count grabs them he can jump higher and run much faster. Drac can also jump on the villagers' heads when he's 'pumped up.' Once free of the castle, it's off to the village, to find your sweetheart, Mina. But don't stay out too late, vampires hate the sun!" - PRO-GT (pg 190). "Try to survive through a night in Transylvania. One with a full moon at that! In this Castlevania type adventure all of the Frankensteins, mummys and Drac himself are out." - EGM13 (pg 68). $24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18). $10.00 / $47.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP18 (pg 92). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP20 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP22 (pg 97). Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5
Dragon Ninja (Tecmo)
Play it Again ad - VGCE July 1989 (pg 92). "An exciting game of Ninja Action is coming soon. Your enjoyment of action games and the dramatic story line adopting captivating visuals will give you the feeling you are in the movie!" - FCN6 (April/May 1988) ad (pg 21). Thanks Bubblun! --- This likely became Ninja Gaiden. The ad even mentions that the name Dragon Ninja is tentative. Pix: ad
Dragon Tale (?)
"Color Dreams plans to release seven other Nintendo-compatible games this Winter... Escape from Atlantis, Code Blue, and Dragon Tale." "... Dragon Tale pits you and your magical steed against (what else?) a fire-breathing dragon." - Game Players Magazine Jan 1990 (pg 38). Ultimate Game Club ad - EGM06 (pg 81).
Dragon Wars (Kemco-Seika)
"You're part of a band of adventurers who sail across dangerous, uncharted seas searching for the island of Dilmun. The monarch of this land, King Drake of Phoebus, has declared magic illegal and has imprisoned or killed all the magicians. His decree has outraged rulers of neighboring islands, and they are threatening to release fierce guardian dragons to encourage King Drake to change his mind. Dragon Wars, which features more than 60 monsters and 65 spells, was designed to suit role players of all kinds. You can save your progress at any time, and there's no complex mapping required. - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 4 #8 (pg 15). "Save Oceana from the evil rule of Namtar. As a brave traveller, you are thrown into the perilous maze created by Namtar as he bids to rule the islands of Oceana." - EGM25 (pg 108). Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4
Dream Team 3-on-3 Challenge (Data East)
"This cart features all-pro b-ball stars Patrick Ewing, Dominique Wilkins, and Joe Dumars in fast-pased three-on-three hoops action. Up to four players can play with or against the Dream Team or customize their own team. Available Fall '91" - GamePro Sept 1991 review of the Summer CES. "This new NES game lets you choose shots, develop defensive and offensive strategies, and watch the stats change as your players' skill increases." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 4 #9 (pg 18). "Imagine Patrick Ewing, Dimonique Wilkins and Joe Dumars on the same team. WOW! No more imagining with this new title. Fast paced, half court style with the best players in the world." - EGM25 (pg 108). $7.50 / $44.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11). Pix: 1 ... 2
DreamWorld Pogie (Camerica)(Aladdin cart)
Aladdin Deck Enhancer box. "Below is a brief overview of what's in store from your favorite game companies early in 1993... Camerica: Dreamworld Pogie. Fall 93." - Game Informer Mar/Apr 1993 (pg 31). Pix: 1
Driving Game (?)
C.S.I. Gamemasters ad ($39.99) - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 111).
Drop Zone (?)
Digital Press 5th Ed. (pg 195). --- Released in Europe by Mindscape. Similar, but not the same as Defender II. - Adam L
Dweebers (Vic Tokai)
"So what if you've got a Styrofoam face? Hey, it's a dweeb world out there! Dweebers knows that. That's why we've given your hero a steam iron face, grasshopper legs, and little booties that look like Volkswagons. Think that's outrageous? Wait till you meet up with your fish larvae enemies! Come on. What are you waiting for? Be a dweeb!" - Video Game Quest (pg 3.9). --- According to The Nintendo Classics Archive, Dweebers was planned for the Game Boy. - Thanks Adam L! Pix: art (b&w)
Earthbound (Nintendo)
"Due out in the Fall of 1991 is Earthbound, an epic adventure with game play like Final Fantasy, but set in the modern world. Baseball bats and psychic (PSI) powers take the place of swords and sorcery. The main character, a kid with latent PSI talents, searches for the truth behind the legend about a mysterious ancestor. Many things will hinder the lad's quest, including poltergeists, giant rats and crazy hippies. Earth Bound (which was released as 'Mother' in Japan) features a giant world to explore and tons of puzzles to solve, all with a touch of humor." - NP18 Pak Watch (pg 89). "Shown in an early prototype form, Earthbound is a quest/adventure game designed for the very young. Featuring tiny tots out on an adventure throughout their house and surroundings. With pull-down menus for commands." --- Earthbound has an almost mythical history. Andy owned the demo cart at one time, and relates its' story here. NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP18 (pg 92). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP20 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP21 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP22 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP24 (pg 97). "Although Dragon Warrior sold well here in the U.S., it's sales here didn't compare to sales in Japan, so plans to release Mother here - under the name 'Earthbound' - were put on hold." - NP56 (pg 64). Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5
Empire City 1931 (Acclaim)
"Coming soon... Empire City 1931." - Acclaim ad in FCN7 (pg 24). "Coming Soon... Aug. Empire City 1931 (Acclaim/NES)." - Electronic Game Player July/Aug 1988 (pg 9). "The mob has moved into Empire City and now no citizen is safe to roam the streets. You are the best G-man on the force and set out with your .38 caliber pistol to clean up the crime. Villains and mob bosses are everywhere, but you are really after El Nino, who put a price on your head." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 1 #1 (pg 104). Repeated on pg 100 of Game Players Guide. "The year is 1931, and the Empire City is being terrorized by gangsters. We're told you'll meet up with El Nino, the leader of the Mob, in this underworld struggle from Acclaim." - NP01 Pak Watch (pg 87). $15 / $28.95: buy/sell price in Play It Again ad - Game Players Magazine Nov 1989 (pg 124). --- Released on the Famicom as Magnum Kiki Ippatsu. - Adam L NES Planner "Future Releases" - NP03 (pg 81). Pix: 1
Eon Man (Taito)
Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP44 (pg 113). Nintendo Power 45 ran a four-page feature on Eon Man: "Earth, 60 years into the future. The world is virtually crime free thanks to the Clear System invented by Kane Nelson, scientist extraordinaire. That is, until a secret organization called Romedrux decides to challenge the system by unleashing a plague of crime. In order for them to succeed, they'll need to prevent the Clear System from ever being invented, and that means eliminating Kane or his ancestors. Los Angeles, 1993. Dan Nelson thought he was an ordinary student living in L.A. until the day he found himself under attack by Romedrux warriors. During the attack, Dan learns about his future son, Kane, and vows to protect his family past, present, and future. It's a race through time in this new sci-fi thriller from Taito!" (pg 94). "The action is reminiscent of Ninja Gaiden and quite challenging. Plentiful Power-Ups keep you going. The Ninja Arts Super Attack is great. Play control is sharp. The unoriginal theme falls flat for having been done better by T2. Why does a time traveller have Ninja Arts?" (pg 106). A one-player hero action game, this rated a 3.1 (out of 5). "Below is a brief overview of what's in store from your favorite game companies early in 1993... Taito: Eon Man." - Game Informer Mar/Apr 1993 (pg 31). Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4
Escape from Atlantis (Color Dreams)
"Molten lava rocks rain down on your head and the ground opens up swallowing the entire city as you attempt to escape from the legendary city of Atklantis. The game consists of 7 mini-games with different action in each. If you can make it through all levels, a boat awaits to take you to safety." - Color Dreams sales flier included with King Neptune's Adventure. "Color Dreams is releasing Escape from Atlantis and King Neptune's Adventure, two Nintendo-compatible games with mythological legends as plots." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 3 #4 (pg 122). "Color Dreams plans to release seven other Nintendo-compatible games this Winter... Escape from Atlantis, Code Blue, and Dragon Tale." "In Escape from Atlantis, your goal is to live through seven different stages while trying to escape the mythical continent before it is swallowed by the sea." - Game Players Magazine Jan 1990 (pg 38). $17.00 / $34.99 / $44.99: Buy Used, Sell Used, Sell New prices - Beyond Gaming #3 June 1990 (pg 7). Pix: All ... box art ... 1 ... 2
Euro Cup Soccer (Matchbox)
"Euro Cup Soccer from Matchbox features a rapid screen scroll and attention to real soccer detail that should appeal to hardcore fans." "...can be played by four players using the Satellite or Four Score!" - NP18 Pak Watch (pg 91). "The World Cup lies within your grasp in Eurocup Soccer. Game play includes dribbling, tackling, trapping, passing, and heading the ball. You can choose between artificial turf or sod, and weather conditions often change during play." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 4 #6 (pg 90). "Eurocup Soccer takes you beyond standard video sports play and into sophisticated simulated action. Control every move from heading to trapping to dribbling to tackling." - EGM13 (pg 74). Thanks Adam L! NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP18 (pg 92). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP20 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP21 (pg 97). Pix: 1 ... 2
F-1 Hero 2 (Seika)
"NES and Game Boy versions of F-1 Hero will hit the shelves in 1992." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #8 review of the June 1992 CES (pg 22). "F-1 HERO2 is the newest in racing challenge for the Nintendo. The game play is similar to that in Rad Racer, and it gets more intense, because this game is 2 player. Play a 2 player cooperative, or competitive game. This game may not look very tough, but once you get into the fast action and intense game play, you'll see why F-1 Hero 2 looks like a real winner." - EGM32 (pg 118). "Seika has ... F-1 Hero for 8-bit and hand-held." - Game Informer Summer 1992 (pg 38). "In this racing game you can race your friend in a one-one-one battle. You will race on a split screen. You can also pick the car you want to drive, and the track that you are going to burn up." - EGM32 supplement reviewing the 1992 Winter CES. Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7
F-1 ROC (Kemco)
Funco ad - EGM48 (pg 162). --- Released on SNES. Thanks Chris Covell!
F16 Renegade (Camerica)(Aladdin cart)
Aladdin Deck Enhancer box. "Below is a brief overview of what's in store from your favorite game companies early in 1993... Camerica: F-16 Renegade. Fall 93." - Game Informer Mar/Apr 1993 (pg 31). --- The game appears on Quattro Arcade.
Fairy Land Story (Hot-B)
Digital Press 5th Ed. (pg 195). Digital Press 6th Ed. (pg 253).
Fastest Lap (NTVIC)
"It's red-hot racing action! You design and build your own F-1 racer. Each of the 16 tracks have different road and weather conditions, so it's up to you to customize your racer to win each race! Available September '91" - GamePro Sept 1991 review of the Summer CES. --- Released for Game Boy.
Fighting Simulator World Champ (Culture Brain)
"... with Fighting Simulator versions for both NES and Game Boy." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #4 (pg 18). "Each of the 12 characters has parameters on 11 different physical abilities. Kick, punch, special tricks, etc. There are over 80 different techniques to fight with. You can even train your characters to improve their abilities. This game is definitely for a real fighter." - VGCE Feb 1992 (Culture Brain ad on page 27). "Fighting Simulator 1.000 - Culture Brain will soon let the NES players experience the true meaning of professional martial arts. This game is packed full of moves, kicks, flips and much more!" - EGM25 (pg 110). "The games of January 1992... appearing in local stores now!" - EGM30 pg 32. "Culture Brain will be bringing the game Fighting Simulator to all formats of Nintendo." - Game Informer Jan/Feb 1992 (pg 14). "Below is a brief overview of what's in store from your favorite game companies early in 1993... Culture Brain: Fighting Simulator." - Game Informer Mar/Apr 1993 (pg 31). This side scrolling combat action game offers the challenge of seven different contact sports to play. Experience the power of tournament competition at its hottest. Choose your sport and your warrior and prepare to battle tough!" - EGM32 supplement reviewing the 1992 Winter CES. $22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 32). --- The box scan is a closeup of the ad. Pix: All ... ad ... box ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5
Final Fantasy II (?)
$24 / $44: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18). "Among the other sequels we can expect this year are Square Soft's Final Fantasy II, ..." - Game Players Magazine March 1991 (pg 30).
Final Mission (Taito/Natsume)
"Developed by industry veteran - Natsume, Final Mission combines the very best in graphics, gameplay and sound available on the NES. This outstanding side view shooter, very similar in concept to Forgotten Worlds for the Genesis, not only scrolls both horizontally and vertically but also offers either one ot two person cooperative gameplay. Throw in numerous weapon upgrades and large Boss attackers to conclude each round of play and Taito has a hot game!" - EGM13 (pg 58). "The latest fab NES licensee, Natsume, has decided to add Final Mission to their winning line-up..." - EGM14 (pg 22). --- Final Mission is the Famicom name of SCAT. Thanks Chris Covell! Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4
Firehawk (Camerica)(Aladdin cart)
"Camerica games such as Micro Machines, the Dizzy games, Ultimate Stunt Man, Bignose the Caveman, the Quattro compilations, Firehawk, and Bee 52 will have Aladdin versions available." - VGCE Oct 1992 (pg 26).
Fisher Price Fun Flyer (Gametek)
"This fun game teaches kids coordination, compass points, color recognitions and directions (left/right, up/down) as they soar over the countryside." 1 player. - Video Game Quest pg (6.2). Pix: box (b&w)
Fisher Price Little People Bowling Alley (Gametek)
"An arcade-style game with all the excitement and action of bowling. It also teaches coordination, spacial relationships, and basic math. A child may play the game alone or with a friend, with different levels of skill." - Video Game Quest pg (6.3). --- The PC box is a better pic, and only differs from the NES box by the Nintendo Seal of approval. Pix: box (b&w) ... box (PC)
Fisher Price My Grand Piano (Gametek)
"A first musical game for kids! Theyll learn music, play familiar songs, and even create their own original tunes for computer playback." 1 player. - Video Game Quest pg (6.3). --- The PC box is a better pic, and only differs from the NES box by the Nintendo Seal of approval. Pix: box (b&w) ... box (PC)
Fisher Price School Bus Driver (Gametek)
"The popular Fisher Price line for NES continues with School Bus Driver..." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #8 review of the June 1992 CES (pg 18). "Kids will love driving the bus to school! They'll learn sound judgement and critical thinking as they pick up "Little People" at their bus stops and drive them through the countryside safely to school. Time limits and surprise roadblocks require kids to choose alternate routes." 1 player. - Video Game Quest pg (6.3). --- The PC box is a better pic, and only differs from the NES box by the Nintendo Seal of approval. NES Planner "March" - NP10 (pg 95). Pix: box (b&w) ... box (PC)
The Flash (T*HQ)
"For NES, watch for Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, The Flash, and Swamp Thing." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #4 (pg 22). "NES titles include ... The Flash..." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #8 review of the June 1992 CES (pg 24). "Join this classic fleet-footed comic book character and more recently, star of his own T.V. show in a video adventure packed with superheroes and super villains! Available Fall '91" - GamePro Sept 1991 review of the Summer CES. "... as well as NES and GB versions of Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, Swamp Thing, and Flash." - Game Informer Jan/Feb 1992 (pg 15). $7.50 / $44.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 12). $22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 32). Next Wave Directory - EGM41 (pg 138). Next Wave Directory - EGM42 (pg 118). Next Wave Directory - EGM43 (pg 98). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP23 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP24 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP26 (pg 97).
Flying Dragon II (Culture Brain)
In reviewing the Jun 1990 CES show, GamePro (9/90) reported, "Culture Brain is plotting a string of sequels, Flying Dragon II and III and Magic of Scheherazade II." "Nintendo games planned for release in 1989... From Culture Brain: Flying Dragon II." - EGM 1 (pg 29). "Two new games from Culture Brain will be Flying Dragon II, a sequel to the popular martial arts adventure, and Baseball Simulator 1.000." - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 26). Flying Dragon 2 was released as Flying Warriors. Thanks Urabahn! $24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18).
Flying Dragon III (Culture Brain)
In reviewing the Jun 1990 CES show, GamePro (9/90) reported, "Culture Brain is plotting a string of sequels, Flying Dragon II and III and Magic of Scheherazade II." $26 / $44: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18).
Fortress of Fear (?)
--- A reader hint in SWAT Pro Aug/Sep 91. It's likely the mag mislabelled it, as the game was released for Game Boy. Pix: hint
Francesca's Wand (Vic Tokai)
"Take on a quest through the underground caves and catacombs of the underworld. Find your way through the mazes while avoiding all of the evil creatures living there." - EGM13 (pg 73). Thanks Adam L! (pix too) --- Released as Krion Conquest. Thanks Chris Covell! Pix: 1 ... 2
Free Fall (Color Dreams)
Digital Press 5th Ed. (pg 192). --- Released as one of the games on Sunday Funday (Wisdom Tree) as Fishfall.
The Game of Harmony (Accolade)
"Accolade enters the Nintendo market with The Game of Harmony, a puzzle game." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 3 #4 (pg 122).
Glove Pilot (Mattel)
"Both Manipulator - Glove Adventure and Glove Pilot take advantage of the glove's abilities as well in even more complex and action-packed environments. You pick up the ojects, move things around, and do other things in real space. For these games the glove is an absolutely riveting item that definitely opens up new doors." - EGM 1 (pg 48). "Glove Pilot puts you in control of a spaceship and sends you on a mission to six worlds. The Power Glove lets you 'reach' into the game to set the dials and switches on the spaceship's instrument panel. In Glove Pilot, you also get to salvage wrecked fighters, pick up air and soil samples from distant planets, and do battle using advanced weapons systems." - The Hot Games (pg 59-60).
Go! Dizzy Go! (Camerica)(Aladdin cart)
Aladdin Deck Enhancer box. "Below is a brief overview of what's in store from your favorite game companies early in 1993... Camerica: Go Diizy Go. Summer 93." - Game Informer Mar/Apr 1993 (pg 31). --- The game appears on Quattro Arcade.
Goonies I (?)
Ultimate Game Club ad - EGM 1 (pg 25).
Grand Prix (Konami?)
Digital Press 5th Ed. (pg 195). Digital Press 6th Ed. (pg 253). --- Could this be the unreleased Konami Grand Prix? Or Micahel Andretti Grand Prix?
Great Warriors Saga (?)
Ad in Beyond Gaming #3 June 1990 (pg 7).
Grid Grabber (Jaleco?)
C.S.I. Gamemasters ad ($39.99) - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 111). Ultimate Game Club ad - EGM09 (pg 57). $10.00 / $39.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11).
Gun.Smoke 2 (Capcom)
Digital Press 5th Ed. (pg 195). Digital Press 6th Ed. (pg 253).
Hacker 2 (Activision)
(hint) "If you get the security code, you will get it in four pieces. Rearrange the four pieces to form an important date in American history." - Mastering 1 (pg 142). (hint) "If you get the security code, you will get it in four pieces. Rearrange the four pieces to form an important date in American history." - Mastering 2 (pg 126). --- Yes, the same hint appears in both books.
Hammerin' Harry (Irem)
"They are also working on a NES version of a popular arcade game from a few years back, Hammerin' Harry." - NP26 Pak Watch (pg 97). "Harry has to fight the likes of Rusty Nail and his gang, taking his hammer and riveting justice." - NP32 Now Playing Jan. 1992 (pg 101). Also in NP32, the game is in "Your Guide to the Latest NES Releases." It's a one-player comic action game, and rated a 2.9 (out of 5). "Harry's beloved home has been leveled by a crew of construction workers. In this arcade-based title Harry's mad as #@*! and he's out to avenge his home. Welding a huge mallet, Harry sets out to do some destructive, reconstructive surgery on the construction crew. Available Early '92" - GamePro Sept 1991 review of the Summer CES. Hammerin' Harry will be available for both NES and Game Boy, ..." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #4 (pg 20). "Based on the smash arcade hit, Hammerin' Harry pits you against an evil construction boss trying to take over the city. Have Harry use his hammer to smash the bad guys." - EGM25 (pg 115). "The NES isn't being completely abandoned though. ... Irem plans to do Hammerin' Harry and Kung Fu 2..." - EGM30 New Soft News (pg 70). "Take this 8-Bit NES home... or else! This is a worker with a mission. Now, you too can hammer, pound and nail those bad guys in this riveting action game. The graphic construction of this cart is sure to please Harry fans from the arcade." - EGM32 supplement reviewing the 1992 Winter CES. $7.50 / $44.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11). $22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 32). --- Released in Europe. NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP26 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP28 (pg 95). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP29 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP30 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP31 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP32 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP33 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP34 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP35 (pg 113). Pix: All ... box ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7
Happily Ever After (Sofel)
"Snow White used to be the kind of obedient, old-fashioned girl that was content to keep house for seven habit-ridden dwarfs while she waited for a prince to carry her away. But hey - these are the 1990's. Princes, white horses, and castles are pretty hard to find. Snow White is a courageous, intelligent woman braving monsters and hardships as she tries to rescue Prince Charming from the land of Doom. They don't make fairy tales like they used to." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 4 #6 (pg 90). "... Happily Ever After is scheduled for release this year by Filmation, and Sofel plans to create a NES game based on it, targeting the growing female market for NES games." - NP16 Pak Watch Gossip & Such (pg 95). Previewed in the March 1991 issue of GamePro as Snow White: "Based on the upcoming animated movie 'Happily Ever After,' this NES cart puts you in the role of Snow White (What? An NES title with a female protangonist?) as she battles her way through the Land of Doom in a quest to rejoin her beloved." "Also forthcoming from SOFEL are Happily Ever After, an adventure starring Snow White (based on an upcoming film of the same name); ..." - Game Players Magazine March 1991 (pg 30). "Everyone knows Snow White lived happily ever after, but now you have the chance to bring her out of retirement for yet another enchanted adventure. Available Fall '91" - GamePro Sept 1991 review of the Summer CES. "Look for Casino Kid II from Sofel, as well as Happily Ever After, starring Snow White, both for the NES." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #4 (pg 22). "Sofel announced Happily Ever After for the NES..." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #8 review of the June 1992 CES (pg 22). "SOFEL is working on an NES version of the Snow White story, Happ'ly Ever After." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 6 #4 review of the Jan 1993 CES (pg 20). "Happily Ever After Starring Snow White. Some day her Prince will come, and so will her NES cart. Based on next summer's new movie by Filmation, Snow White battles to find her true love in this action/adventure epic set in the Land of Doom. available '93" - GamePro Sep 92. Sofel has created an NES Snow White action game called Happily Ever After." - NP46 Pak Watch CES Special Report (pg 113). "You play Snow White in this side-scrolling action game based on the new animated movie due out this summer. Available June '93" - GamePro April 1993 review of CES '93. "Did you like those stories you heard at your bedside? Thanks to Sofel Corp, you can now live out the adventures of Snow White in her battle with the forces of evil." - EGM25 (pg 110). "Snow White's beloved prince has been captured by the evil Lord Maliss, the evil brother of Snow White's equally evil stepmother, the wicked queen. Helping Snow White rescue the prince are the magical Seven Dwarfellas, the female cousins of the original Seven Dwarves. Guide Snow White along her perilous journey through Lord Maliss' sinister kingdom to save the prince as he once saved her. Turn about is fair play....and FUN play!" - Sofel ad on page 85 of EGM29. "Take on the role of Snow White, and save the kingdom from total destruction. Along the way you will run into many of the cast from the original movie." - EGM32 supplement reviewing the 1992 Winter CES. "Theme/Action. Snow White and her Prince are soon to be married except that the prince has mysteriously disappeared! This action game puts you in control of Snow as she travels through the six lands and faces the wicked queen!" - EGM44 supplement reviewing the 1993 Winter CES. "Sofel has a new title for each Nintendo system, ... Happily Ever After for the 8-bit ..." - Game Informer Summer 1992 (pg 40). "Below is a brief overview of what's in store from your favorite game companies early in 1993... Sofel: Happily Ever After." - Game Informer Mar/Apr 1993 (pg 31). $22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 33). --- Listed as Snow White. Next Wave Directory - EGM41 (pg 138). Next Wave Directory - EGM42 (pg 118). Next Wave Directory - EGM43 (pg 98). Next Wave Directory - EGM45 (pg 101). Next Wave Directory - EGM46 (pg 98). Next Wave Directory - EGM47 (pg 108). Next Wave Directory - EGM48 (pg 104). Pix: All ... ad ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5
Happy Camper (Color Dreams)
Box pix from GamePro 4/93, GamePro 12/90 Digital Press 6th Ed. (pg 253) --- Includes comments from game designer Jon Valesh. Check out his web site. $22 / $44: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18). Pix: box
Hard Drivin' (Tengen)
In reporting on the Simulator game chair: "Games like ... Hard Drivin' (Tengen for the NES) attain a new level of realism." - VGCE Nov 1990 (pg 141). In GamePro's Pronews Report of 4/90 (pg 92): "Tengen is also releasing Ms. PacMan and Hard Drivin'." "Driving a real high performance car can be quite a blast. But where can you do vertical loops, high-speed races and high-flying jumps? In Hard Drivin', that's where! Sit behind the wheel to feel all the thrills of stunt driving. Jump a draw bridge or go around a 360-degree loop! Put the pedal to the metal for some fast driving. The true 3-D screen display will have you leaning into corners. Every time you crash, you get to see an instant replay of your accident. Like the incredible arcade hit, this Hard Drivin's looking for a few hard drivers. No license, or cars, required." Due 3rd Quarter 1990, 1 player. - Video Game Quest (pg 9.9). $42.99 / $10.00: Member & trade-in prices on a poster ad of The Trading Zone dated 09/01/90. $30 / $49: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18). $8.00 / $39.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11). --- The box pic can be seen in various Tengen ads. Pix: box
Hat Trick (Capcom)
"For ice hockey fans, the old Sente coin-op, Hat Trick, was recently transported to the NES by Capcom." - VGCE May 1989 (pg 89).
Head On (Tecmo)
"They are also working on ... a driving game tentatively titled Head On." - NP12 Pak Watch (pg 90). --- Released as Power Racer for Gameboy. Thanks Chris Covell!
Heavyweight Championship Boxing (Activision)
"... and Activision is ready to knock out the competition with Heavyweight Championship Boxing for NES and Malibu Beach Volleyball for Nintendo and Game Boy." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 3 #4 (pg 122).
Hector Vector (?)
Play it Again ad - VGCE July 1989 (pg 92). $15 / $28.95: buy/sell price in Play It Again ad - Game Players Magazine Nov 1989 (pg 124). $18 / $28: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 107).
Hellicopter (Konami/Ultra)
"Other projects in the works from Konami/Ultra include Helicopter, a simulator designed especially for use with the Laser Scope Voice Command Head Set. This flying game will also be compatible with a standard controller." NP20 Pak Watch (pg 94). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP20 (pg 97). --- This likely became Laser Invasion. Pix: 1
Hellraiser (Color Dreams)
In GamePro's Pronews Report of 6/90 (pg 118): "The first two Super Cartridge titles planned are Storm Lords (from Hewson in England)... a shoot-em-up adventure title, and Hellraiser. Based on the movie of the same name and the Marvel comic, this title is one strange adventure that's almost impossible to describe." "Color Dreams ... is coming out with its first game based on a popular movie. It's called Hellraiser and was adapted from the hit horror film by Clive Barker. Hellraiser is scheduled to hit stores sometime this summer, coinciding with the release of the third movie in the Hellraiser series." - Game Players Magazine June 1990 (pg 24). The Super Cartridge was to have a Z80 processor, which Color Dreams claimed would enable more colors and 16-bit style graphics on the NES. More details on the Super Cartridge can be found in a feature article in GamePro 7/90. The ad appeared on page 53 in GamePro Feb 91. "Clive Barker... makes his video game debut with Color Dreams' Hellraiser. It is doubtful that much of Hellraiser's more gruesome content will be transported to the NES game. The cubes and the Cenobites will certainly be on hand, however. Hellraiser will be the first Color Dreams game to use the company's new cartridge-based technology that theoretically advances NES software to 16-bit levels." - VGCE Nov 1990 (pg 141). "The Super-16 Coprocessor Cartridge for the NES is Here. Super-16 cartridge delivers 16 bit performance that plugs right into your 8 bit Nintendo System. Hellraiser is the first game to use our advanced technology that pushes the NES further than ever before. Experience the pleasure of 16-bit performance. Experience the pain of Clive Barker's Hellraiser. Can you locate the strange cubes that open doorways to the darkrealm? Can you solve the puzzle of the Lament Configuration? Pinhead, Cenobites, and all of Hell know the answer. From the darkness far away laughter echoes." - Color Dreams sales flier included with King Neptune's Adventure. --- A quickie interview with Vance Kozik, who worked on Hellraiser, appears on pg 195 of the Digital Press 5th ed. $24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18). $10.00 / $55.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11). --- The box pic is a close-up of the magazine ad, which also contains pix of Happy Camper, Targhan, and Starblade. Pix: All ... ad ... flier... box... 1 ... 2
Hermetica (Bullet-Proof)
"Bullet-Proof is also planning SNES and NES versions of Hermetica, an unusual action-strategy game with 30 levels." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #8 review of the June 1992 CES (pg 13). Next Wave Directory - EGM41 (pg 138). Next Wave Directory - EGM42 (pg 118). Next Wave Directory - EGM43 (pg 98).
Hit the Ice (Taito)
"Later this year, look for Super Nintendo games Hit the Ice (versions for Game Boy and NES, also)..." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #8 review of the June 1992 CES (pg 24). "The hockey simulation Hit the Ice appears on all formats." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 6 #4 review of the Jan 1993 CES (pg 22). "This two-on-a-team hockey game emphasizes brawling skills over the athletic prowess of the players. The giant characters of the Super NES version are shaved down to size, though, making this game more of a contest with a real possibility of scoring goals and making some good moves on the ice. Not very many moves. Lack of depth of play." NP47 Now Playing April 1993 (pg 105). Two-player simultaneous play, rated 2.8 (out of 5). "An ice hockey role playing game? As incredible as it may sound, that is one way to describe Hit the Ice. The game seems to be loosely based on the arcade game of the same name, with an added RPG type map. Your team, which consists of two players and a goalie, travels around the world challenging other hockey teams in a quest to win the Video Hockey League Cup." - NP49 (pg 90). This four-player game received a two-page preview. "Taito releases ... Hit the Ice for all three systems." - Game Informer Summer 1992 (pg 40). "Below is a brief overview of what's in store from your favorite game companies early in 1993... Taito: Hit the Ice." - Game Informer Mar/Apr 1993 (pg 31). Next Wave Directory - EGM39 (pg 110). Next Wave Directory - EGM40 (pg 106). Next Wave Directory - EGM41 (pg 138). Next Wave Directory - EGM42 (pg 118). "EGM presents the games of February 1993... appearing in local stores now!" - EGM43 (pg 34). --- Released for Genesis, SNES, TurboGrafx-16, and Game Boy. Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6
Holy Diver (Irem)
"A fantastic Castlevania-type game loaded with hidden surprises!" - EGM 3 (pg 22). Pix: 1
Home Sweet Home (?)
C.S.I. Gamemasters ad ($39.99) - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 111). $10.00 / $44.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11). --- Probably meant Sweet Home, also unreleased.
Hostage (?)
C.S.I. Gamemasters ad ($49.99) - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 111). --- This blurb can be found in the review of Rescue: The Embassy Mission in Game Player's Encylopedia 2 (p 242): "Surely one of the most realistic Nintendo games on the market, this tension-packed adaptation of the computer game Hostage takes its story directly from today's headlines." Based on this comment, I believe Hostage became Rescue. Just my opinion. :-)
Hot Rocks (?)
C.S.I. Gamemasters ad ($44.99) - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 111).
Hudson's Space Adventure (Hudson)
"Hot on the heels of Adventures of Dini-Riki, Hudson Soft USA will be introducing a few new Nintendo titles this year, including ... a third game tentatively titled Hudson's Space Adventure." - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 28).
Hulk Hogan (?)
Play it Again ad - VGCE July 1989 (pg 92). --- Wrestlemania listed in same ad.
Hyper Zone (HAL)
"On the Nintendo front, HAL is bringing out both a NES and a Super NES version of their action packed futuristic racing game Hyper Zone..." - EGM26 New Soft News (pg 46).
In Your Face (Jaleco)
Digital Press 5th Ed. (pg 195).
Inspector Gadget (Hudson Soft)
"Hudson Soft also announced the inking of a deal involving Inspector Gadget, an inept detective who stars in a top-rated children's cartoon. SNES and NES versions of Inspector Gadget are in the works. Look for these games in late '93." - GamePro April 1993. "Hudson Soft, USA has acquired the rights to produce games based on the television show Inspector Gadget and the movies An American Tale: Fievel Goes West and Beauty and the Beast. All three licenses will be used to create nonviolent games for the NES and SNES. Look for them in the second half of this year." - VGCE April 1993 (pg 20). --- Released for SNES. Thanks Linque!
Integrity (?)
Trading Zone ad - VGCE Oct 1990 (pg 53).
International Team Sports (SporTime Inc)
"The Story: You're a camper competing in ten activities, such as tug of war, skateboard racing, six-legged racing, crab walking, and belly bump ball. This is one of Nintendo's Power Pad games. You and other players run in place on a special floor mat to control the action." - The Hot Games (pg 29). "There's at least one other game that you can Nintendo-cise with by using The Power Pad. It's called International Team Sports. In it, you compete aganst the computer or your friends in events like skateboarding, logrolling, and tug of war." - The Hot Games (pg 52). --- Likely released as Super Team Games. --- An identical title was released by Mindscape for the Commodore 64.
(Introducing) the Humans (Gametek)
"NES, SNES, Game Boy, Genesis, and Game Gear. This new PC crossover gives you a real reason to succeed.. longevity of the Human race. This Darwinian adventure takes you back in time to the Prehistoric era and the first humans on Earth. It's survival of the fittest in this test of everyday caveman trials and tribulations. Discover tools, fire, survive and find a mate for a little species multiplication. Your ultimate goal: Evolution. Otherwise, you're headed the way of the dinosaurs. Available early 1993." - Game Informer Jan/Feb 1993 (pg 48). --- Even after examining the article closely, I couldn't tell if the name should be The Humans or Introducing the Humans.
Ishido: The Way of the Stones (Accolade)
"The ancient, eastern game of Ishido: Way of the Stones from Accolade blends the Tao 'Rule of Four' with classic board game maneuvering for hours of thought-provoking play. Get it for your Nintendo, Game Boy, or Genesis system." - Game Informer Jan/Feb 1992 (pg 43). $24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18). --- Released for Genesis.
It Came From the Desert (Cinemaware)
In GamePro's Pronews Report of 1/90 (pg 78): "They're also working on developing Lords of the Rising Sun and It Came From the Desert for the NES." --- The 2/90 issue of GamePro then previews these games on the the TurboGrafx.
Jack and the Beanstalk (Asmik)
"Under Development: Below is a list of games that were announced at the show and are currently under development. We'll fill you in as soon as information is available ... Jack and the Beanstalk ... " - NP11 review of the 1990 Winter CES. "For the NES, watch for Jack & the Beanstalk and the Game Boy cart, Megalit." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #4 (pg 18). "Jack and his wonderous adventures come alive in this 'soft' action-type game with no graphic violence. The adventures begin as Jack climbs the mighty vine through the clouds into the giant's kingdom in the sky. He must find all sorts of hidden treasures that the giant has stolen before he can climb back down the vine. The kingdom, like the giant himself, is very immense. Jack must overcome many challenges along the way. Unique multi-directional scrolling allows Jack to go anywhere at any time." 1 player, due 3rd Quaretr 1990. - Video Game Quest (pg 4.22). "The Jack and the Beanstalk fairy tale comes to life, albeit somewhat haphazardly. This cartoony action/adventure cart tries to capture the feel of Super Mario games, but doesn't succeed. To its credit, Jack looks good, but unfortunately plays " - EGM09 (pg 30). Thanks Adam L! (the pix too) "Like the fairy tale Jack has to get the treasure, climb the beanstalk, and defeat the evil Giant. The he must make his way through the castle and rescue the princess." - EGM13 (pg 73). Thanks again, Adam L! Ultimate Game Club ad ($42.99) - Game Players Magazine Oct 1990 (pg 94). $8.00 / TBA: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11). $22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 32). Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4
Jaws Revenge (?)
C.S.I. Gamemasters ad ($42.99) - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 111).
Jet Bike Simulator (?)
Funco ad - GamePro Nov 1993 (pg 268). $7.50 / $39.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11). $22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 32).
John Madden Football (UBI Soft / Electronic Arts)
"Currently available for the Genesis and NES, John Madden Football, by Electronic Arts, will be making its way to the Super NES..." - VGCE Dec 1991 (pg 113). "NES version of the Genesis game, also by Park Place, reproduces a remarkable number of the features that delighted 16-bit fans. Almost 200 plays and 29 pro-level teams are included, with players rated on strength, speed, and smarts, while defensive players are rated for the pop in their hits. Regular season and playoff modes." - VGCE Dec 1991 (pg 116). "Available: November '93, 1 or 2-Player Sports. Ubi Soft acquired the rights to John Madden '93 from EA, with plans to bring it to the NES and Game Boy. Due to the 8-bit capabilities, the gameplay will be translated in an overhead style. Other aspects of the game have yet to be decided, but here's a peek." - Game Infomer Sep/Oct 1993 (pg 47). "For the NES, Ubi plans to release John Madden Football by the end of the year." - NP51 Pak Watch CES Update (pg 112). "Look for ... two sports titles - Basketball (Game Boy) and John Madden Football (NES and Game Boy)." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 6 #8 review of the Summer 1993 CES (pg 49). "After hitting all the 16-bit systems, the blue-collar ex-coach will bring his bombastic commentating style to the NES and the Game Boy early next year." - GamePro Dec 1993. "... is still moving toward completion as are Ubi Soft's two Madden Football games, one for the NES and one for Game Boy." - NP58 Winter CES '94 review. "Listen up sports fans John Madden Football '93 is coming to both the NES and the Gameboy! While both versions are early in production, you can expect to see intense football action. If it has the Madden name, it must be good. A bunch of realistic plays are to be programed in along with well animated players. The colors on the NES version are bright and depict the field well. This is going to be one of the better NES football games once it's finished." - EGM49 (pg 172). "The main man of football makes his mark on the NES. You'll find tons of plays with real bone-crushing action in this little wonder. Choose from several options including weather, quarter length, type of season and teams. Out on the field go for the sliding tackles to stop the opposition cold! Play a season complete with a tournament tree to plot the next challenger." - EGM54 (pg 175) part of a feature on UBI Soft. Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7
Jordan Adventure (Electronic Arts)
--- Mentioned on the resume of David Bunch, the lead programmer (scroll to the very bottom). Thanks Dave Warmington!
Jump Burger (Nintendo)
"Gossip: Nintendo's own 1989 lineup so far includes: Cobra Triangle, Trick Shooting, Jump Burger (Jump Burger?!?) Prototype Programs will be shown at CES, so we'll know more in March." NP04 Pak Watch (pg 87). --- Jump Burger was such a small game that is was put together with Eggsplode and called Short Order/Eggsplode. Thanks Linque! NES Planner "Future Releases" - NP04 (pg 87).
Kirby's Dream Land (Nintendo)
"But Nintendo had lots of other games on view, including Kirby's Dream Land for the NES..." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 6 #3 (pg 8). "Originally on the Game Boy, this popular title is now going to be enhanced for the NES. While the largest addition to this game is color, fans will find all new secrets and a lot more fun." - EGM46 (pg 96). --- Was this the working title for Kirby's Adventure?
Konami Grand Prix (Konami)
"Race your high tech speedster on the best tracks the world has to offer. With a little luck and a lot of skill you just might find yourself in the winner's circle!" - EGM36 supplement reviewing the 1992 Summer CES (pg 24). --- Could this be the same as the unreleased Grand Prix? --- Released in Japan as F-1 Sensation. - Thanks J. Soler! --- Formula 1 Sensation was released in Europe. Next Wave Directory - EGM41 (pg 138). Next Wave Directory - EGM42 (pg 118). Next Wave Directory - EGM43 (pg 98). Next Wave Directory - EGM45 (pg 101). Next Wave Directory - EGM46 (pg 98). Next Wave Directory - EGM47 (pg 108). Next Wave Directory - EGM48 (pg 104). Pix: 1
Kung Fu II (Irem)
"... The programmers of that classic, Irem, are finally creating a sequel in Kung Fu 2." - NP26 Pak Watch (pg 97). "Kung Fu II, that about says it all. More of the horizontally-scrolling kicking, punching, and jump-kicking that made Kung Fu I famous. Available Fall '91" - GamePro Sept 1991 review of the Summer CES. "This is a big disappointment from Irem, whose other titles, including Metal Storm and R-Type, are very good. In fact, the whole game has a vaguely unfinished feel - almost as if the programmers meant to add more to the game." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #2 (pg 93). Repeated in Game Player's Encyclopedia #4 (pg 173). "... and Kung Fu II is new for NES." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #4 (pg 20). "New features include many more settings, plus cinema scenes that tell the story as you get further into the mission. While the game is more advanced than the original Kung Fu, it is still very basic when compared to the Double Dragon games and the Ninja Gaiden series. Your fighter, for instance, can only make three moves, and he has no special weapons. - NP31 Now Playing Dec. 1991 (pg 85). Also in NP31, the game appears under "Your Guide to the Latest NES Releases." It's a one-player street fighting game, and rated a 2.7 (out of 5). "Coming Soon... an at a glance directory of new products, games, and software: Nintendo Entertainment System: New Cartridges: Broderbund Kung Fu II" - Electronic Game Player Jan/Feb 1988 (pg 5). "Head out into the dark and dangerous streets of the city. Use your kung-fu skills to protect yourself from the onslaught of enemies who are out to finish you off." - EGM25 (pg 116). "The games of October 1991... appearing in local stores now!" - EGM27 (pg 26). "The NES isn't being completely abandoned though. ... Irem plans to do Hammerin' Harry and Kung Fu 2..." - EGM30 New Soft News (pg 70). $15 / $28.95: buy/sell price in Play It Again ad - Game Players Magazine Nov 1989 (pg 124). $20 / $32: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 107). $22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 32). --- Released on the Famicom as Spartan X 2. - Adam L NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP26 (pg 97). Pix: All ... Ad ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10 ... 11 ... 12 ... 13 ... 14 ... 15
Kurn (?)
$10.00 / $39.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11).
Labyrinth (Activision)
(hint) "When you get to a place where you need a key, but only have a plank, use the plank instead. It will do fine as a substitute." - Mastering 1 (pg 144). (hint) "When you get to a place where you need a key, but only have a plank, use the plank instead. It will do fine as a substitute." - Mastering 2 (pg 128). --- Yes, the same hint appears in both books. --- Released in Japan. Thanks Urabahn! Pix: Famicom game
Land of Demos (?)
Trading Zone ad - VGCE Oct 1990 (pg 53).
Last Ninja 2 (Activision)
(hint) "At the end of the game, you must punch in the combination that you got from the computer earlier in the game. Then you must light all of the candles and kill the enemy in the center of the screen. If you do not act fast, he will blow out some of your candles." - Mastering 1 (pg 147). (hint) "At the end of the game, you must punch in the combination that you got from the computer earlier in the game. Then you must light all of the candles and kill the enemy in the center of the screen. If you do not act fast, he will blow out some of your candles." - Mastering 2 (pg 134). (Yes, the same hint appears in both books). --- Last Ninja which was released for the NES (by Jaleco) was a straight port of the Amiga/C-64 game Last Ninja II. Maybe they got their numbers mixed up? - Chris Covell.
Legend of Guardic (Irem)
"Coming Soon... an at a glance directory of new products, games, and software: Nintendo Entertainment System: New Cartridges: Irem Legend of Guardic" - Electronic Game Player Jan/Feb 1988 (pg 5). --- Probably a typo for The Guardian Legend. The same issue attributes Kung Fu II to Broderbund, when other sources say Irem. Here Irem is credited for a game that sounds like a Broderbund release.
Legend of Hero Tonma (Irem)
Also in the works is The Legend Of Hero Tonma, a running and jumping game with big critters to go against." - NP16 Pak Watch (pg 91). In NP21, the game appears under "Your Guide to the Latest NES Releases." It's described as a one-player hero action game, and rated a 2.9 (out of 5). "Depart in a magical adventure as Tonma the brave soldier. The princess has been captured and taken to an island filled with monsters. Defeat the evil emperor!" - EGM13 (pg 67). Thanks Adam L! (pix too) Ultimate Game Club ad ($42.99) - Game Players Magazine Oct 1990 (pg 94). --- Released for NEC PC-Engine/TurboDuo. Thanks Chris Covell! NES Planner "Future" - NP16 (pg 95). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP18 (pg 92). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP23 (pg 97). Pix: 1 ... 2
Lethal Weapon 3 (Ocean)
Next Wave Directory - EGM41 pg 138. "EGM presents the games of January 1993... appearing in local stores now!" - EGM42 (pg 44). "Many of the other new NES carts were conversions of games that have, or are being made for all the formats. Cool World, Lethal Weapon 3, Super Turrican, Home Alone 2 and James Bond Jr. are examples of games that will be seen across the board." "Theme/Action. Relive the excitement and thrills of the fast-paced movie. Load your gun, and hunt down criminals and drug dealers. Guns blazing, you will come across the most vile of villians. Go ahead, liquify some crooks today." - EGM44 supplement reviewing the 1993 Winter CES. "They will be bringing you Cool World, Lethal Weapon 3, and Robocop 3, each for all three Nintendo formats ..." - Game Informer Summer 1992 (pg 39). --- The released Lethal Weapon has a Lethal Weapon 3 pic on the box. Pix: 1
Liberty or Death (Koei)
Digital Press 6th Ed. (pg 254). --- Released for SNES. Thanks Linque!
Licence to Kill (Tengen)
In GamePro's Pronews Report of 4/90 (pg 92): "Get ready for madcap adventures in Tengen's Police Academy, and adventures with 007 in License to Kill." "Lots of actors have played the role of James Bond, the world famous double-o seven. Now, it's your turn when you play this exciting adaptation of the latest and best Bond thriller. Licence to Kill is a multi-level multi-role game. You take the controls of helicopters, boats and tankers. You perform the amazing stunts, from barefoot water-skiing to death-defying parachute jumps. You'll be the one to blow away the vicious drug smugglers who ambushed your best friend Felix and his new bride. As James Bond, you're used to getting what you want. And this time, you want revenge!" - Video Game Quest (pg 4.26). "You can be Bond, James Bond, in this adaptation of last summer's movie. But before you step into 007's shoes, be sure you want to control helicopters, maneuver boats, and drive tankers. And are you up to parachute jumping and waterskiing? Only the brave need apply to locate and capture a notorious drug dealer." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 3 #2 (pg 120). "This action game, designed by Domark of the U.K., translates the movie of the same title into a series of arcade-style contests. Included are helicopter flying, swimming, water skiing, and low-level flying in a crop duster." - VGCE Jan 1992 (pg 138). "Relive the adventures of James Bond, agent 007 on this licensed effort. Not only do you control the super-spy in mulitple levels of play, you also take control of amazing gadgets and powerful hardware like a helicopter, boat, and tanker truck. Decent graphics and play bring the movies to life!" - EGM09 (pg 70). Thanks Adam L! "...Licence to Kill, an action game based on last year's James Bond movie..." - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 30). Pix: box ... 1
Lion King (Virgin)
Digital Press 5th Ed. (pg 196). --- Released in Europe. Pix: box
Loony Toons Cartoon Maker (Hi Tech)
"Other titles on the horizon include... The Loony Toons Cartoon Maker (the first NES animation program, featuring Bugs Bunny and Road Runner)... - NP12 Pak Watch (pg 92). --- Tiny Toons Cartoon Workshop was released by Konami, and Videomation by TH*Q.
Lord of Lightning (Capcom)
In reviewing the June 1990 CES show, GamePro (9/90) said, "As usual, Capcom had some of the strongest titles at the show. California Raisins, Street Fighter 2010, Little Nemo: The Dream Master, Lord of Lightning, the Noid Game, and best of all, Mega Man 3." "We saw, heard, and played hundreds of games at CES, and we just don't have space to get to them all this time around. Here are a few new titles to whet your gaming appetites: ... Lord of Lightning ..." - NP16 Pak Watch Gossip & Such Rumors (pg 95). $24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18).
Lord of the Rings (Interplay)
"Join Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf the Wizard, and the rest of the ring-bearing crew in J.R.R. Tolkien's classic fantasy adventure. This RPG cart's faithful to the book. Available Early '92" - GamePro Sept 1991 review of the Summer CES. (pg 25). "Soon, NES players will be treated to this highly detailed quest to once again free your homelands. Detailed graphics and decent game play complement this title." - EGM25 (pg 112). --- Released for the SNES. Thanks Xono! Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3
Lords of the Rising Sun (Cinemaware)
In GamePro's Pronews Report of 1/90 (pg 78): "They're also working on developing Lords of the Rising Sun and It Came From the Desert for the NES." --- The 2/90 issue of GamePro previews these games on the Turbografx.
Magic Candle (World) (American Sammy)
"American Sammy inked a contract with Mindcraft Software Inc. to develop and publish a version of The Magic Candle for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Mike Yamamoto, American Sammy's president, states, 'It was a truly historic event for us - we had been trying to obtain this title for months!'" - VGCE Jan 1991 (pg 26). "American Sammy will be publishing 'The Magic Candle' for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Sammy was quite excited to obtain the rights to this hot P.C. role playing game." - NP20 Pak Watch Gossip Galore (pg 97). "Here's your chance to battel your way through the land of Deruvia on a quest to save the Magic Candle. American Sammy will produce an NES version of The Magic Candle that's planned to be every bit as exciting and challenging as the popular PC game. The Magic Candle in this role-playing game is an eternal flame which has, for thousands of years, imprisoned a demon named Dreax. Now, for some horrible reason, the flame is going out. Your stalwart party must locate forgotten spells which will reimprison Dreax forever. The vast world of Deruvia is full of both wonders and dangers, so be prepared to spend many hours under the spell of The Magic Candle." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 3 #7 (pg 121). --- Pic 1 below is from the PC version. "American Sammy is bringing out a Nintendo Version of the popular computer role-playing game The Magic Candle. You play a hero who explores and battles his way through the lands of Deruvia, gathering spells and fighting foes to save a sputtering candle whose power has kept the vile demon Dreaux imprisoned for eons. - Game Players Magazine Dec 1990 (pg 100). "Your six-member troupe must locate lost spells that will keep the demon in his waxy prison." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 4 #8 (pg 18). "Also look for NES adventure games, ... and Magic Candle World." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #4 (pg 17). "NES owners will get a chance to explore Magic Candle World..." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 6 #4 review of the Jan 1993 CES (pg 14). "Other RPG titles in progress are ... Magic Candle World ... for NES." - Game Informer Jan/Feb 1992 (pg 14). "Below is a brief overview of what's in store from your favorite game companies early in 1993... American Sammy: Magic Candle World." - Game Informer Mar/Apr 1993 (pg 31). "Soon to be arriving on you NES 8 bit: Magic Candle World - American Sammy" - EGM32 supplement reviewing the 1992 Winter CES. "Theme/RPG. Seek the light of the magic candle in this all new NES role-playing game! Set in an overhead perspective, you maneuver around and talk with many people you'll face! Gather up weapons and gold to seek your true goal!" - EGM44 supplement reviewing the 1993 Winter CES. $26 / $42: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18). Next Wave Directory - EGM45 (pg 101). Next Wave Directory - EGM46 (pg 98). Next Wave Directory - EGM47 (pg 108). Next Wave Directory - EGM48 (pg 104). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP20 (pg 97). Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3
Magic of Scheherazade II (Culture Brain)
In reviewing the Jun 1990 CES show, GamePro (9/90) reported, "Culture Brain is plotting a string of sequels, Flying Dragon II and III and Magic of Scheherazade II." "... Culture Brain is working on a sequel to the fantasy adventure game The Magic of Scheherazade." - NP18 Pak Watch Gossip galore (pg 92). $34 / $54: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP18 (pg 92).
Magic Sword (?)
(hint) "Fire up your blade with this enchanted Magic Sword trick..." - SWATPRO Jul 93 (pg 17). Pix: 1
Makai Island (Capcom)
Fun Club News #2 (pg 6). Listed as available by Fall 1987.
Malibu Beach Volleyball (Activision)
"... and Activision is ready to knock out the competition with Heavyweight Championship Boxing for NES and Malibu Beach Volleyball for Nintendo and Game Boy." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 3 #4 (pg 122).
Maniac Mansion II (Lucasfilm/Jaleco)
"If the saddest day of your life was the day you finished Maniac Mansion for the first...er, third...er, seventh time, you're in luck. Rumor has it that Maniac Mansion II is currently in development at Lucasfilm for the NES, and maybe the SNES too! The title is looking like a summer '92 release, and features a time travel theme as well as all of your favorite MM characters." - GamePro Nov 91. "Jaleco is working on a sequel to Maniac Mansion. The second adventure picks up years after the first one ended, but features the same kids. Want to know what Bernard's doing for a living? Who's dating Razor? Stay tuned - Maniac Mansion won't be on store shelves for a year or so..." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #2 (pg 10). --- Released on the PC as Day of the Tentacle. Thanks Matt McGrath!
Manipulator - Glove Adventure (Mattel)
"Both Manipulator - Glove Adventure and Glove Pilot take advantage of the glove's abilities as well in even more complex and action-packed environments. You pick up the ojects, move things around, and do other things in real space. For these games the glove is an absolutely riveting item that definitely opens up new doors." - EGM 1 (pg 48).
Mariner's Run (Vic Tokai)
"Mariner's Run from Vic Tokai, a game in the style of Ultima or Dragon Warrior, takes place in a land of seafaring towns." - Game Players Magazine March 1991 (pg 32). Pix: 1
Mario Andretti's World GP (American Sammy)
--- An obvious typo... the pic of the title screen clearly says Michael Andretti. Pix: 1
Married... With Children (Sharedata)
"Another company bringing out nonlicensed, Nintendo-compatible games is Sharedata. Four new titles priced under $20 were announced, including the first Nintendo game intended strictly for adults: Married... With Children, based on the off-the-wall comedy show on Fox TV. Sharedata says the Nintendo-compatible version of Married... With Children, like the TV show, will be humorous but slightly risque, similar to Sierra On-Line's Liesure Suit Larry series of computer games." - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 26). Pix: news bit
Mask Rider (Bandai)
"Nintendo games planned for release in 1989... From Bandai: Mask Rider." - EGM 1 (pg 29). --- Probably would have been released by Bandai. The game would have been a port of the Japanese game "Kamen Rider," which was based on a sentai series (think Power Rangers) that ran in the US for a little while. - Lugnut NES Planner "Future Releases" - NP04 (pg 87).
Matchbox Lightning (Matchbox)
$7.50 / $44.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11). --- Probably meant Matchbox Racers, also unreleased.
Matchbox Racers (Matchbox)
In GamePro's Pronews Report of 9/90 (pg 36): "Matchbox Racer fans, Matchbox is working on a title that features everyone's favorite little cars in racing action." "Pick your favorite Matchbox Racer, Grand Prix cars, Off-road racers, Mega-Speed boats, or even Demolition Derby cars, and drive them till you drop. The 3-D track is packed with turns, tunnels, two-way jumps, and other nasty obstacles! Available November '91" - GamePro Sept 1991 review of the Summer CES. "Sure, everybody remembers those great little Matchbox cars, but did you know that Matchbox has brought them to life? That's right, now you can race Matchbox racers, Mega-Speed boats, or even Demolition Derby cars in this new title for the NES. The game features an isometric 3-D track. You'll have to watch out for all kinds of obstacles, including tunnels, two-way jumps, and even attacks from other racers. To survive use your turbo speed, supergrip, hydrofoil, and special weapons. Matchbox fans everywhere are gonna love this one!" - PRO-Spts (pg 197). " ... you compete on various 3-D isometric tracks. You'll face banked turns, tunnels, two-way jumps, and attacks from competitors. Your racing vehicles are equipped with turbo-speed, hydrofoil capabilities, and weapons." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 4 #6 (pg 90). "Matchbox Video Games is busy working on three games. Matchbox Racers is a high speed racing game featuring eight vehicles patterned after the cars in the Matchbox line." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #3 (pg 6). "NES action-adventure titles being released aree ... Matchbox Racers and Noah's Ark." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #4 (pg 20). "Several new NES titles are scheduled for fall, including Matchbox Racers..." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #8 review of the June 1992 CES (pg 20). "Three NES titles are among games in development from Matchbox. Watch for Matchbox Racers, Motorcity Patrol, and Noah's Ark." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 6 #4 review of the Jan 1993 CES (pg 18). In NP36 "Your Guide to the Latest NES Releases," Matchbox Racers is a one-player driving game, and rated a 2.9 (out of 5). "Grand Prix race cars, offroad racers, speed boats and demolition derby cars provide action in four different types of games in one! The track is set up in a 3-D configuration and add on turbos, supergrip tires and weapons to your cars and then run them flat out over uneven ground, high banked turns or two way jumps and you have a game which is far from boring. It's RC racing at its fastest and most demanding pace." - EGM13 (pg 59). "The well known die-cast mini cars are now on the NES. Race around different tracks trying to stay in the top 3 finishers." - EGM25 (pg 117). The blurb gives the title as Matchbox Lightning. "The games of September 1992... appearing in local stores now!" - EGM38 (pg 34). Matchbox moves into video games with Matchbox Racer, Noah's Ark and Pyramids of Ra for the Nintendo 8-bit, new this fall." - Game Informer Summer 1992 (pg 38). $26 / $42: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18). Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7
MaxiVision 30-in-1 (American Video Entertainment)
"American Video Entertainment put 30 games into the MaxiVision cartridge, which packs its multi-game fun into 24 megs. MaxiVision is due out in June. Twenty-five of the 30 games have been available in their own carts from Color Dreams, American Game Cartridges, and AVE. MaxiVision will cost $149.95. Again, AVE says price per game is where the value is." - GamePro May 1992. "Get ready for the most technically advanced, most powerful, most challenging, most excellent video game cartridge ever made - MAXIVISION. This revolutionary cartridge is jam packed with 30 complete and individual games. Great games like F-15 City War, Deathbots, Soccer, Krazy Kreatures, and many many more. Contact your local video store and try-out the most powerful 8-bit game cartridge ever. Experience MAXIVISION! To be released in June." - Solitaire manual (pg 21), Mermaids of Atlantis manual (pg 21). --- Probably refers to June 1992. Pix: 1
Mech Warriors (Activision)
"... they are also developing a Mech Warriors game set in FASA's Battletech universe..." - NP18 Pak Watch Gossip galore (pg 92).
Mechanoids (Jaleco)
--- Released as Metal Mech. Pix: box
Metal Man (Camerica)
"Camerica's new NES-compatible games include ... Metal Man, a futuristic action-adventure..." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #8 review of the June 1992 CES (pg 14). "Below is a brief overview of what's in store from your favorite game companies early in 1993... Camerica: Metal Man. Fall 93." - Game Informer Mar/Apr 1993 (pg 31). "As the futuristic super-hero Metal Man, you must bash and blast in the brains of all who oppose you. Interesting game play adds a new twist to the old shooter theme." - EGM36 supplement reviewing the 1992 Summer CES (pg 23). Pix: 1 ... 2/3
Metal Man (Camerica)(Aladdin cart)
Aladdin Deck Enhancer box.
Mickey Dream Balloon (Kemco)
"Soon to be arriving on you NES 8 bit: Mickey Mouse's Dream Balloon - Kemco" - EGM32 supplement reviewing the 1992 Winter CES. $22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 32). Funco ad - GamePro Nov 1993 (pg 268). --- Released for the Famicom as Mickey Mouse - Yume Fuusen. - Thanks João Francisco! --- Mickey Dream Balloon was stripped of the Disney characters and released as Kid Klown in Night Mayor World for the NES. - Chris Covell.
Microleague Baseball (Microleague Sports)
"...the folks at Microleague Sports are looking to turn their smash PC hit, Microleague Baseball, into a video game, probably for the NES." - GamePro July 1991.
Mig 29 Soviet Fighter (Camerica)(Aladdin cart)
Aladdin Deck Enhancer box.
Mig 29 Hunter (Activision)
"Nintendo Games Planned for Release in 1989... From Activision: Mig Hunter." EGM01 (pg 29). --- Ultimate Air Combat?
Mike Ditka Big Play Football (Accolade)
In GamePro's Pronews Report of 9/90 (pg 34): "Accolade, a new licensee, showed their first NES title, Mike Ditka's Big Play Football." Pix and a review appeared in the Sep 1990 issue of GamePro: "You can play the game versus the computer or a friend, or you can team up with a friend for some real high-flying action. You'll play one game against each of the three other teams. Beat all three and you get to play Chicago and then San Francisco in the playoffs. Mike Ditka's Big Play Football is ideal for gamers who like sports games with challenge, but don't like to read a thick manual to master them." "Accolade's 4th and Inches seems to have inspired this one or two-player in-the-stands NES football game by Tokyo-based Pony Canyon. Six teams with full statistics (not real NFL teams)." - VGCE Oct 1990 (pg 158). The exact same thing was later written about Quarterback Scramble in VGCE Dec 1991 (pg 116). "You want sophisticated play formation options? You've got 'em! You want penalties, injuries and player substitution? You've got those, too. Unfortunately, you also get a number of things that you don't want, like fuzzy-looking players, annoying 'flicker' and a passing game that's straight out of the Twilight Zone." - VGCE Dec 1990 (pg 96) excerpt from a full-page review. In GamePro's Pronews Report of 10/90 (pg 120): "Mike Ditka's Big Play Football was designed by Pony Canyon in Tokyo and should hit the shelves by November '90." "... the game makes it simple to throw a pass by freezing the action when you're ready to cut loose." - NP18 Pak watch (pg 91). "You get a horizontally- and vertically-scrolling overhead perspective, and a wide range of offensive and defensive options, including the ability to change plays in mid-stream if the defense is shutting you down. Each of your players is rated for Dexterity, Agility, and Body." - PRO-Spts (pg 198). "Mike Ditka's Big Play Football has a lot of fancy embellish-ments that can make the difference between a good game and a great game. Injuries, penalties, and the ability to substitute players add to the realism of the game. Unfortunately, the basic gameplay is merely average; the fancy stuff merely saves the game from failure." - VGCE Complete Guide to Video Games (VGCE-R) (pg 20). "Play against the computer or a friend, or team up with a friend for bone-jarring action. A wide range of defensive options and a wide-open 'big play' offensive style make Ditka's a great sports video game challenge for those who don't have time to master a thick manual." - GamePro's Celebrity Video Gamers Aug/Sep 1991 (pg 55). $30 / $49: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP18 (pg 92). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP21 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP22 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP23 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP24 (pg 97). Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7
Miner 2409er (Mindscape)
"Mindscape is also doing Miner 2409er, another arcade classic with game play similar to their Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom game." - NP10 Pak Watch Gossip Galore (pg 95).
Mini Putt (JVC)
"Mini-Putt features tons of kooky courses full of crazy slopes, narrow greens and tricky mechanized gates." - NP20 Pak Watch (pg 94). "Based on the personal computer version, Mini Putt has smooth, crisp graphics and a unique approach. it's an ideal game for any videogame player." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 4 #11 (pg 76), part of a two-page review. "Now this is minigolf at its finest!" - VGCE Sep 1991, part of a half-page review (pg 38). "The game of miniature golf receives royal treatment from JVC's excellent Mini Putt. Realistic courses, weather conditions and a skins game are just a few of the features..." - NP24 Now Playing May 1991 (pg 91). Also in NP24, it appears under "Your Guide to the Latest NES Releases." It's described as a four-player alternating game, and rated a 3.2 (out of 5). "An interesting 4 player miniature golf game with loads of obstacles and tons of fun. Move the cursor around to survey the layout of the hole, gauge the power needed, and let 'er rip! Castles, windmills, water hazards, bridges, and more." - EGM20 (pg 90). Thanks Adam L! "Whatever your handicap, you'll enjoy all the charms of Mini Putt miniature golf. Avaliable Fall '91" - GamePro Oct 1991 review of the Summer CES. "...Mini-Putt by JVC is a radical mini-golf game! Mini-Putt's graphics won't win any awards for originality, but they're sharp, nicely detailed, and fun. Mini-Putt games consist of nine holes with plenty of options. Up to four players can play. There are four challenging courses: Traditional, Deluxe, Challenge, or Classic. Challenge looks like a mad doctor's mouse maze with deadends, trap doors, and water hazzards. Classic is where all the fun stuff is - the Elephant's Trunk, the Space Shuttle, the Airplane Propellar, and more" - GamePro Feb '92. "FORE! Well, a small fore at that. JVC will show all the NES players how good a miniature golf game can be. Many techniques are needed to pass hills, go through small tunnels, avoid ponds, and dodge sandtraps. The holes aren't the simple linear 'ramps' either. They're challenging and downright devious!" - EGM26 (pg 48). "If castles and windmills adorn your favorite golf course, then JVC's new game for the Nintendo system is for you. Select four different nine-hole courses; Traditional, Deluxe, Challenge, and Classic. You choose the weather conditions, putting control and characters in this one to four-player game. An entertaining challenge for all levels of skill." - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 15). $22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 32). --- With this king of rating, why was the game never released? NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP20 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP21 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP22 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP23 (pg 97). Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10 ... 11 ... 12 ... 13 ... 14 ... 15
Mission XX (?)
Play it Again ad - VGCE July 1989 (pg 92). $15 / $28.95: buy/sell price in Play It Again ad - Game Players Magazine Nov 1989 (pg 124). $16 / $28: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 107).
Monster Masher (Sofel)
"SOFEL is ready to put Monster Masher, an action game maze, on NES shelves ...." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 3 #4 (pg 124).
Monster Party II (Bandai)
In its' Pronews Report of 11/89 (pg 78), GamePro said of Bandai: "They're also talking about the possibility of Monster Party II!"
Monster Truck Rodeo (Matchbox)
"Another newcomer to Nintendo is Matchbox Toys, the miniature car maker. Matchbox will be releasing five new titles for Nintendo in 1990. They are Tune-up Rallye, a one- or two-player racing game; Monster Truck Rodeo, a competition involving giant pickups; Urban Convoy, in which gamers play wildcat truckers; Web World, a space adventure with hand-to-hand combat against aliens; and Ring Raiders, in which the futuristic Ring Raiders Air Force battles Skull Squadron in a contest of world domination." - Game Players Magazine Aug/Sep 1989 (pg 30). "Welcome to the big time of 4 wheel drive wierdness... You're the owner of your own Monster Truck team. Starting with a budget, you design and customize your own truck from the gound up! Fuel, chassis, engine, tires, gear ratios and more are all available from your parts supplier. But be smart and watch your spending because you've got six grueling events to compete in and complete before your money runs out. All of your favorite tests of man and machine are here... Sled Pull, Mud-Bog Boogie, Obstacle Course, Motor Cross and the awesome Demolition Derby." Due August 1990, 1 player. - Video Game Quest (pg 9.13). "Monster Truck Rodeo takes auto racing to its weirdest extremes. You'll be in charge of a 4-wheel drive Monster Truck in six difficult challenges, including Seld Pull, Mud-Bog Boogie, Obstacle Course, Motor Cross, and a Demolition Derby that ends in a one-on-one with the monster of Monsters, the Muncher. The preview screens we looked at show the menu of body parts. We also saw the simulation of the Sled Pull, with a huge concrete block mounted on the back of a turbocharged tractor." - UU1 (pg 300). "This is one of my favorite soon-to-be-released games. Picture this: you're driving a monster truck around a rodeo ring and some robotic monster is trying to turn you into a tasy tidbit. I can't wait! It really looks fresh, and I urge all of you to buy this one when it comes out." - Mastering 2 (pg 143). "Matchbox Toys plans to introduce three games this year. Web World is an arcade adventure, while Urban Convoy and Monster Truck Rodeo feature two extremes of truck driving action." - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 96). Pix: b&w
Moon Crystal (DTMC)
"Also look for ... Moon Crystal, an NES side-action scrolling game." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #8 review of the June 1992 CES (pg 16). "Moon Crystal is the newest action title from DTMC. You must recover the stolen Moon Crystals from the thieves that nabbed them. Your journey will take to many new and faraway lands." - EGM35 (pg 100). "Somewhere out there on Count Crimson's island, Moon Crystals are being mined to bring back the dead in an evil way. Can you stop this madman before it's too late? The world is depending on you to save it from total doom. Live this truly awesome graphic adventure on your Nintendo Entertainment System(R)." - EGM35 ad on pg 104. "They also featured Moon Crystal on 8-bit..." - Game Informer Summer 1992 (pg 37). "Get ready to make your way through enemy lands and steal back what is yours. You will run into many gruesome creatures on your way. Search for hidden treasure chests." - EGM32 supplement reviewing the 1992 Winter CES. Next Wave Directory - EGM41 (pg 138). Next Wave Directory - EGM42 (pg 118). Next Wave Directory - EGM43 (pg 98). Pix: All ... ad ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7/8
Moto Roader (NEC)
--- This hint in SWAT Pro June 1991 was likely mislabelled. The game was for TurboGrafx-16. Pix: 1
Mr. Gimmick (Sunsoft)
"This cute little green blob hops, jumps, and shoots his magical star as he battles strange creatures like the Ya-yas. Available September '91" - GamePro Oct 1991 review of the Summer CES. What's the gimmick? Just good play control and easy to follow action in Mr. Gimmick, for the NES. The game may be easy to learn, but it's tough to master. The hero, Mr. Gimmick, is a little Lolo-like character who can shoot a star at his foes as he progresses through a side-view labyrinth." - NP28 Pak Watch Gossip Galore (pg 95). "The games of June 1992... appearing in local stores now!" - EGM35 pg 40. "A great new action game is coming out from Sunsoft. Mr. Gimmick is a cute and very playable game with multiple levels to conquer. Mr. Gimmick's main weapon is a star that he makes above his head and throws at enemies." - EGM35 (pg 130) part of a full-page review. "Collect bottles that give Mr. Gimmick new powers like fireballs, invincibility, and powerfull bombs." "... a very challenging game that requires a great deal of technique." "... the variety just isn't there. The music is king of catchy, but wears thin after a while." - EGM36 (pg 22) selections from several reviewers. $22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 32). --- Released in Europe. Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10
NBA All Star Shootout (?)
C.S.I. Gamemasters ad ($44.99) - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 111).
NCAA Basketball (HAL America)
"New NES titles from HAL America include the NCAA Basketball action game and the role-playing game Arcana." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #4 (pg 20). --- Released on the SNES. Thanks Chris Covell!
Natsume Championship Wrestling (Natsume)
"...the company is releasing Natsume Championship Wrestling for the NES." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 6 #4 review of the Jan 1993 CES (pg 20). "Below is a brief overview of what's in store from your favorite game companies early in 1993... Natsume: Championship Wrestling." - Game Informer Mar/Apr 1993 (pg 31). "Theme/Sports. Take part in a wrestling championship where you must become the champ! This comical wrestling game has a wide variety of cool moves like suplexes, back breakers and pile drivers to throw your foe to the ground." - EGM44 supplement reviewing the 1993 Winter CES. --- Released for SNES. Thanks DDCecil! Pix: 1
New Ghostbusters II (HAL America)
Digital Press 5th Ed. (pg 196). --- Released in Europe. Thanks Linque!
New Kids on the Block (Parker Brothers / Absolute)
"... Parker Brothers is pulling for New Kids on the Block , Drac's Night Out, and Heavy Shreddin', its first three titles for the NES." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 3 #4 (pg 124). "...rumors have it that the game will involve 'everything that is the New Kids' - their concert tours, their Coca-Cola tie-ins, even their original music." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 3 #6 (pg 106) "Parker Brothers has signed the pop-music phenomenon New Kids on the Block to star in a new NES game. The New Kids, who have four multi-platinum albums to their credit, are the first music group to star in their own videogame. The cartridge is expected to be released in June. Although the game is still in development, it's expected to feature the New Kids' life on the road, including concert tours, screaming fans, and a soundtrack of the New Kids' own music." - Game Players Magazine Dec 1990 (pg 100). In GamePro's Pronews Report of 8/90 (pg 94): "Parker Brothers has also licensed New Kids on the Block for a video game that will target the group's admiring fans. We'll let you know more on this one closer to its second quarter '91 release date." "They're billed as this generation's Beatles, but New Kids On The Block are getting something the Beatles never had - a video game! Although a video game based on a rock band isn't a new idea (surely you haven't forgotten the coin-op Journey) it does sound like a challenging project. Parker Brothers is planning a 1991 release." - NP16 Pak Watch Gossip & Such (pg 95). "The plot challenges you to travel around the world to prove that you're the world's biggest fan, and ultimately, to win a chance to perform onstage with the New Kids themselves. The 6-level game is being developed by Absolute, and should carry some of their trademark feel. For example, your 'weapons' for fending off a gang of 'New Kid haters' come in the form of cassette tapes which play pieces of the group's songs." - NP20 Celebrity Profile (pg 91). "New Kids nixed for NES! Parker Brothers was working on a game featuring the New Kids but a spokesperson has notified us that they have had second thoughts on such a game and it is highly unlikely that it will ever come out. In its place Parker Brothers will bring out a NES version of their popular board game Monopoly." - EGM19 (pg 16). Thanks Adam L! (box pic too) NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP18 (pg 92). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP20 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP21 (pg 97). Pix: box
Night of the Ninja (Froggo)
Ultimate Game Club ad - EGM 1990 Buyer's Guide (pg 43). Ad in Beyond Gaming #3 June 1990 (pg 7). Price TBA. $4.00 / $39.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11).
Ninja Taro (American Sammy)
"Ninja Taro's ambition is to become a master ninja, but the way is long and his enemies are many. As Ninja Taro, you start off with only your skill, a supply of throwing-star daggers, and an occasional piece of advice from your master, the mysterious Monk." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 1 #1 (pg 64). --- The issue has two pages of hints, pix, and tips. "Ninja Taro's journey takes him through a wide variety of settings, including grasslands, caves, and underwater screens. Enemies come in all sizes and shapes, including man-eating piranha, vampire bats, skeleton heads, sinister Black Hoods, octopi, and poisonous amoebas. Once he has overcome all these enemies, the brave little warrior must face his ultimate challenger, the fearfully powerful Asura." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 1 #2 (pg 108). --- This issue has two pages of hints an tips. "American Sammy will introduce Ultimate Basketball, Pyros (a fairy-tale arcade game), and two martial arts titles: Ninja Crusaders and Ninja Taro." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 3 #4 (pg 122). "Nintendo games planned for release in 1989... From American Sammy: Ninja Taro." - EGM 1 (pg 29). "Ninja Taro is out to prove himself a master of the martial arts. Through 38 scenes he must fight various nasty monsters until he reaches the ultimate enemy, Cisura. Ninja Taro is a cute, comical adventure for the entire family." Due 4th Quarter 1990, 1 or 2 alternating players. - Video Game Quest (pg 4.31). "Another Ninja game? Ninja Taro. I've got a lot to see today." - NP05 review of the CES (pg 17). The Complete NES Game Pak Directory, included in NP05. A one-player action game scheduled for a future release. (pg A-4). "Ninja Taro is a Nintendo ninja game with some nice touches, including an adorable little title character, unusually clever and amusing monsters, and background art that is startlingly poetic and looks to be based on the woodblock prints of Hokusai." - Game Players Magazine April/May 89 (pg 92), June/July 89 (pg 92), Aug/Sep 89 (pg 92). (hint)"Continue: Press Start A.S.A.P. after your game ends. This can be repeated." - UHB (pg 93). $15 / $28.95: buy/sell price in Play It Again ad - Game Players Magazine Nov 1989 (pg 124). C.S.I. Gamemasters ad ($39.99), - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 111). $26 / $42: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18). NES Planner "April May June" - NP05 (pg 104). NES Planner "June July" - NP06 (pg 104). --- A version was released for Game Boy. Thanks Bubblun! --- Judging by pics #2 and #4, Ninja Taro was released in Japan as Ninja Kun 2. Also, the Game Boy version is a pseudo-rpg/overhead shooter, totally different from the NES non-release. Thanks Jin! Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6
Noah's Ark (Matchbox)
"The Games of June 1991... Noah's Ark - Matchbox Toys - Action" - EGM23 pg26. "Noah's Ark plays fast and loose with the familiar biblical tale. You must search the world in order to gather two of every creature before the flood begins - but you have only 40 days and nights to accomplish your goal." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 4 #6 (pg 90). "A spokesman for the company says that the graphics in Noah's Ark rival those in any 8-bit (and some 16-bit) game." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #3 (pg 6). "NES action-adventure titles being released aree ... Matchbox Racers and Noah's Ark." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #4 (pg 20). "Several new NES titles are scheduled for fall, including ... Noah's Ark, ..." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #8 review of the June 1992 CES (pg 20). "Three NES titles are among games in development from Matchbox. Watch for Matchbox Racers, Motorcity Patrol, and Noah's Ark." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 6 #4 review of the Jan 1993 CES (pg 18). In the April 1991 GamePro Pronews Report coverage of the Winter CES (pg 74): "Some other games worthy of note for the NES: ... Noah's Ark by Matchbox..." "Hey, Noah, it's about to rain for 40 days and 40 nights, better heard pairs of every animal on Earth into the ark before it's too late. Available November '91" - GamePro Oct 1991 review of the Summer CES. "Noah has to rescue one pair of animals from each of seven continents. Each continent has three sections of Mario-style, side-scrolling, hop 'n' bop game play. Although the graphics are well done, the not-so-new action doesn't do much to keep your attention afloat. ... this one's tough enough to take beginning and intermediate gamers more than 40 days and nights to finish - and that's the only rainbow at the end of this game." - GamePro Aug 1992. "A very cute, yet impatiently comical Noah stands ready to build his famous ark. Many creatures are determined to prevent this construction from ever taking place, but you must finish it before the flood! Line up all the ship pieces and set sail!" Matchbox moves into video games with Matchbox Racer, Noah's Ark and Pyramids of Ra for the Nintendo 8-bit, new this fall." - Game Informer Summer 1992 (pg 38). "Below is a brief overview of what's in store from your favorite game companies early in 1993... Matchbox: Noah's Ark." - Game Informer Mar/Apr 1993 (pg 31). $22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 32). --- The game was eventually released in Europe by Konami. Pix: All ... cart ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4
Nosferatu (?)
Funco ad - GamePro Nov 1993 (pg 268). --- Released for SNES. Thanks Linque!
Orbit (?)
$6.00 / $44.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 12). --- Orb 3D listed in same ad.
Over Horizon (Hot B)
"Hot B isn't sure if it's going to fly this great looking, horizontally scrolling, side-view, outer space shooter from the Japanese Famicom to the NES. Hope that they do. Available Fall '91" - GamePro Oct 1991 review of the Summer CES. "Over Horizon by Hot-B carries on the NES space shoot-em-up tradition with more advance-and-attack action. Before you begin, you can customize your ship's weapons and options. The graphics are colorful and wild, with multi-level foregrounds that your ship can pass in front of or behind for a real feeling of depth." - NP25 Pak Watch (pg 95). Classified Information - NP29 (pg 20). "...you'll have to survive six stages or weird alien creatures and tricky outer space traps. The Weapon Edit Mode allows you to choose the characteristics of the weapons that you collect along the way." - NP26 Now Playing July 1991 (pg 80). "For the NES: ... Over Horizon by Hot B ..." - EGM24 New Soft News (pg 52). "Earth is once again in the grip of an intergalactic empire bent on conquering the planet. Many powerups are at your disposal to blast away the empire once and for all." - EGM25 (pg 112). Original titles include ... and Over Horizon." - EGM25 review of the 1991 Summer CES (pg 104). $7.50 / $44.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11). $22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 32). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP25 (pg 97). --- Released in Europe and Japan. Pix: All ... box ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10 ... 11
Paggio (?)
Digital Press 5th Ed. (pg 196). Digital Press 6th Ed. (pg 254).
Paradise Island (NTVIC)
"Hop into your hydrofoil and race against several computer opponents. The courses are varied and involve more than flat out speed. Finish in the top three to be able to move on to the next race." - EGM25 (pg 116). --- The pix are actually of Micro Machines. - Thanks Dave Allwein! Pix: 1 ... 2
Password (Gametek)
"Coming Soon... Nintendo Entertainment System. Available Soon... Password (GameTek)." - Electronic Game Player May/June 1988 (pg 5). "Future games - Double Dare, Family Feud, Password, and Concentraion." - NP5 (pg 17). "Whether the secret password is amusement, excitement, competition, success, or big money, you'll find them all in this consistently popular game." - Wheel of Fortune manual (pg 23). Thanks SPMAN! --- Take a close look at the box pic... the name says Password, but the photo is from the $10,000 Pyramid! "Whether the secret password is amusement, excitement, competition, success, or big money, you'll find them all in this consistently popular game." - Jeopardy! manual (pg 23). $18 / $28: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 107). $28 / $48: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18). --- look at the price rise over 20+ months... and it never came out! Pix: box (b&w)
Pit Fighter (THQ)
"THQ brings their NES hit Pit Fighter to SNES and the hand-held..." - Game Informer Jan/Feb 1992 (pg 15).
Pizza Panic (Jaleco)
$22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 32). --- Released for the Famicom as Pizza Pop. - Adam L
Play Isle (?)
"Under Development: Below is a list of games that were announced at the show and are currently under development. We'll fill you in as soon as information is available ... Play Isle ... " - NP11 review of the 1990 Winter CES.
Poker (American Video Entertainment)
"Light up your cigars and put on your poker face. This card game found its fame in the Wild West. Availability TBA" - GamePro April 1993 review of CES '93.
Police Academy (Tengen)
"Tengen has four new titles: Super Sprint, Vindicators, Xybots, and Police Academy. Police Academy is based on the series of slapstick movies about a bunch of misfits who become cops... due in January 1990." - Game Players Magazine Aug/Sep 1989 (pg 29). In GamePro's Pronews Report of 4/90 (pg 92): "Get ready for madcap adventures in Tengen's Police Academy, and adventures with 007 in License to Kill." "Based on the popular series of movies, Police Academy follows those madcap cops as they solve crime in a humorous way. You can choose to portray Tackleberry or Lt. Callahan. You'll get a list of criminals to find and arrest, and a bunch of bizarre weapons most police officers never encounter." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 3 #2 (pg 122). "There will also be games based on the Police Academy movies..." - VGCE March 1990 (pg 18). "Now you can play Police Academy and live the madcap adventures of the bumbling cadets! The mission in this wild and zany game is the most dangerous, the most puzzling and the most important any of these characters have ever experienced. They must save Commandant Lassard's prize possession--his goldfish! Start out as Tackleberry, the lovable hunk. Continue on as the sexy Lt. Callahan and arrest as many jerks as possible at the Dorkie Diner. What character will you be next? Hey, this is just a preview. Play the game and find out for yourself! Look for it on a small screen near you!" 1 or 2 alternating players. - Video Game Quest (pg 3.17). Police Academy casts you in several different roles, assuming the identities of each of the Police Academy hopefuls, all out to save Commandant Lassard's prized goldfish. Each character must overcome his/her own set of obstacles in this finely detailed action/adventure title." - EGM09 (pg 70). "A wacky adventure-comedy game which follows the exploits of the characters from the popular movie series. As Tackleberry and Lt Callahan, the mission is to save Commandant's goldfish!" - EGM20 (pg 94). Thanks Adam L! (pix 1 & 3 too) "...Tengen now has more than a dozen Nintendo-compatible games, such as After Burner, Shinobi, Police Academy, Alien Syndrome, Vindicators, and others." - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 22). "Police Academy is an adventure game based on the series of movies about comically incompetent police cadets." - Game Players Magazine May 1991 (pg 22). "Join the wackiest police cadets you've ever seen as they try to save Commandant Lassard's favorite goldfish. All of your favorites - Tackleberry, Lt. Callahan, and more are in the game. You even get to visit the Dorkie Diner." - GamePro's Celebrity Video Gamers Aug/Sep 1991 (pg 57). $24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18). --- The box scan below is a close-up from an ad in GamePro Feb 1991. The ad features much of Tengen's lineup, including two other unreleased NES games. Pix: All ... ad ... box ... 1 ... 2 ... 3
Power Blazer (?)
Digital Press 5th Ed. (pg 196). --- Power Blazer/Power Mission was altered to be less cute, the levels were redesigned, and it came out on the NES in 1991 by Taito as Power Blade. - Chris Covell.
Power Mission (Capcom?)
"Mega action in the tradition of Mega Man II." - NP14 recap of the Summer CES (pg 24). --- Power Blazer/Power Mission was altered to be less cute, the levels were redesigned, and it came out on the NES in 1991 by Taito as Power Blade. - Chris Covell. --- NTVIC released a war sim named Power Mission for Game Boy. Pix: 1 ... 2
Power Pad Football (Hal America)
In GamePro's Pronews Report of 6/90 (pg 118): "Hal America is busy working on a new NES football title that works with the Power Pad. In this game, you become a football player, controlling all the action by jumping and moving on the Power Pad." In GamePro's Pronews Report of 9/90 (pg 35): "Hal America is working on Power Pad Football, a title that promises to help stomp out couch potatoitis." --- Power Pad Football and Power Play Football are likely the same game. $24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18).
Power Play Football (Hal America)
"We saw, heard, and played hundreds of games at CES, and we just don't have space to get to them all this time around. Here are a few new titles to whet your gaming appetites: ... Power Play Football ..." - NP16 Pak Watch Gossip & Such Rumors (pg 95). "While sounding like just another football game this version lets you get right into the heart of the action by incorporating the Power Pad into the game. Get right onto the field and run out for a pass or burst through the opposing team's line for a running play. Choose your team, pick your plays and get ready to work up a real sweat! If you're not up to the action and haven't been in training you can select the control pad option and be an armchair quarterback." - EGM13 (pg 58). Thanks Adam L! (pix too) --- Power Pad Football and Power Play Football are likely the same game. Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4
(Mike Tyson's) Power Punch (American Softworks)
"This boxing is out of this world. Mike Tyson must duke it out with the strangest cast of creatures this side of Manila. Similar to Punch Out and equally entertaining. Punch, stab, dip and dive, but always come out fighting." - EGM20 (pg 98) as Mike Tyson's Intergallactic Power Punch. Thanks Adam L! (pix too) "Boxing star Mike Tyson will return to the NES in American Softworks Corp.'s new Game Pak, Power Punch. It pits Iron Mike against interplanetary opponents where the final count is really final! One of the most appealing aspects of Power Punch is that you box as Mike Tyson." - NP23 Pak watch (pg 94). $5.00 / $49.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 11). --- This may have been released as Power Punch II when Tyson ran into legal troubles and/or the license expired. Thanks Bubblun! NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP23 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP24 (pg 97). Pix: 1 ... 2
Predator 2 (Konami)
"Predator 2 (Konami for the NES) puts the action-movie hit into gaming terms with the player in the role of Mike Harrigan. This first-person shooter is set in a near-future Los Angeles, where the hero must also contend with a drug war." - VGCE March 1992 (pg 92). Pix: 1
Price is Right (GameTek)
"Coming Soon... Nintendo Entertainment System. May... Price is Right (GameTek)" - Electronic Game Player May/June 1988 (pg 5). "... an exciting new company, GameTek, recently unveiled a number of new games based on popular television game shows like Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, The Price is Right, and Hollywood Squares." - Electronic Game Player May/June 1988 (pg 10). NES Planner "Future Releases" - NP04 (pg 87). "Take your turn trying to guess the price of those fabulous prizes on one of television's longest-running game shows." - Wheel of Fortune manual (pg 23). Thanks SPMAN! "Take your turn trying to guess the price of those fabulous prizes on one of television's longest-running game shows." - Jeopardy manual (pg 23). $20 / $33.95: buy/sell price in Play It Again ad - Game Players Magazine Nov 1989 (pg 124). C.S.I. Gamemasters ad ($39.99) - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 111). Pix: box 1 (b&w)... box 2 (b&w)
Prince Valiant (Ocean)
"Prince Valiant for the NES is a medieval action game based on the ageless comic strip." - NP39 review of Summer CES '92 (pg 60). --- Released in Europe. Pix: box ...
Prophecy (Activision)
(hint) "When you talk to a priest and he gives you a message which has the first letter of each word CAPITALIZED, put those letters together for a clue. Also, when you get to the Water Shrine, be sure to draw a map for yourself, since the way can get pretty confusing." - Mastering 1 (pg 144). (hint) "When you talk to a priest and he gives you a message which has the first letter of each word CAPITALIZED, put those letters together for a clue. Also, when you get to the Water Shrine, be sure to draw a map for yourself, since the way can get pretty confusing." - Mastering 2 (pg 130). --- Yes, the same hint appears in both books.
Psycho Soldier (SNK)
Fun Club News #2 (pg 6). Listed as available by Fall 1987. "Coming Soon... an at a glance directory of new products, games, and software: Nintendo Entertainment System: New Cartridges: SNK Corporation Psycho Soldier" - Electronic Game Player Jan/Feb 1988 (pg 5). --- May have been released as Athena. Several NES fans have contributed this tidbit. --- Athena? Nope, that's incorrect. It was an original arcade game by SNK, and supposedly pretty fun. Thanks Ben "BenT" Turner! --- BubandBob's Psycho Soldier Home Page
Putt Master (Taxan)
"Practice your golfing skill with Taxan's Putt Master ..." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 3 #4 (pg 124). "Putt Master brings miniature golf into your own home! There are different obstacles facing your game. You can ride a train, get carried on the back of a dolphin, and even golf through a house! You can even design your own course if you want to, and even save it with the battery back-up. The four player satellite works with this game." 1 to 4 players. - Video Game Quest (pg 9.14). In reviewing the Jun 1990 CES show, GamePro (9/90) said, "Taxan highlighted Low G Man, Putt Master, and GI Joe." $24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18). --- The Putt Master box can be seen in many Taxan ads of the time. Pix: box
Pyramids of Ra (Matchbox)
"In Matchbox's a-maze-ing puzzler, complete with a color option, you must work your way through a series of tricky passageways until you reach the tomb of the ancient Pharoah, Scarabeus. Available Summer" - GamePro July 1992. "Several new NES titles are scheduled for fall, including ... the puzzle game Pyramids of Ra." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #8 review of the June 1992 CES (pg 20). Matchbox moves into video games with Matchbox Racer, Noah's Ark and Pyramids of Ra for the Nintendo 8-bit, new this fall." - Game Informer Summer 1992 (pg 38). --- It's believed a prototype is owned by Mike Etler. --- Released for Game Boy. Pix: 1
Pyross (American Sammy)
"We saw, heard, and played hundreds of games at CES, and we just don't have space to get to them all this time around. Here are a few new titles to whet your gaming appetites: ... Pyros ..." - NP16 Pak Watch Gossip & Such Rumors (pg 95). "American Sammy will introduce Ultimate Basketball, Pyros (a fairy-tale arcade game), and two martial arts titles: Ninja Crusaders and Ninja Taro." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 3 #4 (pg 122). "American Sammy also has several upcoming titles, including Vice, Pyross, and Might and Magic. Pyross is a fantasy-based action game in which Prince A La Mode must rescue Princess Pudding from the evil clutches of the Wizard Wardner." - Game Players Magazine May 1991 (pg 22). "Mike Yamamoto of American Sammy is a genius! Not only has he snapped up the NES rights to Twin Cobra, he also has Silkworm and Pyros on the way! What a guy!" - EGM 1 (pg 28). "Take on a quest through a foreign and dangerous country. Cross over rivers of fire while watching out for the hidden treasures of gold which are hidden along the way. The enemy are fast, strong, and numerous as you get into the quest." - EGM13 (pg 75). Thanks Adam L! $24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18). $10.00 / $39.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 12). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP18 (pg 92). --- Released as Wardner on Sega Genesis. Thanks Bubblun! --- Released in Japan as Wardner for the Famicom Disk System. Thanks Urabahn! Pix: 1 ... 2
Quarterback Scramble (Accolade)
"Accolade's 4th and Inches seems to have inspired this one or two-player in-the-stands NES football game by Tokyo-based Pony Canyon. Six teams with full statistics (not real NFL teams), QB Scramble's main innovation is the gamer's ability to freeze the action just before making a pass, in order to check out the status of both receivers." - VGCE Dec 1991 (pg 116). --- The exact same thing was written of Mike Ditka's Big Play Football in VGCE Oct 1990 (pg 158).
Quattro Arcade (Camerica)(Aladdin cart)
"Camerica games such as Micro Machines, the Dizzy games, Ultimate Stunt Man, Bignose the Caveman, the Quattro compilations, Firehawk, and Bee 52 will have Aladdin versions available." - VGCE Oct 1992 (pg 26).
Quatro Kids (Camerica)
"The games of October 1992... appearing in local stores now!" - EGM39 (pg 40). --- This could have become of the released Quattro carts.
R-Type (Irem)
"Irem has a Sega translation of R-Type waiting in the wings." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 3 #4 (pg 124). --- It's not clear if they were referring to the NES in this blurb.
Railroad Tycoon (?)
$7.50 / TBA: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 12). --- Released for PC.
Rambo III (?)
$24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 18).
Ren & Stimpy Show: Vee Diots! (THQ)
"EGM presents the games of September 1993... appearing in local stores now!" - EGM50 (pg 40). --- May have been miscredited to the NES, or misnamed. The NES version was Buckaroos. --- Released for SNES.
Return of Donkey Kong (Nintendo)
"This is your chance to get hold of that barrel-throwing, mischief-making rascal Donkey Kong and take control! Nintendo's best known character is back. And he's up to more tricks and trouble than you can imagine!" - Official Nintendo Player's Guide (pg 159). "And now Donkey Kong is soon to come back with more barrel-tossing fun. But this time you're in control. Are you video buff enough to handle the one-and-only Return of Donkey Kong? Watch for it!" - Fun Club News #5 (pg 10). "That crazy barrel-throwing Donkey Kong is at it again! Now's your chance to catch him, but beware, he's got even more troubles in store for you!" 1 or 2 alternating players. - Video Game Quest (pg 3.19). "Coming Soon... Nintendo Entertainment System. May... The Return of Donkey Kong (Nintendo)" - Electronic Game Player May/June 1988 (pg 5).
Riddick Bowe (?)
Digital Press 5th Ed. (pg 196). --- Released for SNES. Thanks Lugnut!
Ring Raiders (Matchbox)
"Zoom back and forth in time as commander of your own wing of crack pilots and super planes from throughout history in an all-out dogfight against Skull Squadron, a secret organization bent on world domination. You'll fly missions in early airplanes and state-of-the-art fighters in this unusual new game." - UU1 (pg 302). "Another newcomer to Nintendo is Matchbox Toys, the miniature car maker. Matchbox will be releasing five new titles for Nintendo in 1990. They are Tune-up Rallye, a one- or two-player racing game; Monster Truck Rodeo, a competition involving giant pickups; Urban Convoy, in which gamers play wildcat truckers; Web World, a space adventure with hand-to-hand combat against aliens; and Ring Raiders, in which the futuristic Ring Raiders Air Force battles Skull Squadron in a contest of world domination." - Game Players Magazine Aug/Sep 1989 (pg 30).
Robin Hood (Arcadia)
"You'll rob from the rich and give to the poor in this extremely detailed roleplaying adventure. Meet all the 'merry men' in your travels: Little John, Friar Tuck, Will Scarlet, and if you're lucky, Maid Marion. This cart has closeup side views for swordplay and archery, movie-like sequences, and overhead perspectives." - GamePro March 1991. --- Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, a different game, was released by Virgin. NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP20 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP21 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP22 (pg 97). Pix: 1
Robin Hood: Adventures in Sherwood Forest (Hi Tech)
"Other titles on the horizon include... Robin Hood: Adventures in Sherwood Forest (a RPG with arcade action).... - NP12 Pak Watch (pg 92). "Journey with Robin Hood through Old England on a mission to save the kidnapped King Richard and return him to the throne. To overcome the Sheriff of Nottingham's obstacles and challenges requires skill and strategy to ensure Robin Hood's successful journey. Arcade-style action and sound effects come alive in this full-blown role playing game." - Video Game Quest (pg 4.35).
Robocop vs. Terminator (Virgin)
"Keep an eye out for ... Robocop vs. Terminator and The Jungle Book for all formats..." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 6 #4 review of the Jan 1993 CES (pg 22).
Rocky (American Sammy)
"After starring in five movies, America's favorite fictional prize-fighter, Rocky, is scheduled for a match on the NES courtesy of American Sammy. In Rocky the video game, you can play as Rocky and simulate his career from his street origins to world championship, fighting the same opponents he did in the movies. Or, you can take the place of Rocky's opponents and try a similar rise to the top, including a bout with Rocky!" - NP28 Pak Watch Gossip Galore (pg 95). $7.50 / $45.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 12). $22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 33). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP28 (pg 95). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP29 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP30 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP31 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP32 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP33 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP34 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP35 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP36 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP37 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP38 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP39 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP40 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP41 (pg 113).
Rocky Rodent (Irem)
"Coming soon: Irem - Rocky Rodent" - EGM44 supplement reviewing the 1993 Winter CES. --- Released for SNES. Thanks DDCecil!
Rodan (Toho)
"As sort of a sequel to their NES Godzilla game, Toho is also planning a game based on the big G's sometimes friend/sometimes foe, Rodan the flying reptile." - NP16 Pak Watch Gossip & Such (pg 95). In reviewing the Jun 1990 CES show, GamePro (9/90) said, "Toho previewed ... a sequel to Godzilla featuring another movie monster, Rodan." --- Could this have become Godzilla 2? Pix: box
Rollergeddon (LJN)
Digital Press 5th Ed. (pg 196). Digital Press 6th Ed. (pg 255).
Samurai Conflict (Meldac)
In reviewing the Jun 1990 CES show, GamePro (9/90) said, "Meldac previewed Samurai Conflict and Darc Seed." "We saw, heard, and played hundreds of games at CES, and we just don't have space to get to them all this time around. Here are a few new titles to whet your gaming appetites: ... Samurai Conflict .." $24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 19). - NP16 Pak Watch Gossip & Such Rumors (pg 95).
Scarabeus (Matchbox)
Mike Etler's Rarity List v4.0. --- Mike may own the prototype/demo cart.
Search King (?)
$24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 19).
Secret Castle (?)
$16 / $34: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 107). --- Milon's Secret Castle in same ad at different prices.
Secret Ties (Vic Tokai)
"The NES action adventures Secret Ties and Shogun Maeda are new from Vic Tokai." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #4 (pg 22). "Vic Tokai has four new titles in production, including Shogun Maeda and Secret Ties for NES." - Game Informer Jan/Feb 1992 (pg 15). "Before you is a vast land that is now under the rule of a tyrant, you are needed to rescue your land from the grip of fear and save your people! Take on a quest of immense proportions." - EGM32 supplement reviewing the 1992 Winter CES. $22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 33). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP28 (pg 95). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP29 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP30 (pg 97). Pix: 1/2
Secret Warriors (?)
C.S.I. Gamemasters ad ($42.99) - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 111).
Serve and Volley (Jaleco)
"Serve and Volley is a fast, furious tennis simulation that requires quick thinking and even quicker reactions. Ball placement, timing, and form will mean the difference between winning and losing. Options include: three difficulty levels, a practice session, three surfaces, choice of strengths, and various serves and returns. Accolade, for IIGS, PC, 64; Jaleco, for NES." - Game Players Magazine April/May 89 (pg 93), June/July 89 (pg 93), Aug/Sep 89 (pg 93). --- Racket Attack appeared in an ad in the June/July 89 issue.
Shadowgate 3 (Kemco-Sieka)
"Expect more games from ICOM Simulations to be part of Kemco-Seika's '90-'91 NES product line. After the blockbuster success of ICOMs first title, Shadowgate, Kemco-Sieka is pulling out all of the stops and releasing six new ICOM Simulations adventures between now and Fourth Quarter '91. Deja Vu II: Lost in Las Vegas and Beyond Shadowgate should be in the stores by Spring, and a third Shadowgate adventure should be ready by Summer." - GamePro Oct 90.
Shogun Maeda (Vic Tokai)
"The NES action adventures Secret Ties and Shogun Maeda are new from Vic Tokai." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #4 (pg 22). "Vic Tokai has four new titles in production, including Shogun Maeda and Secret Ties for NES." - Game Informer Jan/Feb 1992 (pg 15). "Enter the Dynasty wars of ancient Japan, where Shogun warriors attack you at every corner in this fast but furious side scrolling action game! Challenging game play with a touch of strategy!" - EGM32 supplement reviewing the 1992 Winter CES. $22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 33). Pix: 1/2
Shredder (Absolute)
"... A Boy and His Blob and the snow-boarding simulation Shredder - are Absolute's first Nintendo games." - Game Players Magazine Aug/Sep 1989 (pg 85). --- Heavy Shreddin was released by Parker Bros.
Side Arms (Capcom)
Fun Club News #2 (pg 6). Listed as available by Fall 1987. --- Released on the PC-Engine and Turbografx-16. Thanks Chris Covell!
Sim City (Nintendo)
"Nintendo has many hot projects in the works, including ... SimCity, a PC style resource management and role playing game ..." - NP14 Pak Watch Gossip Galore (pg 95). "... the NES version of the home computer mega-hit SimCity, scheduled for a Spring release. The city-building simulator is an engrossing strategy game that requires planning and brain power rather than quick reflexes to win. The early NES version we saw played a little different than the P.C. version, but it had all the same options." - NP18 Pak Watch (pg 89). "Now this popular PC hit is making its way to the NES and Super FamiCom. Icon based pop-up menus and a rapid search mode make both versions a breeze to control and understand. ... look out for the regular NES version of the game." - NP21 Pak Watch (pg 94). (Scans 3 and 4 are of the SFC version.) "Nintendo introduced two exciting new NES titles: StarTropics, an action-adventure game placed on a tropical island; and Sim City, based on the hit computer game in which players build and manage their own metropolis." - Game Players Magazine April 1991 (pg 24, 27) reviewing the Winter Consumer Electronics Show (CES). "Another computer game translation we're looking forward to reviewing is Nintendo's Sim City. Versions are coming out for both the 8-bit and 16-bit Nintendo systems." - Game Players Magazine May 1991 (pg 4). "It's up to you to design, build and manage your own dream city, but that's only the beginning! It could all be a nightmare if you don't manage everything properly. You said you always wanted to be in total control." - EGM20 (pg 78). Thanks Adam L! (pix 5 & 6 too) --- Released for the Super Nintendo. NES Planner "Future" - NP16 (pg 95). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP18 (pg 92). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP20 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP21 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP22 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP24 (pg 97). Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7
Sir Eric the Bold (Matchbox)
"In Sir Eric the Bold, you're a knight of the Round Table on a quest to rescue Princess Tracy from Cinder the Dragon. You must confront Cinder in his own lair and use skilled swordplay if you hope to be victorious. If you defeat Cinder and rescue the princess, you'll win half the realm and her ladyship's hand in marriage." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 4 #6 (pg 90). "As a Knight of the Round Table your job is to save Princess Tracy from the clutches of Cindar the Dragon. Fight your way through hundreds of demon infested dungeons to save her." - EGM13 (pg 73). Thanks Adam L! (pix too) Pix: 1 ... 2
Skyscraper (Hal America)
Digital Press 5th Ed. (pg 196).
Solomon's Club (Tecmo)
"They are also working on Solomon's Club (a sequel to Solomon's Key) ... - NP12 Pak Watch (pg 90). --- Released for Game Boy, it's not Fire 'n Ice, another Solomon's Key sequel. Thanks Bubblun! --- Solomon's Key 2 was released in Europe.
Solstice 2 (Imagesoft?)
$10.00 / TBA: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 12). --- Released by Sony Imagesoft for the SNES, copyrighted 1993 by "Sony Music Entertainment (Japan)". According to the manual cover it is simply called "EquinoX." Running the game, if you don't hit any buttons and watch the intro it says "Sony Imagesoft", "A Software Creations Production", "SOLSTICE II" just before it brings up the title screen EquinoX. Thanks Dave Di Giorgio!
Space Invaders (?)
$15.00 / $29.99 / $39.99: Buy Used, Sell Used, Sell New prices - Beyond Gaming #3 June 1990 (pg 7).
Space Marine (?)
Funco ad - GamePro Nov 1993 (pg 268). $7.50 / $35.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 12). $22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 33).
Space Shuttle Mission (?)
$10.00 / $44.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 12). --- Space Shuttle Project in same ad, and at a different buy price.
The Speed Rumbler (Capcom)
Fun Club News #2 (pg 6). Listed as available by Fall 1987. "Look for Capcom's Exciting New Games Trojan, The Speed Rumbler, And The Long-Standing Favorite Ghosts 'N Goblins." - Section Z manual (inside back cover). "Coming Soon... an at a glance directory of new products, games, and software: Nintendo Entertainment System: New Cartridges: Capcom U.S.A. Speed Rumbler" - Electronic Game Player Jan/Feb 1988 (pg 5). --- This issue also has a review of the Commodore 64 version. I've included some of it here since it likely would have been the same for the NES: "It's the 21st century, and the 21st Century Tyrants have seized your town. They've stolen secret documents, robbed people of their possessions, and terrorized your families -- they must be stopped. Rammin' Rod where are you? ... you portray Rammin' Rod, one hip super-dude, in his quest to rid the town of those nasty tyrants. Speed Rumbler combines many different play mechanics to make this a successful computer game. From driving recklessly in and about the town, to running about on foot commando style when your car gets damaged." (pg 48). Ultimate Game Club ad - EGM 1 (pg 25). $8 / $19.95: buy/sell price in Play It Again ad - Game Players Magazine Nov 1989 (pg 124). $10 / $19: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 107).
Spelunker II (Broderbund)
"Coming Soon... an at a glance directory of new products, games, and software: Nintendo Entertainment System: New Cartridges: Broderbund Spelunker II" - Electronic Game Player Jan/Feb 1988 (pg 5).
Spy vs. Spy II: The Island Caper (Kemco-Seika)
"Those mapcap spies from Mad magazine are back in their second adventure. As Spy Joke, you must defeat Spy Dagger by finding the pieces of a nuclear missile. But to stop you, he's setting traps - everything from coconut bombs to quicksand. Escape from the island in your submarine after you've assembled the missile." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 2 #5 (pg 153). "Though you will have a good time playing Spy vs. Spy II against the computer, its real potential is realized only when you play against another human." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 2 #6 (pg 130). --- This issue has two pages of hints & tips. "... the outrageous outlaws will be out to outwit, outfox, and outsmart each other out of their inside classified information in this outdoor island setting. As in the original Game Pak, the experts of espionage delude, deceive, and demolish each other on a simultaneous-play split screen." - NP03 Pak Watch (pg 81). "Nintendo games planned for release in 1989... From Seika: Spy vs. Spy II." - EGM 1 (pg 29). C.S.I. Gamemasters ad ($39.99) - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 111). --- Released on the Famicom as Nangoku Shirei. - Adam L NES Planner "Future Releases" - NP04 (pg 87). NES Planner "Games Slated for the Future" - NP05 (pg 104). Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4
Squashed (Jaleco)
"The game plays a little like a vegetarian Mario, and you defeat most enemies by jumping on their heads. Squashed isn't the most original game you've ever played, but it's well done. The graphics are sharp and smoothly animated, and the game's designers have obviously out some effort into making each world different from the others. But with the exception of a few stages, however, there's not much to test the skills of an experienced game player. The game is obviously aimed at a younger audience." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 4 #11 (pg 62) part of a five-page review. "... so similar to Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. 2 that it's downright astounding. Yes, this jumping-and-shooting contest might as well be called Super Mario Bros. 4, but that isn't necessarily bad. Jaleco gets no points for originality, of course. Still, Squashed is entertaining enough." - VGCE Nov 1991, part of a half-page review (pg 54). "Soon, NES players will be treated by Jaleco to this great and cutesy cart. You are summoned to a distant world to help get rid of an alien invasion. Your main weapon is a stick with a weighted end that is used to smash the enemies from above. A variety of weapons are at your disposal to stop them." - EGM26 (pg 48). "It's the ultimate food fight! Go face-to-face against Vegetron, the hideous ruler of the Mutant Squasholds! Pick whether you want to be a boy or a girl. Then hurl your deadly throwing bananas. Put on your squash suit. Find the secret items in the maze of hidden rooms and teleports. Use your 'vegi-magic' to destroy your enemies on 7 levels and 21 rounds of play. Call on one of four different monster helpers. But do it quick. Or you're mashed potatoes!" - poster included with Whomp 'Em. "Ask your favorite video game store for Bases Loaded 3, Maniac Mansion, Metal Mech, The Last Ninja, Totally Rad, Whomp Em, Squashed and Shatterhand for the Nintendo Entertainment System..." - Cyberball manual (back cover). --- Released in Japan as Ninja Jajamaru Ginga Dai Sakusen. Thanks Urabahn! $7.50 / $42.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 12). $22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 33). Pix: All ... box ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10 ... 11 ... 12 ... 13 ... 14
Stakk'm (American Video Entertainment)
"From the sky they fell, gigantic blocks that form an inpenetrable barrier. Bringing down the wall won't be easy. Not only must you line up rows of blocks with matching synbols, you must reach a special 'Level Goal' which changes with every level. Heart stopping excitement that features single or double player simultaneous game play." - Blackjack manual (pg 21), Rad Racket manual (pg 21). "Available in July" Soltaire manual (pg 21), Mermaids of Atlantis manual (pg 21), Trolls on Treasure Island manual (pg 21). --- Probably refers to July 1992. Funco ad - GamePro Nov 1993 (pg 268). --- Released on the Maxi-15 multicart. Pix: box drawing (b&w) ...
Star Force II (Tecmo?)
Play it Again ad - VGCE July 1989 (pg 92). $15 / $28.95: buy/sell price in Play It Again ad - Game Players Magazine Nov 1989 (pg 124). $20 / $32: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 107). --- Mostly likely would have been Tecmo's 'Super Star Force,' which was released in Japan. - Lugnut.
Star Gate (?)
Game Dude ad - EGM27 (pg 190). --- Star Gate was released by Namco in Japan...I think this is what came out here as Defender II. - Lugnut
Star Meter (JVC)
In NP28, the game appears under "Your Guide to the Latest NES Releases." It's described as a one-player sci-fi adventure, and rated a 3.8 (out of 5). --- Star Meter was actually a misprint in that issue of Nintendo Power - one of the main reviews of that issue is JVC's Star Wars and the ratings are exactly the same for both games (the ratings for Star Wars were also published with the actual review). I think it's safe to say that 'Star Meter' was just a misprint of "Star Wars" and nothing more. - Bill O'Toole
Star Stingray (Culture Brain)
"...Culture Brain is releasing Star Stingray for Nintendo." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 3 #4 (pg 123).
Star Trek V (Bandai)
"Well, we finally managed to nail down who it is that is producing the Game Pak based on Star Trek. Bandai has announced their Enterprise-ing intentions, but so far, all we have is a brochure." - NP05 Pak Watch (pg 100). "Sometimes a movie title can make game development more difficult - especially when it's a space movie with no outer space shoot-ups or laser-blasting gun-fights. Is there more that could be included in this game beyong getting Kirk, Spock, and McCoy to sing 'Row, row, row your boat' in unison? Not likely - that could explain why Bandai backed out of the game. - EGM 1990 Buyer's Guide (pg 22). C.S.I. Gamemasters ad ($44.99) - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 111). --- Star Trek 25th Anniversary was released by Ultra, and Star Trek TNG by Absolute. NES Planner "Games Slated for the Future" - NP05 (pg 104).
Starblade (Color Dreams)
$24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 19). --- This box art appeared in a Color Dreams ad. Pix: art
Stingray (Culture Brain)
Digital Press 5th Ed. (pg 196). Digital Press 6th Ed. (pg 255).
Storm Lords (Color Dreams)
In GamePro's Pronews Report of 6/90 (pg 118): "The first two Super Cartridge titles planned are Storm Lords (from Hewson in England). a shoot-em-up adventure title, and Hellraiser." The Super Cartridge was to have a Z80 processor, which Color Dreams claimed would enable more colors and 16-bit style graphics on the NES. "Another new Color Dreams title for Nintendo, Storm Lords, is being adapted from a European game for the Amiga personal computer." - Game Players Magazine June 1990 (pg 24). "(Storm Lords) will challenge your spell-casting skills in a journey across a fanastic landscape." - GamePro July 1990.
Street Battle (Innovation)
"5 Meg action / fighting game." - VGCE Sep 1993. --- Pic #2 came from an advertisment on page 99 of VGCE Aug 1993. --- The artwork appeared in the Sep 1993 issue of VGCE. Pix: art ... 2
Street Fighter (Capcom)
"Coming Soon... Aug. Street Fighter (Capcom/NES)." - Electronic Game Player July/Aug 1988 (pg 9). --- This probably became Street Fighter 2010.
Street Fighter II (Capcom)
"Under Development: Below is a list of games that were announced at the show and are currently under development. We'll fill you in as soon as information is available ... Street Fighter 2 ... " - NP11 review of the 1990 Winter CES. In the January 1993 issue, GamePro responded to a reader question (pg 14): "... we called Capcom and they informed us that they're working with a third-party NES licensee to license Street Fighter II for the 8-bit system." --- Street Fighter 2010 was on the market by 1991, at least two years earlier than this mention. "The hottest NES news ,is, of all things, Street Fighter 2 for the 8-Bit. Officials at Capcom state that this game will not come from either U.S.Capcom or Capcom of Japan, but rather it is being sublicensed out to another company." "Theme/Action. Many thought it would never happen, but here it is! However, Capcom of Japan refuses to do the programming for the 8-Bit version so Capcom of America is looking elsewhere. This could liven up the 8-Bit market!" - EGM44 supplement reviewing the 1993 Winter CES. Pix: 1
Stunt Kids (Camerica)(Aladdin cart)
Aladdin Deck Enhancer box.
Super Bomb Jack (Tecmo?)
"... other sequels rumored to be under development include ... Super Bomb Jack ..." - EGM 1990 Buyer's Guide (pg 28).
Super Buster Brothers (Hudson Soft)
"Get ready to bust some bubbles with those bodacious bad boys, the Buster brothers, in an NES version of the original SNES and Duo games. (Available Fourth Quarter '93)" - GamePro Sept 1993.
Super Hang-On (?)
Ultimate Game Club ad - EGM 1 (pg 25).
Super James Pond (Ocean)
"Wowee! This is fantastic stuff! I simply loved the Sega Mega Drive version of James Pond: Codename Robocod and the SNES game was just as brilliant. Now the fishy secret agent has made it onto the NES. The game follows the plot of the original and has many of the characters and levels. Okay, some of the game has had to be sacrificed for the conversion to the 8-bit console but there is still enough here to make a brilliant platform adventure." ... "If you want a fun platform game to keep you glued to the screen this is your fish!" Part of a 2-page review in the UK mag N-Force, July 1993 (pg 26). --- Even tho it wasn't a US rumor, it's still interesting. Thanks Joona Pöhö!! Pix: All ... Page1 ... Page2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5
Super Loderunner (Irem)
"Coming Soon... an at a glance directory of new products, games, and software: Nintendo Entertainment System: New Cartridges: Irem Super Loderunner" - Electronic Game Player Jan/Feb 1988 (pg 5).
Super Mario 4 (Nintendo)
"Rumor has it that there is a new Mario coming on the scene for you die-hard 8-bit Nintendo fans. We've heard whisperings that Super Mario 4 for the original NES system will be out sometime in 1992. No confirmation yet from Nintendo yet, but we'll keep our ears open." - Game Informer Jan/Feb 1992 (pg 17).
Super Mario Collection (Nintendo)
"Due out in July for the 8-bit Nintendo is Super Mario Collection from, you guessed it, Nintendo! Even though he big 'N' didn't have to spend any coin for this new cart, you do get to see the original Japanese Super Mario World 2 for the first time (it features more adventures set up like the first)." - EGM47 Gaming Gossip (pg 52). --- Later in EGM47, the game is listed for the Super Nintendo. The screenshots are from the SNES version of the "lost levels." Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3
Super Password (Gametek)
"Keep an eye out for Gametek's .... Super Password." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 3 #4 (pg 122). "Try your hand at the newest verion of one of TV's most popular quiz shows. Guess the correct word from the clues provided by the panelist." - EGM13 (pg 65). Thanks Adam L! (pix too) "The Password for this terrific word-association game is 'FUN.' It's also Fantastic, Enjoyable, Amusing, Entertaining, and Exciting! Hours of stimulating play!" - Classic Concentration manual (pg 21). --- The description says Super Password, but the box pic accompanying it depicts Talking Super Password (box 1). "The Password for this terrific word-association game is 'FUN.' It's also Fantastic, Enjoyable, Amusing, Entertaining, and Exciting! Hours of stimulating play!" - Jeopardy! 25th Anniv. manual (pg 31), Double Dare manual (pg 31), Wheel of Fortune Family Ed. manual (pg 31). C.S.I. Gamemasters ad ($39.99) - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 111). Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... box 1 ... box 2
Super Pinball (?)
$15.00 / $39.99 / $44.99: Buy Used, Sell Used, Sell New prices - Beyond Gaming #3 June 1990 (pg 7). --- Could they have meant another unreleased game, Super Sushi Pinball?
Super Pitfall II (Activision)
"Over the next month or so, all of Activision's latest for the NES will be reaching retailer's shelves - including Tombs and Treasure, Archon, Super Pitfall II, and Ghostbusters II." - GamePro Jan 1990. --- Released in Japan as Atlantis no Nazo. Thanks Urabahn! --- The cart was auctioned off on eBay. Pix: All ... cart... board... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9
Super Rally (?)
C.S.I. Gamemasters ad ($42.99) - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 111).
Super Rescue (CSG Imagesoft)
"Super Rescue features many zany rooms where a player must rescue as many lives as possible from the ravages of 'FIRE'. Points and special powers are awarded according to your game playing skill level." due 1st Quarter 1991, 1 player. - Video Game Quest (pg 4.39). "Nintendo games planned for release in 1989... From CSG Imagesoft: Super Rescue." - EGM 1 (pg 29). C.S.I. Gamemasters ad ($39.99) - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 111). --- Screenshot is the same as ASCII's Blazebusters. Pix: 1
Super Slam Dunk (?)
Funco ad - GamePro Nov 1993 (pg 268). --- Released on the SNES by Virgin, so may be a Funco listing error. Thanks Lugnut!
Super Square Deal (Hector or DTMC)
"Super Square Deal, made for the NES, and Square Deal, made for Game Boy, are more or less the same game. They fit in the mold of puzzle games like Tetris, Hatris and Dr. Mario. In this case, we're dealing with cards that fall into a five-by-five grid and the object is to match three cards of the same number or suit. - NP34 Now Playing (pg 103). In "Your Guide to the Latest NES Releases," it's described as a two-player simultaneous puzzle action game, and rated a 2.8 (out of 5). "With high stakes card playing going on, there is bound to be top notch poker strategies and skills. Fifty-two cards become your friends or enemies in this two dimensional, fast moving challenge." - EGM32 supplement reviewing the 1992 Winter CES. Pix: 1 ... 2/3
Super Star Force (Tecmo)
"Discover the mysteries of the unexplored regions of a distant galaxy with the adventures of Super Star Force coming soon! Voted best space game adventure in Japan. From the creators of Rygar." Star Force manual (pg 16). Play it Again ad - VGCE July 1989 (pg 92). $15 / $28.95: buy/sell price in Play It Again ad - Game Players Magazine Nov 1989 (pg 124). "Super Star Force was released in Japan." - Lugnut Pix: All ... 1 (b&w)... 2 (b&w)... 3 (b&w)
Super Sushi Pinball (CSG Imagesoft)
"Don't let the name throw you. Other than a brief sushi history lesson at the beginning of the game, this game has nothing to do with fish. This one only has two levels to its table, but the B Button will allow you to bump the table to give your ball a little more bounce. But you'll have to watch it. Bump it too much and you'll tilt the game and loose your ball." - NP05 Pak Watch (pg 103). "Nintendo games planned for release in 1989... From CSG Imagesoft: Super Pinball Sushi." - EGM 1 (pg 29). "Eight exciting levels of pinball excitement, realistic tilt feature, secret codes and game play techniques, plus fun-filled all American pinball with a little 'Sushi' humor to keep players hungry for more pinball action." - Video Game Quest (pg 7.6). "And coming soon! Super Sushi Pinball - Score big with the ultimate pinball game!! Hey! get with the program! In Super Sushi Pinball(tm), you either fish or cut bait. But be careful, if you try it once, you may get hooked. 8 action packed levels of play. Exciting and realistic tilt feature. Up to 4 players at a time." - CSG Imagesoft Ad in Game Players Magazine Nov 1989 (pg 23). C.S.I. Gamemasters ad ($39.99) - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 111). $26 / $44: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 19). NES Planner "Games Slated for the Future" - NP05 (pg 104). Pix: 1 ... ad
Super Trucks (?)
C.S.I. Gamemasters ad ($42.99) - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 111).
Super Turrican (Seika / Accolade)
Nintendo Power 45 ran a six-page feature on Super Turrican: "Rage Against the Machine - The planet Landorin has been taken over by the armies of the MACHINE. The enslaved Landorians have sent out a distress signal. Turrican has answered the call!" (pg 92). "Futuristic adventure comes to the NES with Seika's Super Turrican. The action may be side-scrolling, but each stage has multiple passages and hidden areas to explore. A true challenge for Power Players! Attack strategies are practically unlimited." (pg 106). Rated a 2.8 (out of 5). "... watch for an NES version of the popular Turrican action / adventure game this year." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #4 (pg 17). "Among the SNES titles hitting store shelves soon are Super Turrican, a heavy-hitting shooter (also for NES);..." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 6 #4 review of the Jan 1993 CES (pg 20). "Available: Now. With this new NES title, Seika brings the spirit of the original Turrican game to the 8-bit crowd. Super Turrican sports most of the features that made the Super NES version a resounding success, including colorful characters, lots of power-ups and an assortment of wild weaponry. At VG&CE's most recent viewing, Super Turrican featured high-speed shoot-'em-up action and multiplane background scrolling in some areas. Look for this one to be a serious challenge for even the most skilled action-game fans." - VGCE July 1993 (pg 35). "Many of the other new NES carts were conversions of games that have, or are being made for all the formats. Cool World, Lethal Weapon 3, Super Turrican, Home Alone 2 and James Bond Jr. are examples of games that will be seen across the board." "Theme/Action. Your NES will rock like never before! You are a combat cyborg deep behind enemy lines. Each level is chock full of power-ups. Battle fierce enemis in nonstop action. For a change from the average cart, check this out!" - EGM44 supplement reviewing the 1993 Winter CES. Next Wave Directory - EGM45 (pg 101). "EGM presents the games of May 1993... appearing in local stores now!" - EGM46 (pg 36). "The classic shoot-a-thon is now coming to the NES. Just like its bigger brother on the Super NES, this one has plenty of action and enough power-ups to tilt a camel. It's an all-out assault against an impending alien invasion, with your powerful android about to take it all on. Collect icons to gain massive firepower and shields. Storm a variety of battlegrounds filled to the brim with aliens. Oh what fun!" - EGM46 (pg 96). "8-bit Turrican at its finest! The action is rough, and even the most experienced player will cringe at the sheer might of the enemy forces. While lacking the graphics and sound of its 16-Bit brother, this cart is no push-over. When compared to most 8-Bit titles of the similar genre, it's one of the best." - EGM47 part of a full-page review (pg 172). --- Released in Europe. --- The ad below (from GP6-6 pg 29) identifies NES, and shows the box. The box pic is simply a close-up. Pix: All ... ad ... box... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10 ... 11 ... 12 ... 13 ... 14 ... 15
Super Xevious (Bandai?)
"Bandai's taking some of Nintendo's earlier arcade hits, including Galaga, Xevious, and Super Xevious, and releasing them for the Nintendo later in the year." - Electronic Game Player July/Aug 1988 (pg 13). Play it Again ad - VGCE July 1989 (pg 92). $15 / $28.95: buy/sell price in Play It Again ad - Game Players Magazine Nov 1989 (pg 124). $24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 19).
Sweet Home (Capcom)
"Under Development: Below is a list of games that were announced at the show and are currently under development. We'll fill you in as soon as information is available ... Sweet Home ... " - NP11 review of the 1990 Winter CES. "Nintendo games planned for release in 1989... From Capcom: Sweet Home." - EGM 1 (pg 29). --- Thanks to Deathspork and Capcom Japan for the art pic. Pix: art
Switchblade (Kemco)
Next Wave Directory - EGM41 (pg 138). Next Wave Directory - EGM42 (pg 118). Next Wave Directory - EGM43 (pg 98).
Talking Super Password (Gametek)
In reviewing the June 1990 CES show, GamePro (9/90) reported, "Gametek continues their quest for the game show hall of fame with Double Dare, Classic Concentration, Family Feud, and Talking Super Password." "A little further off is talking Super Password, featuring new digitized audio technology with an unlimited vocabulary of speech and sound." - NP14 Pak Watch (pg 95). "We saw, heard, and played hundreds of games at CES, and we just don't have space to get to them all this time around. Here are a few new titles to whet your gaming appetites: ... Talking Super Password ..." - NP16 Pak Watch Gossip & Such Rumors (pg 95). "The Password for this terrific word-association game is 'FUN.' It's also Fantastic, Enjoyable, Amusing, Entertaining, and Exciting! Hours of stimulating play! And it talks to you too!" - Harlem Globetrotters manual (pg 30). $24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 19). Pix: box
Targhan (Color Dreams)
$24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 19). --- Here's what was said about the PC version in Game Players Magazine Feb 1990 (pg110): "It's basically an action game with lots of swordfighting and magic." --- Box art appeared in a Color Dreams ad. Pix: art
Taro's Quest (Jaleco)
"Other RPGs on the horizon include ... Taro's Quest (Jaleco)... - NP11 review of the 1990 Winter CES. "Headlining the Jaleco USA games for 1990 are ... Taro's Quest, a fantasy game somewhat like Dragon Warrior." - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 28). $10.00 / $44.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 12).
Task Force Harrier (?)
$22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 33). --- Probably refers to USMC Harrier, also unreleased.
Taz-Mania (Sunsoft/T*HQ)
Pak Watch Future Games for NES (Fall '93) - NP47 (pg 113). --- Released for SNES. Thanks Chris Covell!
Team Sports Basketball (Camerica)(Aladdin cart)
Aladdin Deck Enhancer box. "Below is a brief overview of what's in store from your favorite game companies early in 1993... Camerica: Basketball. Summer 93" - Game Informer Mar/Apr 1993 (pg 31). Pix: 1
Terminator 2: The Arcade Game (Acclaim)
Mike Etler's Rarity List v4.0 Digital Press 6th Ed. (pg 255).
Terran Wars (?)
"The Teleplay System by Baton hits Earth in Spring 1993. It comes equipped with Terran Wars, a head-to-head, fast action, arcade style space game." - ad on inside back cover of EGM44 supplement reviewing the 1993 Winter CES. Pix: 1
Terror of Tech Town (Mattel)
"The Terror of Tech Town places you in a 3-D, high-tech world of the future. You search for 'tech units' that you need to survive. The Power Glove acts as a robot's claw that picks up these tech units from under your enemy's nose." - The Hot Games (pg 60).
Thomas the Tank Engine (T*HQ)
"As Thomas puffs around his track, the player encounters various puzzles, races, stories and quizzes all related to Thomas. For instance, at one whistlestop you might have to piece together a jigsaw puzzle depicting a scene of Thomas or his friends. In the next, you might race against another locomotive. All of the activities (except the races) have some learning value. The emphasis is on reading. Simple sentences and memory quizzes help the beginning reader." - NP53 Now Playing October 1993 (pg 104). It rated a 3.0 (out of 5). "There's life in the ol' NES yet with this 8-bit game for young players. Based on the TV series Shining Time Station, this sideview game combines entertainment and learning. Children between three and seven guide Thomas across various tracks that lead to seven worlds filled with puzzles, races, stories, track-building challenges, trivia quizzes, and even a painting program. A special mode helps beginners master the challenging areas." - GamePro Feb 1994. "There's also ... Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends for Genesis, SNES, and NES." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 6 #8 review of the Summer 1993 CES (pg 49). "EGM presents the games of September 1993... appearing in local stores now!" - EGM50 (pg 40). "Below is a brief overview of what's in store from your favorite game companies early in 1993... THQ: Thomas the Tank Engine. May 93." - Game Informer Mar/Apr 1993 (pg 31). Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4
Time Zone (Taito)
"And new NES games include Little Samson, Time Zone, and Panic Restaurant." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #4 (pg 22).
Titan Warrior (Capcom)
"Coming Soon... Aug. Titan Warrior (Capcom/NES)" - Electronic Game Player July/Aug 1988 (pg 9). $15 / $28.95: buy/sell price in Play It Again ad - Game Players Magazine Nov 1989 (pg 124). $24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 19). Play it Again ad - VGCE July 1989 (pg 92). --- Might be Sofel's Titan, which was released in Japan. - Lugnut
TKO Wrestling (?)
$17.00 / $34.99 / $49.99: Buy Used, Sell Used, Sell New prices - Beyond Gaming #3 June 1990 (pg 7).
"Coming Soon... Nintendo Entertainment System. April... TNK III (SNK)" - Electronic Game Player May/June 1988 (pg 5). $29.99 in Video Game Exchange ad - Electronic Game Player May/June 1988 (pg 7). --- TNK III, a game similar to Ikari warriors, was released for the C-64.
Tom & Jerry: Frantic Antics (Hi Tech)
"Tom & Jerry: Frantic Antics shows up on NES and Game Boy..." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 6 #8 review of the Summer 1993 CES (pg 48).
Tom & Jerry: The Movie (Hi Tech)
Digital Press 5th Ed. (pg 197).
Touchdown (?)
Play it Again ad - VGCE July 1989 (pg 92). $15 / $28.95: buy/sell price in Play It Again ad - Game Players Magazine Nov 1989 (pg 124). --- Touchdown Fever listed in same ads.
Tower of Radia (Tecmo)
"Also in the news for the NES is Tower of Radia, Tecmo's first RPG, unless you count Tecmo Cup..." - NP39 Pak Watch Gossip Galore (pg 113). "Also look for the NES sports game Tecmo Cup Soccer and the RPG adventure The Tower of Radia." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #8 review of the June 1992 CES (pg 24). "They also plan The Tower of Ra for the 8-bit." - Game Informer Summer 1992 (pg 40).
Toys (Absolute)
"Absolute's making the most of their 'Toys' license. In the works are SNES, NES, and Game Boy versions of the movie starring Robin Williams." "Absolute also announced its new license for the 20th Century Fox movie Toys, to be released for Christmas; expect SNES, NES, and Genesis versions." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #8 review of the June 1992 CES (pg 13). "Absolute called a couple of weeks ago to give us the skinny on Toys, its new SNES, NES, and Sega Genesis game. The video game is based on the new Robin Williams movie, a comedy about a toy maker who must save his father's factory from the grasp of his evil uncle." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #11 (pg 6). --- Released for SNES. Thanks Linque!
Transylvanian Adventure (Konami)
"An end-of-the-year promotion co-sponsored by Nabisco and Konami resulted in a massive giveaway of NES games; approximately 40,000 cartridges of Transylvanian Adventure, Simon's Quest and Blades of Steel were sent to the winners. Specially marked packages of Chips Ahoy! and Oreo cookies, which were available through 15,000 grocery stores, contained rub-off cards that gave the consumer a chance to win games. Other companies participating in the promotion were Acclaim and Hi Tech." - VGCE May 1990 (pg 22). --- The writer may have been referring to Simon's Quest as a Transylvanian adventure, but the news bit definitely gives the impression that they are two different games. --- They also could have been referring to Castlevania Adventure on the Gameboy. Thanks Chris Covell!
Treasure Island Dizzy (Camerica)
Funco ad - GamePro Nov 1993 (pg 268). --- Released on Quattro Adventure.
Triumph (Hudson Soft)
"Like chess, it's a board game between two kings' armies where different warriors have different ways to move. And, like many role playing games, the outcome of battles between warriors is determined by randomly generated numbers and the strengths of those two characters. Twenty-five castles have been taken over by an evil being known as Gunty. In the Quest Mode, it is your mission to free the castles from Gunty's forces, one at a time. ... challenge a computer-controlled opponent or another player. If you choose the Edit Mode, you can select a castle and change the set-up from the beginning to create your own challenging situation." - NP27 Now Playing August 1991 (pg 85). Also in NP27, it appears under "Your Guide to the Latest NES Releases." A two-player simultaneous password strategy game, and rated a 3.5 (out of 5). Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6
Trivial Pursuit (Parker Brothers)
"... Trivial Pursuit will soon test your knowledge of arcane facts on the NES. You can play with friends or against 6 computer opponents with their own expertise areas." - NP23 Pak Watch Gossip Galore (pg 96). In the April 1991GamePro Pronews Report coverage of the Winter CES (pg 74): "Some other games worthy of note for the NES: ... Trivial Pursuit by Parker Brothers..." "If you think you know a little bit about everything, or would like to, then test your wits against the all new NES version of the board game smash hit, Trivial Pursuit. The game includes questions based on the original categories: History, Sports, Entertainment, Arts, and the Sciences. Of course, if those subjects aren't your cup of tea, feel free to choose from 30 specialized categories, such as pre-Elvis, post-Beatles, and Baseball Personalities in the Eighties. There are over 1,000 questions in all. You can even command the computer to choose a random mix of subjects. Up to four people can play at once or you can play against any of six animated computer opponents. Think you know it all? Try Trivial Pursuit! Available September '91." - GamePro May 1991. "The computer players - Holly Wood, Deke Athlon, Joe Average, Mme. Musique, Arndt Sharp, and Professor Prune - each have his or her own skill level and subject specialty." - Game Player's Vol 4 #4 (pg 93). $5.00 / $47.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 12). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP23 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP24 (pg 97). Pix: 1
Trolls in Crazyland (American Softworks Corp.)
"Those bare-bottomed neon-haired dolls make a streak on your NES and your Game Boy. Available May" - GamePro April 1993 review of CES '93. "You may remember a Pak Watch mention of an NES game called Crazy land some time ago. American Softworks has taken that game, added some Trolls, and renamed it, The Trolls in Crazy Land, but the game is the same by any other name." - NP43 Pak Watch Gossip Galore (pg 113). "The NES may be playing second fiddle, but it's far from fading! Trolls in Crazy Land is coming from American Softworks." - EGM39 New Soft News (pg 98). "Game releases for November, 1992... appearing in local stores now!" - EGM40 (pg 36). --- Released in Europe. Next Wave Directory - EGM39 (pg 110). Next Wave Directory - EGM40 (pg 106). Next Wave Directory - EGM41 (pg 138). Next Wave Directory - EGM42 (pg 118). Next Wave Directory - EGM45 (pg 101) as Trolls in Candy Land. Next Wave Directory - EGM46 (pg 98) as Trolls in Candy Land. Next Wave Directory - EGM47 (pg 108) as Trolls in Candy Land. Next Wave Directory - EGM48 (pg 104) as Trolls in Candy Land. Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP43 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP44 (pg 113). Pix: cart See Crazyland for other pix.
Tune-Up Rallye (Matchbox)
"Tune-Up Rallye lets you design your own race car and then go out on the track for gear-grinding competition. This one or two-player game starts with the construction of the vehicle from parts including engine, chassis and suspension. Next, you'll tune your vehicle with an electronic engine analyzer and dynamometer, adjusting most of the same engine specifications you would use in a real garage. The second phase of the game takes place in pre-race testing, where you work with your pit crew on final details. And then it's race time! You will test your car against a vehicle created by the second player, or against a computer-designed car in drag, Grand Prix or flat track racing." - UU1 (pg 307). "Another newcomer to Nintendo is Matchbox Toys, the miniature car maker. Matchbox will be releasing five new titles for Nintendo in 1990. They are Tune-up Rallye, a one- or two-player racing game; Monster Truck Rodeo, a competition involving giant pickups; Urban Convoy, in which gamers play wildcat truckers; Web World, a space adventure with hand-to-hand combat against aliens; and Ring Raiders, in which the futuristic Ring Raiders Air Force battles Skull Squadron in a contest of world domination." - Game Players Magazine Aug/Sep 1989 (pg 30).
Turrican (Seika)
"Seika's Turrican is nothing like the stiff-playing Game Boy release from Accolade." - NP46 Pak Watch CES Special Report (pg 113). "... watch for an NES version of the popular Turrican action / adventure game this year." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #4 (pg 17). "Accolade will be following up their success with Turrican for Game Boy with the NES version." - Game Informer Jan/Feb 1992 (pg 14). $22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 33).
Turtles (?)
Digital Press 5th Ed. (pg 197). Digital Press 6th Ed. (pg 255).
Twin Peaks (Hi Tech)
In GamePro's Pronews Report of 12/90 (pg 180): "The incredibly bizarre ABC series Twin Peaks is coming to the NES some time in 1991. Expect the NES title to be a mystery/brainteaser type cart, rather than an action game, complete with all those strange characters that make Twin Peaks so much fun. "Twin Peaks, which is based on the bizarre T.V. show, will be role playing in style, with the player trying to solve the mysteries of Twin Peaks as one of the many strange characters on the show. The plot is based on the second season, with multiple endings possible depending on which character is played." - NP22 Pak Watch Gossip Galore (pg 97). "Another NES game from Hi-Tech Expressions is Twin Peaks." - Game Players Magazine March 1991 (pg 30). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP22 (pg 97).
U-Force Power Games (Broderbund)
"Those who have mastered their U-Force controller should hunt for U-Force Power Games from Broderbund." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 3 #4 (pg 123). "Several U-Force enhanced games are in development including a 1st person perspective combat/martial arts/boxing game which will include a training session with several exercises. Also in the works is an RPG which will use the regular controller for movement and the U-Force for activities such as using items, combat, and magic! All these games will have special play features which will be accessible with the U-Force controller. We'll be interested in testing them, 'hands off' of course, to give you a better 'feel.'" - NP12 Pak Watch (pg 91). In GamePro's Pronews Report of 9/90 (pg 34): "Broderbund was on hand with the U-Force and the U-Force Power games, four titles on one cartridge all designed especially for play on the U-Force. Our favorite was a game where you are a fireman who rescues people jumping from a burning building." "The first Game Pak designed exclusively for use with the U-Force includes Power Field B-Ball (a one-on-one basketball game), Rock on Air (a 'air band' music synthesizer), Nuclear Rat Attack (a space setting action game) and Hose 'Em Down (a fireman rescue game with a humorous 'keystone cops' feel). - NP14 Pak Watch Gossip Galore (pg 95). "Broderbund has created a new NES cartridge just for the U-Force. Containing four different games this cart lets you play a round of basketball with a friend, rescue people trapped in a burning building, stop invading rats from taking over your space ship or allow you to create different types of music. All this without ever using a control pad! Instead, all you have to do is wave your hands over the U-Force." - EGM13 (pg 56). Thanks Adam L! NES Planner "Future" - NP14 (pg 95). NES Planner "November" - NP16 (pg 95). "THQ, Inc., has signed a letter of intent to purchase the video game division of Broderbund Software. The sale postpones indefinitely the release of the four-in-one cartridge, Power Games, designed specifically for use with the U-FORCE." - GamePro Dec 1990. Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4
U*Fouria (Sunsoft)
"Also for NES is UFOria, an adventure game featuring the misfit heroes Bop-Louie, Freeon Leon, Gil, and Shades. Each character has a special weapon that can make minced meat out of a variety of weird enemy frogs and blobs. UFOria doesn't use preset levels or stages for you to make it through. Instead, your fearless foursome can search the entire world of UFOria." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 4 #11 (pg 6). "Sunsoft's newest title combines humor, action and brain-teasing puzzles in a wacky adventure setting. The hero, Bop Louie, and three kooky comrades have fallen out of their world, Ufouria, and into a strange new world full of hostile inhabitants." - NP22 Pak Watch (pg 93). "They also have an unusual NES cart entitled Euphoria, slated for a Spring '91 release." (I forgot to note the publication... crap.) "Ufouria's a mildly amusing foray into a world straight from Mario Land, but that just means it's a kick to play. The bouncy action's good fun, and you get plenty of it - in fact, you'll need a map to find your way. Special password crystals help you get through hard times. If you're looking for adventure, Ufouria's for you." - GamePro Nov '91. "The graphics are clean, colorful and well-animated, but they're not exactly going to set the world on fire with their simple structure and relentlessly 'cute' charm. On the other hand, Ufouria's great-sounding background music is a real treat." - VGCE Dec 1991, part of a half-page review of 'Ufouria - The Saga' (pg 56). "Ufouria is a challenging, treacherous new adventure game featuring four characters, each possessing a secret power never before seen in a video game!. Maneuver these heroes through mazes while avoiding bizarre traps and cunningly placed pitfalls. With multiple levels requiring skill, agility and quick thinking. Coming in April." - EGM19 (pg 42). "An unusual and treacherous journey lies ahead to challenge your abilities. Gather up all your skill and quick thinking as this quest will tax them all. Mazes loaded with bizarre traps await you!" - EGM20 (pg 94). "Sunsoft will soon produce their latest cute game for the NES. In this cart, you have to journey through lands and find your friends in this run and jump action game. After you find a friend you can then be that friend." - EGM27 (pg 160). "Sunsoft will follow up Batman with a couple of new titles, including Ufouria, a comical interactive adventure with interchangeable characters..." - Game Players Magazine March 1991 (pg 32). $22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 33). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP22 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP23 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP24 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP25 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP26 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP27 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP28 (pg 95). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP29 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP30 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP31 (pg 97). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP32 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP33 (pg 113). Pak Watch Future Games for NES - NP34 (pg 113). --- Released in Europe and Australia. --- The ad comes from VGCE June 1991 (pg 17). Pix: All ... box ... ad ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10... 11... 12... 13
Ultimate Baseball (American Sammy)
In GamePro's Pronews Report of 6/90 (pg 118): "American Sammy is busy working on their new Ultimate Sports Series games. The first game in the series is Ulimate Basketball, planned for a fourth quarter release. Other games in the series include Ultimate Soccer and Ultimate Baseball."
Ultimate Journey (Bandai)
"The Indian medicine man Wrathkon wasn't satisfied with the mystic gifts bestowed upon him by the Great Spirit. So he turned to the powers of darkness. His angry tribesmen exiled him from the village, but Wrathkon had his revenge - he destroyed the village and captured the new medicine man, Haypavo. Only Mojavo, the sole survivng warrior, can stop Wrathkon before he absorbs Haypavo's supernatural energy." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 4 #8 (pg 94). "... it's a ninja adventure girded in a buckskin and topped with a headdress." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 4 #10, part of a two-page review (pg 92-93). "For the NES, the advanced action game Ultimate Journey makes its appearance." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #8 review of the June 1992 CES (pg 14). "Brave warrior Mojavo must attempt the ultimate journey and venture high atop the Outcast Mountains to Wrathkon's Castle. There he must rescue Haypavo and prevent the creation of the dominator!" - EGM20 (pg 80). Thanks Adam L! (pic 7 too) "You are brave warrior Mojavo. You must attempt the ultimate journey and travel across the land to the top of Outcast Mountain to the evil Wrathkon's castle. Magic powers enable you to transform into eagles, sharks and other animals. A new adventure with a totally original theme." -EGM21 (pg 41). "Not an innovation in any sense, just good action with some twists!" "This is going to be another Nintendo sleeper... it is a well-designed game which keeps your interest all the way to the end." "Sort of a combination of Rygar, Ninja Gaiden, and Dances with Wolves." "Turning into animals later in the game help provide some variety..." - EGM23 (pg 16) snipets from four reviewers. --- Same comments also appear on page 32 of EGM 1992 Buyer's Guide. A full-page review on page 102 in EGM23 lists Ultimate Journey as a 2 Meg, 1-player game of average difficulty. Due July 1991. "Soon to be arriving on you NES 8 bit: Ultimate Journey - Bandai" - EGM32 supplement reviewing the 1992 Winter CES. "A young warrior takes on the wilderness of the west in this five stage side-scroller. By opening chests that have been hidden throughout the land, he can collect items which will aid him in his mission to defeat the evil Wrathkon. While it's a decent game, it's not new or difficult." - NP39 Now Playing August 1992. NP39 "Your Guide to the Latest Releases:" one-player western action game rated a 3.1 (out of 5). "Bandai America is busy working for an April release of Ultimate Journey, a RPG for the NES..." - Game Informer Jan/Feb 1992 (pg 14). $24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 19). $10.00 / $44.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 12). Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10 ... 11 ... 12 ... 13 ... 14 ... 15
Ultimate Qix (Imagesoft?)
$5.00 / $44.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 12).
Ultimate Soccer (American Sammy)
In GamePro's Pronews Report of 6/90 (pg 118): "American Sammy is busy working on their new Ultimate Sports Series games. The first game in the series is Ulimate Basketball, planned for a fourth quarter release. Other games in the series include Ultimate Soccer and Ultimate Baseball."
Ultimate Stunt Man (Camerica)(Aladdin cart)
"Camerica games such as Micro Machines, the Dizzy games, Ultimate Stunt Man, Bignose the Caveman, the Quattro compilations, Firehawk, and Bee 52 will have Aladdin versions available." - VGCE Oct 1992 (pg 26). Aladdin Deck Enhancer box.
Ultra Golf (?)
Funco ad - EGM48 (pg 162). $22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 33).
Uninvited II (Seika)
"But the developers aren't forgetting you 8-bit gamers in the 16-bit onslaught. You can look forward to ... Uninvited II from Seika." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #4 (pg 4). "Among Seika's newest games will be the suspense adventure, Uninvited II for the NES." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #4 (pg 22). "Soon to be arriving on you NES 8 bit: Uninvited 2 - Seika" - EGM32 supplement reviewing the 1992 Winter CES. $22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 33).
Urban Convoy (Matchbox)
"Another newcomer to Nintendo is Matchbox Toys, the miniature car maker. Matchbox will be releasing five new titles for Nintendo in 1990. They are Tune-up Rallye, a one- or two-player racing game; Monster Truck Rodeo, a competition involving giant pickups; Urban Convoy, in which gamers play wildcat truckers; Web World, a space adventure with hand-to-hand combat against aliens; and Ring Raiders, in which the futuristic Ring Raiders Air Force battles Skull Squadron in a contest of world domination." - Game Players Magazine Aug/Sep 1989 (pg 30). "Web World and Urban Convoy are two potential new titles from Matchbox Toys, one of our new licensees. No word on subject matter yet." - NP08 Pak Watch Gossip Galore (pg 89). "Urban Convoy takes a realistic look at cross country trucking with many different viewpoints, road maps, traffic reports, weather conditions and other true life occurrences." - NP09 Pak Watch Gossip Galore (pg 95). "1200 pounds and 700 turbo-charged diesel horsepower all on 18 wheels rocket you over 100 miles per hour! But size and speed isn't all you'll need. URBAN CONVOY pits you against the real world with schedules, deliveries, pickups and planning through city and country driving conditions and terrain in a challenge of brains, coordination and skill. You are behind the wheel of a state-of-the-art 'Semi. Twelve speeds and full instrumentation are at your command with the real challenges of the open road trying to stop you. Weather, traffic obstacles, renegade truckers and 'Smokey' are all working against you!" Due August 1990, 1 player. - Video Game Quest (pg 4.42). "... we're writing this preview looking at a color transparency of a few sample scenes. First, we see a map and our assignment. Next, we enter the warehouse and drive a small forklift loader to transfer boxes to our trailer. And then we have the view through the windshield of our big truck in a big city cruise. On the dashboard is a map of our destination and a clock, along with other gauges; out the window we see a huge garbage truck that has just dumped part of its load in the road. Do you think it's tough stopping your bicycle when you see a hole in the sidewalk? Wait until you need to step on the brakes in an 18-wheeler!" - UU1 (pg 308). "Matchbox Toys plans to introduce three games this year. Web World is an arcade adventure, while Urban Convoy and Monster Truck Rodeo feature two extremes of truck driving action." - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 96). Pix: b&w
U.S.M.C. Harrier (Absolute)
"Absolute is following up the success of A Boy And His Blob with a U.S.M.C. Harrier Jet simulation which aims at being more realistic than any other NES flight simulation. Special features include a life-like, detailed instrument panel and 'windshield displays' in a view from the pilot's seat. The game also includes vertical take-off and landing in a side view and an air-to-ground combat sequence in a view from behind the plane. - NP12 Pak Watch (pg 93). "U.S.M.C. Harrier, a jet fighter simulator game, will be available later this year from Absolute Entertainment, publishers of A Boy and His Blob. The game is designed to bring sophisticated elements of computer flight simulators as well as aerial combat to the Nintendo Entertainment System. U.S.M.C. Harrier will feature first-person perspective and is based on the Marine Corps' Harrier jump jet which can hover in mid-air and even fly backward." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 3 #3 (pg 10). "Absolute Entertainment is releasing a true flight simulator, U.S.M.C. Harrier." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 3 #4 (pg 122). (hint)"When using missiles to shoot down enemy MIGs from behind, you have to wait for a solid tone in order to get a successful hit." - Video Game Secrets (pg 184). "Besides their Battle Tank simulation Absolute Entertainment is also bringing out a jet fighter simulation. Based around the Harrier 'jump' jet you take on various missions in 'hot' spots around the world. You have the standard armament of guns and missiles but the enemy is expecting you and has prepared a special welcoming party of equally armed and maneuverable jets. It's going to ake all your skill and ability just to make it back alive." - EGM13 (pg 62). Thanks Adam L! (pics too) "From Absolute comes this graphically stunning simulator/shooter featuring the amazing Harrier Jump-Jet. Multiple perspectives and options expand the play value of the game." - EGM11 (pg 50). Video Game Land ad ($26.95) - Game Players Magazine Nov 1990 (pg 112). --- U.S.M.C. Harrier looks VERY similar to Flight of the Intruder (Mindscape). Even the map is similar, except the map in Flight of the Intruder is of Vietnam instead of the Gulf of Mexico. My guess is that Harrier got licensed away and turned into Flight of the Intruder, since Flight of the Intruder is based off a book and movie. - Luis Vasquez Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5
US Championship Volleyball (Technos Japan)
"When you and your pals aren't out surfing, you can still have fun in the sun with a ball, a net and a lot of sand. While one of you digs deep for a high set, the other leaps up to smash the ball past the defenders. Get set for this Nintendo hit to arrive in early '90." - NP08 (pg 31). --- US Championship Volleyball is the Japanese version of Super Spike V'Ball. Thanks Linque! Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3
USA Bowling (Coconuts)
"From Coconuts, a new licensee. We figure no pastime is 'spared' from being turned into an NES version. Strikes, splits - maybe even league play - will be included." - NP06 Pak Watch (pg 104).
Vanilla Ice (T*HQ)
NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP23 (pg 97).
Vegas (Seta)
"Look for... Bio Force Ape and Vegas for the NES..." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #4 (pg 22). "Soon to be arriving on you NES 8 bit: Vegas - Seta" - EGM32 supplement reviewing the 1992 Winter CES. $22 / $39: buy/sell prices in Funco ad - Game Informer Spring 1992 (pg 33).
Vulgus (Capcom)
"Coming Soon... Nintendo Entertainment System. Available Soon... Vulgus (Capcom)." - Electronic Game Player May/June 1988 (pg 5).
War in Middle Earth (Hi Tech)
In GamePro's Pronews Report of 4/90 (pg 92): "Hi Tech's War in Middle Earth is based on Tolkien's best selling trilogy of fantasy books." "Other titles on the horizon include... War in Middle Earth (an epic game based on Tolkien's classic fantasy novels). - NP12 Pak Watch (pg 92). "Now the company is bringing out a variety of Nintendo titles, including War in Middle Earth, a role-playing game based on the J.R.R. Tolkien trilogy..." - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 26). "Based on Tolkien's best selling trilogy, War in Middle Earth is a fully animated role-playing game in which players battle against the evil forces of the Dark Lord Sauron and Saruman, the corrupt wizard, to get the One Ring to the Crack of Doom. Follow in the legendary footsteps of the loveable Frodo, Aragorn and Gandalf as they encounter challenges and tests of skill in the forest by trolls, orcs, nazguls and other shady creatures." 1 player. - Video Game Quest (pg 5.11). Video Game Land ad ($26.95) - Game Players Magazine Nov 1990 (pg 112). $10.00 / TBA: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 12). --- Retooled and released for the SNES as Lord of the Rings. - Adam L
War on Wheels (Jaleco)
"War on Wheels, Jaleco's new roller derby cart (for one or two players) is an action game lover's dream. Grabbing, punching, hair-pulling, and body-slamming are all considered fair play. These moves come in handy when you're trying to out-skate opponents for the score. This is the big time here, and each round you win brings you that much closer to winning the international championship. A pretty good incentive to give it all you've got!" - GamePro Dec 1990. "War on Wheels shines as a two-player title. Against the computer, well, you'd better be good. Of course, with practice anything is possible! The graphics are average, but original gameplay and the fact that it's the very first cart based on authentic roller derby make it a good choice for derby fans and sports fans alike." - GamePro Jan 1991. "In War on Wheels, you're the star of the roller derby, but you have to fight to stay in favor. The toughest players aren't always in the arena - some brawls take place at the side of the track. - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 3 #6 (pg 104). "You choose your team, pick your lineup, then start slamming and jamming your way through a 35-game season against seven other highly antagonistic teams." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 4 #7 (pg 88), part of a two-page review. The review is repeated in Game Player's Encyclopedia #4 on page 222. In NP21, the game appears under "Your Guide to the Latest NES Releases." It's described as a one-player roller skating game, and rated a 2.6 (out of 5), tied for the lowest of 21 games that month. "Even some of the fans get in on the action. Two players can skate at once, but they have to stay close together on the screen." NP22 Now Playing March 1991 (pg 75). Also in NP22, the game appears under "Your Guide to the Latest NES Releases." It's described as a two-player simultaneous password roller skating game, and rated a 2.6 (out of 5), tied for the lowest of 14 games that month. "Once you've strapped on your skates and the whistle blows, anything goes! Do whatever it takes to crash past your opponents and score enough points to win your match and make it to the next round. Even the fans are just crazy enough to join in on the action!" - PRO-Spts (pg 200). "Roller Derby never plays by the rules. So why have any? There aren't any! Strap on the skates and punch out the jammers or do whatever it takes to win as that's all that counts!" - EGM13 (pg 75). Thanks Adam L! "Smash 'em, crash 'em, and bash 'em! Roller derbies were never this exciting or real! War on Wheels adds the excitement of boxing and racing and comes up with a cart full of challenges and surprises." "Hmm... Not exactly what I expected from jaleco, but it's okay. The gameplay becomes repetitive quick. Try again!" "Not extremely exciting but average." "Player control is not precise and makes for difficult game play." "Definitely a good effort by the upcoming wizards of Jaleco!" - selections from reviewers in EGM21 (pg 18). The same comments appear in EGM 1992 Buyer's Guide. "Eight teams, including the Phangs and Maimers, compete for the title of Roller Derby Champ. After selecting a team, you can compete against either the computer or another person in a round-robin tournament. Rival teams body-slam and pick fights with your team, causing injuries. Rabid fans throw food onto the rink and pummel any skater unlucky enough to get thrown outside the rink." - Game Players Magazine Jan 1991 (pg 93). "New from jaleco USA are several action-strategy games, including ... War on Wheels, a roller derby game; ..." - Game Players Magazine March 1991 (pg 30). "Ask your favorite video game store for Bases Loaded II: Second Season, Maniac Mansion, War on Wheels, Metal Mech, The Last Ninja and Totally Rad from Jaleco for the Nintendo Entertainment System." - Whomp 'Em manual (back cover). "Ask your favorite video game store for Bases Loaded II: Second Season, GOAL!, Astyanax, Pinball Quest, Hoops, War on Wheels, The Last Ninja and Metal Mech from Jaleco for the Nintendo Entertainment System." - Maniac Mansion manual (back cover). "Ask your favorite video game store for Maniac Mansion, Astyanax, Pinball Quest, Bases Loaded II: Second Season, War on Wheels, Metal Mech, GOAL! and Hoops from Jaleco for the Nintendo Entertainment System." - Last Ninja manual (back cover). "Play fair? Play by the rules? Who are you kidding! This is Roller Derby, where the only rule is 'anything goes,' and the action never stops! War on Wheels puts you in the middle of it! Play one on one or against the computer; round robin tournaments and bonus rounds; fights between players and even the fans! All this action in War on Wheels!" - Jaleco mini-fold-out poster/ad. $24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 19). NES Planner "Coming Soon" - NP18 (pg 92). Pix: All ... box ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7
War vs. Drugs (?)
$24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Informer Nov/Dec 1991 (pg 19). --- NARC listed in same ad at cheaper prices.
Warp Space (AGCI)
"Warp Space (American Game Cartridges for the NES) is an action-simulation of outer-space combat. The solitary gamer, a recent graduate of the TerraFed Fleet Academy, rises through the fleet as he reaps the rewards that go to those who complete the dangerous missions. The wide variety of weapons and ship types, coupled with the large number of planets awaiting exploration, give Warp Space a high degree of playability." - VGCE March 1992 (pg 98). $1.00 / $29.99: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 12).
Water Ski (Froggo)
Ultimate Game Club ad - EGM 1990 Buyer's Guide (pg 43).
Web World (Matchbox)
"Another newcomer to Nintendo is Matchbox Toys, the miniature car maker. Matchbox will be releasing five new titles for Nintendo in 1990. They are Tune-up Rallye, a one- or two-player racing game; Monster Truck Rodeo, a competition involving giant pickups; Urban Convoy, in which gamers play wildcat truckers; Web World, a space adventure with hand-to-hand combat against aliens; and Ring Raiders, in which the futuristic Ring Raiders Air Force battles Skull Squadron in a contest of world domination." - Game Players Magazine Aug/Sep 1989 (pg 30). "Web World and Urban Convoy are two potential new titles from Matchbox Toys, one of our new licensees. No word on subject matter yet." - NP08 Pak Watch Gossip Galore (pg 89). "In Web World, you are a spider that must connect planets, moons, and asteroids in your web while taking on black holes and assorted space creatures. - NP09 Pak Watch Gossip Galore (pg 95). "The unforgiving void of space is yours for the taking. Systematically you must link, weave and unite worlds, planets and asteroids. A complex matrix of natural and acquired weapons are at your disposal. The real challenge? You are not alone...and...you are a spider! WEB WORLD is an interstellar race to capture as much of the never ending universe as possible. But the screens are scrolling...there are no repeating patterns...and time is against you. Successfully linking and joining heavenly bodies rewards you with precious power, weapons and territory while dozens of space vermin seek you out. Your tools: lasers, grenades, bombs, traps and cocoons." Due April 1990, 1 player. - Video Game Quest (pg 4.42). "Here's one we're looking forward to getting our hands stuck on Web World, due from Matchbox Toys in 1990. In this game, you are an outer space spider, hard at work in an attempt to link together planets and asteroids in your web. You'll have to battle some truly strange space monsters, but hey, this story is so far out to begin with that it all starts to make sense after awhile. The sample screnes we looked at were just gorgeous, with gigantic blue and brown spiders doing battle with huge clawed beasts against a jet black sky filled with stars." - UU1 (pg 310). "Some detailed intermission graphics help set the tone for this creepy action/strategy game. Work your way about the screen, trapping victims in your deadly webs, while avoiding the enemy creatures and obstacles that constantly attack. A unique game that deserves more investigation." - EGM09 (pg 67). Thanks Adam L! (the pix too) "Matchbox Toys plans to introduce three games this year. Web World is an arcade adventure, while Urban Convoy and Monster Truck Rodeo feature two extremes of truck driving action." - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 96). Video Game Land ad ($26.95) - Game Players Magazine Nov 1990 (pg 112). $10.00 / TBA: buy/sell prices - Beyond Gaming #4 c1991 (pg 12). Pix: b&w ... 2
We're Back: A Dinosaur's Story (Hi Tech)
"Below is a brief overview of what's in store from your favorite game companies early in 1993... Hi Tech Expressions: We're Back." - Game Informer Mar/Apr 1993 (pg 31).
Wheel of Fortune Golden Edition (Gametek)
NES Planner "March" - NP11 (pg 93). --- This easily could have become the Family Edition.
Where's Waldo 2 (THQ)
Next Wave Directory - EGM41 (pg 138). Next Wave Directory - EGM45 (pg 101). Next Wave Directory - EGM46 (pg 98). Next Wave Directory - EGM47 (pg 108). --- Likely became The Great Waldo Search.
White Lion (Kemco)
"And, for the NES, look for the RPG White Lion and the action mystery Lost in Las Vegas." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #4 (pg 20). --- Released as Ghost Lion.
Wild Boys (Bandai)
"We'll give you fair warning when Bandai is ready to cut loose Wild Boys. This one is a karate action game that lets you change places among four different characters when one's energy gets low." - NP08 Pak Watch Gossip Galore (pg 89). C.S.I. Gamemasters ad - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 111). Pix: art ... 2
Wizard of Oz (Seta)
"The Wizard of Oz comes to NES screens later this year." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 5 #8 review of the June 1992 CES (pg 22). "Seta has decided on doing Musya for the SNES and The Wizard of Oz for the NES and SNES." - EGM38 New Soft News (pg 78). "Seta introduces ... The Wizard of Oz for Nintendo." - Game Informer Summer 1992 (pg 38). "Below is a brief overview of what's in store from your favorite game companies early in 1993... Seta USA: Wizard of Oz." - Game Informer Mar/Apr 1993 (pg 31). Next Wave Directory - EGM41 (pg 138). Next Wave Directory - EGM42 (pg 118). Next Wave Directory - EGM43 (pg 98). Next Wave Directory - EGM45 (pg 101). Next Wave Directory - EGM46 (pg 98). Next Wave Directory - EGM47 (pg 108). Next Wave Directory - EGM48 (pg 104).
Wordtris (Spectrum Holobyte)
"SH is spreading out to tackle some other products, most notable cartridge software. It has versions of Wordtris for the NES, SNES and Game Boy, ..." - VGCE Nov 1992 (pg 36).
World Bowling (?)
Digital Press 6th Ed. (pg 255).
World Rally Championship Racing (HAL America)
"...World Rally Championship Racing (HAL) ... are also in the NES auto game race." - NP11 review of the 1990 Winter CES. --- Championship Rally was released in Europe. Same game?
World Trophy Soccer (INTV)
"NES players can ... try their skill at World Trophy Soccer with the new INTV games." - Game Players for Nintendo Vol 3 #4 (pg 123). In GamePro's Pronews Report of 9/90 (pg 35): "INTV showed their first two titles, Monster Truck Rally and World Trophy Soccer (based on the popular computer title of the same name)." "We saw, heard, and played hundreds of games at CES, and we just don't have space to get to them all this time around. Here are a few new titles to whet your gaming appetites: ... World Trophy Soccer ..." - NP16 Pak Watch Gossip & Such Rumors (pg 95). "World Trophy Soccer is a translation of the popular arcade game and is being produced by INTV." - NP18 Pak Watch (pg 91). "If you enjoy soccer, or 'football' as it's called in the rest of the world, then you should get a kick out of this cart. It's your chance to join the USA's World Cup and Olympic team for world class soccer action as you dribble, pass, tackle, and shoot your way to victory." - PRO-Spts (pg 200). "It's time for the World Cup and INTV has brought all of the excitement of this fine sport to the NES. This simulation which is a direct translation of the popular arcade game features all of the real-to-life animation, multidirectional screen scrolling and accurately simulated types of kicks. Closeup views of the goals are copied from the arcade version and you can play either one, two, or now four players simultaneously! A wide variety of options let you practice or select a harder level." - EGM13 (pg 59). Thanks Adam L! (pics 2 - 5 too) "From Parker Brothers, watch for a new sports game, World Trophy Soccer." - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 96). $24 / $39: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Players Magazine May 1991 (pg 96). --- Released for Genesis. NES Planner "Coming Later" - NP18 (pg 92). Pix: All ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5
WWF Survivor Series (Acclaim)
"Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior are back along with 6 new stars in an improved wrestling sequel with new holds and moves and 2 and 3 player tag team action." - EGM13 (pg 68). Thanks Adam L! (pics too) --- WWF Survivor Series most likely became Wrestlemania Challenge. The screenshots look the same and both games had 8 wrestlers. Thanks Mark Riley! Pix: 1 ... 2
Xybots (Tengen)
"Tengen has four new titles: Super Sprint, Vindicators, Xybots, and Police Academy. Vindicators and Xybots are adaptations of hit arcade games. - Game Players Magazine Aug/Sep 1989 (pg 29). "Other arcade hits to become NES cartridges are Vindicators, Toobin', and Xybots." - VGCE March 1990 (pg 18). "Enter the deadly underground city of the Xybots and wipe out these metallic monsters. You prowl the corridors and use your trusty blaster to turn the never-ending wave of Xybot defenders into scrap metal. Superb animation and graphics make the action come alive. You get a unique 360-degree playfield: as you turn to face different directions in the game, your view rotates with you! You'll feel like you're actually inside the maze! Can human reflexes prevail against the relentless attack of robots gone mad? Only you can answer this question. Xybots. It's the final showdown between flesh and metal." Due March 1990. 1 player. - Video Game Quest (pg 3.28). "Is Xybots a commando shoot-em-up like Contra, or is it a science fiction maze adventure? Don't worry about figuring out the answer: it's both, and it also includes an unusual split screen mode that allows two players to compete at the same time. Before you even get to the Xybots, you'll have to meet, greet and defeat a host of other bad guys, including Saucers, Tanks, Warriors, Flies and Guardians. There are more than 25 levels in the way. You'll join Major Rock Hardy and Captain Ace Gunn, each with his own first-person view of the battlefield. If you want to play the game as a team, the second person can act as navigator through the maze." - UU1 (pg 311). "This first-person maze/shoot-em-up gathered little attention in the arcades due to the complexity of play. As an NES cart, however, Xybots offers lots to interact with, special rooms to explore, and the ability to rotate in 360 degrees and view all angles from your position. A hard game to convert." - EGM09 (pg 70). "... look for Xybots, a translation of the arcade hit that features mazelike combat action." - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 30). Video Game Land ad ($26.95) - Game Players Magazine Nov 1990 (pg 112). Pix: box ... 2
Yeah Yeah Beebiss I (?)
Play it Again ad - VGCE July 1989 (pg 92).
Zeta Gundam (Bandai)
"Your mission as Zeta Gundam pilot is to seek and destroy the evil 'core' at the center of the dark fortress before enemy titans overthrow the planet Earth! Time is running out!" - Fun Club News #7 Bandai Coming Attractions ad (pg 20). "Coming Soon... Oct. Zeta Gundam (Bandai/NES)." - Electronic Game Player July/Aug 1988 (pg 9). $15 / $28.95: buy/sell price in Play It Again ad - Game Players Magazine Nov 1989 (pg 124). $16 / $27: buy/sell price in Funco ad - Game Players Magazine March 1990 (pg 107). Pix: ad
Zombie Master/Hunter (Activision)
"Exploration and Adventure in the Land of the Living Dead. A journey through a terrifying underworld. Slash and blast your way through 8 enormous levels filled with biting, clawing, fire-breathing zombies. Build your character and collect swords, bombs and lightning bolts, plus treasure chests of magic and gold." - Activision ad in FCN7 (inside back cover). "Coming Soon... Sept. Zombie Hunter (Activision/NES)." - Electronic Game Player July/Aug 1988 (pg 9). $15 / $28.95: buy/sell price in Play It Again ad - Game Players Magazine Nov 1989 (pg 124). Released in Japan as Zombie Hunter. Thanks Urabahn! Pix: 1
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Last updated 10/28/02